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>Materials you'll need for extraction: >A glass jar with a watertight lid (widemouth Mason >jars work great) >A metal measuring cup with handle (2 cup capacity >recommended) >Bottle of 190 proof grain alcohol (If you have no clue >what that is Go to a store and pick up a bottle of >rubbing alcohol around 97-99% alcohol will do great) >Any quantity of pot, any strength (from a gram up to a >few ounces) >A 1' X 1' piece of sturdy cloth (t-shirt material >works fine) >An eye-dropper bottle (contact lens type bottles work >great) >The use of an ELECTRIC stove and its overhead fan >Step 1 >You'll need to chop up your weed and pick apart the >buds until it looks like grass clippings. Remove any >seeds, they have their own oils which we don't want. >Dump the powdered pot into the mason jar and pour in >just enough grain alcohol so the weed particles float >freely in the mixture. Place the lid securely on the >jar and shake a few times. >Let this mixture sit for a few hours, shaking it every >once in a while. The alcohol should have turned a dark >green color and when shaken should form colorful, oily >bubbles on top. >Place the sturdy cloth over the metal container and >press the cloth down to form a funnel. Carefully pour >the contents of the mason jar onto the cloth which is >in the metal cup. Make sure to get most of the weed >particles out of the jar. Gather up the edges of the >cloth and squeeze the remaining liquid out of the lump >of weed into the metal cup. >Step 1a >You should now have a quantity of dark green liquid in >your metal measuring cup. It is possible to extract >more THC oil from the remaining pot. I recommend >performing Step 1 a second time immediately after >completing it the first time. No sense throwing away >the good stuff. Dump the pot from the cloth back into >the mason jar and repeat step 1. You now have twice as >much liquid in your metal cup upon repeating the first >step. >Step 2 >Be sure to use an electric stove in this step! (If you >don't have one, read Step 2a) >Take the metal cup containing the green liquid over to >the stove. Turn one of the electric eyes on LOW >setting and place the metal cup on that burner. I >highly suggest using the fan over the stove to remove >the alcohol vapors during this entire step. Watch the >liquid closely. It should only boil slightly, never >raise the burner temperature above MEDIUM LOW. We need >the liquid to cook down until it's slightly thick. >This may take some time but be patient. >Once the liquid starts to thicken and turn darker, >remove it from the heat. Never let it get too thick or >it'll be too difficult to work with. If you do >accidentally make it too thick, just add a small >quantity of the grain alcohol to the metal cup and >swirl it around till it's thinner. >Let it cool down to room temperature inside the metal >cup. It should be runny enough to be poured into the >eye-dropper bottle easily. You now have your final >product: THC oil. It's necessary to have some grain >alcohol left in the resulting liquid so it's easy to >work with. This will not affect the potency of the >oil. >Step 2a > This part is for the people with gas stoves. Do not >use a gas stove to cook down alcohol! The vapors will >explode! You'll have to have patience to complete this >step. To get a final product just put the metal >container in a place where it won't be disturbed. The >alcohol will have to evaporate on its own. If at all >possible keep it in a slightly warm area with decent >ventilation. It may take days. >Once it's evaporated test to see if it's too thick. If >it is, pour a small amount of grain alcohol in the >metal cup and mix. Pour the liquid into your >eye-dropper bottle. >Smoking Instructions >(NOTE: When smoking this oil in any form, do not let >it come into direct contact with a flame. That >destroys much of the THC and defeats the purpose of >this whole project.) >You have the oil in the eye-dropper bottle and you're >ready to smoke some? Clean up your mess first. You >don't want to have to explain why a rag of wet >marijuana is lying on the kitchen table do you? Wash >out the jar, the metal cup, and throw away the cloth. >Throw away the weed too, it's useless. Use a >water/alcohol mixture to wash out the jar and cup. >Materials you'll need for smoking: >A 5" X 5" piece of aluminum foil >A Bic pen tube (take out all the stuff until it's >hollow) >A stationary flame source (a butane torch works best, >but you can use a candle, lighter, etc.) >The THC oil in the eye-dropper bottle >Make a "spoon" out of the aluminum foil. This takes >some practice but you'll get a design that works. Put >6-8 drops of the oil into the "spoon" and hold it >about 4" over the flame. It should begin to boil >slightly. Don't let it get too close to the flame just >yet. It'll cook down and turn very dark brown and >begin to make crackling sounds. Now you should lower >the spoon so the THC is directly over the flame. The >spoon is still face up, we're just really putting the >heat to it. Hold the Bic pen tube about 1" above the >dark brown area and inhale through the tube. You'll >see a white smoke come up from the dark area, this is >vaporized THC. Once you have a lungfull, remove the >spoon from the flame. You'll feel the effects almost >instantly. Exhale and place the spoon back over the >flame and inhale again. >Once you've smoked what's in the spoon, put a few more >drops in and repeat as many times as you want. On >occasion I've smoked so much at one time that all I >could do was lay on the floor with a stupid look on my >face. Also, I've noticed I get a bad case of "cotton >mouth," it's normal. >If you're a smoker, you can put a few drops into a >cigarette, let it dry, and feel free to catch a buzz >without the smell. > >Email me at if you have any >questions..