'The Game' Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Greenwich, Connecticut
XWF Debut:
6-7-03 (Steiner/Triple H v. Booker T
2nd Match:
Keith Hardin v. Triple H
Title History:

After hearing Keith Hardin’s words about him, talking about how he is nothing more than a name to add to the long list of rejects, how his name used to mean something. Maybe Keith Hardin is jealous of what Triple H will become in the XWF once again and he is the second man to be taken out by ‘The Game’. Perhaps Keith Hardin fears Triple H, all will be revealed in what has become known as XWF Blood Loss. Triple H sits in his hotel room at the end of his bed staring at a blank television set, contemplating every word that Keith Hardin said about him, trying to keep a straight face and not laugh about what a joke Hardin further made his name out to be. A knock is then heard at his hotel door as he gets up to answer it. Triple H opens his hotel room door and sees Jonathan Coachman standing there looking dumb as per usual, Triple H then invites him into his hotel room. Triple H takes a seat then as J.C. goes to take a seat, Triple H shakes his finger and glares a hole through him as though he wants to kill him for even thinking about sitting down in his hotel room. Triple H then looks back at Victoria who sound asleep after their ‘alone time’. Jonathan leans against the wall across Triple H as Triple H shrugs.

Hunter: “I suppose you’re here for a reason?” (Coach nods) “And that reason would be?”

Coach: “Well I wanted to know if I could get a quick interview. I mean I saw your light on so I figured you were just sitting around.”

Hunter: “Keep your damn voice down, can’t you see the woman is trying to sleep?” (Coach nods and then looks down at the floor) “And yes I did see Keith’s little promo, you were the one to ask him the questions am I correct in this assumption?” (Coach nods)

Coach: “What did you think about what Keith Hardin had to say about you?”

Hunter: (laughing quietly) “Not much really Coach, I’ve heard it all before. Keith Hardin thinks he’s something big for being the third man to do it all in the XWF, but then again you have to consider how he won the title Grand Slam? Who he beat to win most of those titles, I do believe he beat Tank for a good three of those championships. Keith Hardin beat the same man three different times I do believe, however he’s still Grand Slam Champion so he should be applauded for his accomplishments.” (coughs) “Excuse the sarcastic remarks towards Keith Hardin, but how can I respect a man who calls himself and athlete and hasn’t beaten the best there in the business today? Keith Hardin has his fair of wins, I’ll give him that Coach, but he hasn’t beaten the best in this business, how do I know that? Because he hasn’t beaten me! I am ‘The Game’ and as much as Keith Hardin wants to believe he’s more of a ‘Game’ than I am, it is simply not true. Keith Hardin is jealous of everything that I have and will be accomplishing. He fears that after I beat him I’ll be gunning for that Intercontinental Championship has draped over his shoulder.”

Coach: “With all due respect, Keith Hardin said this could have been a good match between two great athletes with nothing against the other, but then you had to go and open your big mouth and you then made it personal.”

Hunter: “This match was personal long before either of us opened our mouths, but I just raised the bar like I always do! Coach, I obviously have gotten into that small mind of Keith Hardin’s. It’s obviously easy to play mind games with a man who has so much crap going through his head at the moment. Coach, Jim Ross calls me the Cerebral Assassin for a damn good reason. I know how to get it done in the ring, not just with my physical ability and physical skill, but with my mind. Keith Hardin has played the hand that has been dealt to him and I have him beat, I hold the better hand. I will trump Keith Hardin and when I say I will trump him, I mean I will drive his head into the mat with the ‘Pedigree’ and pin him for the three count and have my hand raised in victory. I may even hold the Intercontinental Championship high above my head just to see how it feels to hold a title before I officially win it the show after because after I beat Keith Hardin, I will challenge that championship.” (smiles deviously) “That is unless he feels lucky and puts the belt on the line like a true fighting champion he supposedly is, but I don’t believe he will, I don’t believe Keith Hardin is man enough to put his Intercontinental Championship on the line against me.”

Coach: “You really don’t show any compassion do you Triple H?”

Hunter: “Where in the wrestling business is there room for compassion, Coach? As a matter a fact I’ve shown too much by giving you this much of my time. So Coach, get the hell out of my site before I demonstrate on you what I plan on doing to ‘Homicidal’ Keith Hardin Saturday on Blood Loss in front of every single XWF wrestling fan and Keith Hardin fan! Coach, it’s Time To Play The Game.”

Coach sees himself out as Triple H walks into the bathroom before turning it in for the night. The scene cuts off to black.

Eating Breakfast

The scene reopens to Triple H sitting in the local Denny’s enjoying a stack of pancakes, some bacon, and some eggs over easy. Triple H looks across the table with a smile on his face to his beautiful ‘girlfriend’, of sorts; Victoria. Victoria is eating just a couple of eggs and a strip of bacon. Triple H doesn’t even bother to persuade her to eat more because he knows women do as they please most of the time, instead he just enjoys his meal and being with her.

Victoria: “So you have a match with the Intercontinental Champion.” (Triple H nods) “This win could get you a shot soon at that title.”

Triple H: “That’s what I’m thinking too, Vicky. Hell that’s what I know for a fact, I am The Game after all. It’s only a matter of time before that Intercontinental Champion of Keith Hardin’s is around my waist instead of his. You don’t get to be known as the Cerebral Assassin without knowing how to Play the Game.”

Victoria: “Keith called you just another name on the long list of XWF wastes, I can’t believe he called you that. I certainly don’t think you’re a waste.” (smiles seductively)

Triple H: ”Yeah well don’t let him get to you, he’s only trying to get inside my head before the show, which it’s obviously not working seeing as how I’ve not shaken a nerve since he gave his little promo with Coach.”

Victoria: “Speaking of Coach, was he in our room last night giving you a late night interview? I thought I heard you talking to him, or somebody for that matter.”

Triple H: “Yeah reports like him and Michael Cole always have the worst timing. He better be glad I was in a good mood, you know why.” (smiles) “Or I might have not even given him an interview, let alone let him into our room. I did tell him to be quiet so he didn’t wake you.”

Victoria: (smiles) “That was thoughtful of you.”

Triple H: “Yeah well you’re one of the only people I think of besides myself and my career. “

Victoria: “Well I’m glad I can be apart of your life, Hunter.”

The two finish their breakfast and their conversation as the scene fades out then cuts off to black.