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The scene opens up to a hallway inside the XWD arena where you can see XWD Superstar Spectacular Scott Balics chillen against a wall sitting down reading a magazine of WuW...He is looking through the pages totally disgusted and looking at the pictures of their women and gagging. He finally gets to a page and stops and smiles and taps the page...

SSb: That's my boy right there, Brian Graves tearing it up in WuW as I thought he would be, re-united with his home boy Ryan Dice, just like things should be done

Scott flips through some more of the pages when suddenly a young man walks up to him in the hallways and hovers above him as he's reading the paper...SSb glances up and sees the kid staring at him and quickly jumps away...

SSb: What the hell are you doing ass toad, quite standing above me like that man, your gonna infest me with some Chicago germs or something, you know where this city's been?

The kid looks confused and shakes his head

Mike: No sir you don't understand, my name is Mike Barker and I'm new here to the XWD, I was thinking of finding an up and coming superstar to be his personal interviewer, are you interested?

SSb: Up and Coming? Come on Junior don't you know who the hell I am? I'm Spectacular Scott know what else? I'm SSb! And if you didn't hear me the first two times, I'm SSb!

Mike stands there looking at SSb as if he's retarded...

Mike: What are you doing?

SSb: I probably sound pretty stupid don't I?

Mike: Yes you do

SSb: Well go tell that to Miracle on 34th Street or whatever his freaking name is Jimmy James who says his freaking name 100 times a promo! Did you ever think you would see such an annoying thing take place in all your life? I mean the ass clown sits there over and over again saying "I'm The Miracle Jimmy James and if you weren't sure what my name is, I'll tell you again, I'm The Miracle Jimmy let me talk shit about my opponents, you guys suck, My names Jimmy James!" Do you get my point here Mike? The guy is a moron and he's nothing more than a mediocre wrestler who's finally making his shot into the big leagues and thinks because he can sit around and mention his name fifteen times that it's going to be imprinted into the minds of all these morons in Chicago Illinois and maybe they will give him some respect because he knows good and well he's not going to get it by his wrestling talent...he's a giant waist of good wrestling space, I mean he's booked in this match against me right? And he comes out there and talks all the shit he wants to in his first promo, about his name. I mean it's almost as if he's wrestling himself he talks about him so damn much, you'd think he'd spend time talking about his opponents right? And he can't even come back with some bullshit excuse like "oh well they never got off their asses and cut promos". Dude I would have but I was in a state of shock that someone possibly could say their name so many freaking times. I mean it was bad enough when I watched you sit back and do you introduction paragraphs. It's like going to a bad rap concert and all they do is stand on stage and go "Yo it's Run DMC.... and if you didn't know, I'm Run DMC" They were run DMCrappy if you ask me...just like The Little Engine that couldn't over here Jimmy James is going to fall a little short this week at Adrenaline...cause he's going to hope and pray to get his grubby little hands on that World Title or hell the freakin North American title for all his pathetic ass cares about...

Mike: Well he did certainly like to say his name a lot...

Well the guy is obviously in love with himself, his ego doesn't quite fit the description, I mean have you seen the guy? He's like a mix between an freakin road runner and...well Road Runner's ass to be quite honest, it's freakin nasty, it's like he fell down the bowels of sucktitude and can't quite find his way out! I mean it's totally pissing me the hell off watching him day after day come out with his perky little attitude prancing around all the time speaking his name, telling everyone who he is, talking to random people...I mean come on people, I could sit here all day long and simply talk about how much he says his name, cause that's all he did in his entire promo, he didn't chose to talk shit about anybody but Jeff Lawson and Hardcore Smitty...who I will talk about later...but as for the time being Miracle of 34th Street is going to have to come to the realization that he's just another bitch that needs to get something spectacular, and if you ask me Mikey...

Mike: Mike, it's Mike sir not...

SSb: Rule 1 Mikey, I'm always right...

Mike stands there confused

SSb: Rule 2, don't question I was saying...

Mike: But I...

SSb stops and glares are Mike...

SSb: Mikey, your breaking rule number two...

Mike sighs and puts his head down...

Mike: Okay...

SSb: Good boy. Anyways let's get back to business shall we?

SSb turns and starts walking down the hallway as Mike Barker is slow to follow behind him...

SSb: First things first though about Jimmy James beyond the fact he loves to say his name, he loves to let the obvious facts slip away from his grip and fail to realize what's in front of him, how about you do some research buddy boy? I mean you sit back and you talk about how nobody in this match is anything, and how everyone is just sitting around acting like a bunch of moron’s right? Well I will agree with you, most of these damn worthless rejects came here from that shit hole in the UK called WuW, they sit there and they can't cut it so they come here...but what do they expect? Guys like Jeff Lawson can't cut it at my level, and quite frankly Little Jimmy, neither can you...XWD is sitting on a gold mine right now as we speak Jimmy, but to your shock and everyone else's, it has nothing to do with your freakin miracles or whatever, it seems to me that all your "Miracles" are going to fall a little short this year, I mean you try SO HARD to put out something half way decent but it all blows up in your face...I've seen guys like you throughout my entire career, guys like you who slip and sleek through life on the soul basis that you think you look good, or you think you are a good wrestler or what not, I mean you come out here and you think that your the shit right? Well I think that you're shit, nothing more, and nothing less. You haven't impressed me yet and until you put out something worth listening to I might as well put your shit on pause and leave the damn room cause it's wasting my time. I came to XWD because I was told that I would be getting the best competitors and not nothings like Nasty Nick Toscano and Psycho, whom I constantly beat down in ECWL...but your right Jimmy, this isn't ECWL and we sure as hell aren't going to resort to the bullshit that they captured in this last in XWD we are going to strive to be what they could never amount to, and how well do you think it will go over if we have a champion who's fixation is souly on telling the world who he is? When in all reality the only name that people are going to be calling is Blake Armstrong to cut your damn contract or give you less on air time because you my friend are a freaking moron...nuff said bitch, step down your throne has been taken by The Spectacular One and Only...The One True Hardcore Icon...

Mike: Is that what you call yourself?

SSb gives Mike a disgusted look...

SSb: That's what everyone calls me and what everyone will call me after they see what I'm capable of this Sunday at Adrenaline Rush...

The two continue to walk until they reach SSb's locker room...they both walk inside as Scott reaches into the fridge and grabs a water and starts putting his clothes in his bag...

Mike: But you do realize that there are more wrestlers in this match than Jimmy James right?

SSb stops putting his clothes away and smiles...

SSb: Oh I know, I'm not going to be a dumbfuck like Jimmy James and simply name off the guys who have talked, just because someone doesn't talk the minute after the card has been posted simply to stick his head up Blake's ass, doesn't mean they aren't going to talk, it just means that he's desperate, but I do understand there are more than two men in this match, even though I have a funny feeling it's only going to be two people that matter in this fed, let alone this Sunday

Mike: SSb and Jimmy James...

SSb looks shocked...

SSb: Hell no. SSb and his ego punk!

Mike just shakes his head as SSb smiles...

Dude the other men in this match aren't even going to matter. I mean what have they done so far huh? Jeff Lawson brought his crippled ass to the arena and cut some halfway decent promo right? I mean he talked about how he's going to sign a contract and how he's going to be the only person who matters and yada yada yada and all that good junk right?

Mike: No actually, Jeff just kind of roamed around like an idiot and said pretty much pointless junk...given it was his intro promo, but I've heard this guy sucks...

SSb: I like the way you think and do research kid, it'll get you a long way in this place, trust me. But about that, your damn right it does, I mean he didn't do shit in his intro promo but saw "Hi my name is Jeff Cameron" or some stupid name like that and then said "But you know me as Jeff Lawson"...that's great, you can say your name, you know what Jeffrey you should team up with...what's his name I already forgot, he didn't say it enough times...oh yeah that's right Jimmy "Miracle of 34th Street" James! How could I forget! Jeff as a good friend of mine would say, "If your mother would've loved your father, she would've swallowed you!"

Mike stands around confused as SSb sits very pleased with himself...

Mike: What does that mean?

SSb: I don't know, but it sounds cool and I'm sticking with it!

Mike: Whatever works, not doubting you...

SSb: Man your catching on quick, but anyways let's get back on the subject...for the first and probably the last time you'll ever hear me say this, but I agree with Jimmy James on something...

Mike: You do?

SSb: Yeah...Blake and Smitty are both retarded. All they have done is talk about their contracts being signed and how they are going to align together or some bullshit junk like that you know...but in the real, I've seen Hardcore Smitty go from a no talent loser in WXW winning TV titles and doing nothing shows over and over again hoping to get his name recognized for the soul fact that maybe one day he'll be good enough to make it to the world title level with the help from staff...well that day came, but he doesn't have the staff to thank, oh no see when he became the first XWD World Champion of all time, he did it against no talent nothings...the only person who was meaningful in that whole tournament was Rollin' Ryan Dice who got rightfully screwed out of any chance he ever had in becoming something good in the states, you guys took that shit away from him and screwed him over, you forced a good man to live in the shittiest country around beyond Canada. But that just opened the door for nothings like Hardcore Smitty, Mr. Sensation, DJ Hype and Cliff to make it in the tournament, I remember watching the final match on PPV at my home in Seattle, Washington almost disgusted at the fact that this man was going for the world title, a man who barely cut it in the TV title division was going for World Gold, how sad was that? But those were times ago in the old XWD, during it's first and let me just say very unsuccessful run, but that's neither here nor there, this is XWD2, the second time around and we're not going to follow the same path as ECWL and that's going to be because there is a new general in town. There are no Rollin' Ryan Dice's, Extreme Legend Brian Grave's, no Phantom's or Ghosts, no Arnold Layne's or Kid Galahad's...Sean Grave's isn't even getting out of his damn business suit and wrestling anymore, so that leaves the path wide open...a path that is going to be paved by guys like myself, not half bit jerkoffs who have the name SMITTY...I mean come on who in gods name would ever contemplate, let alone following through with calling their kid SMITTY. It's beyond me...

Mike: What about Blake Rozdale?

SSb: Like I said about Blake, the guy hasn't impressed me before so why should he impress me know? I watched tapes of him in WuW and to be quite honest, he does hold a submission victory over me when he injured my shoulder forcing me to tap out, and don't think I haven't forgotten about that night. I showed up to cut one half assed promo and to go to the doctor's to get my shoulder checked on, I get cleared, but barely to compete in the ring and what happens? I get into a submission match and get a crossface put on me forcing me to tap out and almost ending my career, but I'm not a punk bitch and I didn't go out like one, so I kept at it and look where it's gotten me, a chance to become a champion this Sunday Night...and I will do so, I'm not going to sit around and bullshit with you, I want to win, I'm not going to win by doing 15 promo's from now until Sunday like I suspect Jimmy James to do, or perhaps what Blake will do, I'm going to win this out of my own damn skill...

Mike: That's a rarity...

SSb: Tell me about it...

SSb then tosses all his shit in his bag and zips it up and downs his water real fast. He then throws it in the garbage can and heads out the door being followed by Mike...

Mike: What about Alex Storm? And Kripplin Khris Knox...

Oh you mean the big goofy guy who looks like a Troll on crack? And the guy who's initials spell KKK? Those two morons are two of the same kind and can do whatever the hell they want to, I have never heard of either of them even though KKK over there I heard is pretty tough, I hear he's a true badass...I'm not sure about this Alex Storm guy, he seems to be a big pushover from what I've heard of, but then again he could come out and totally kick my ass, that's the beauty of wrestling. I mean for some freakin accident of the world Jimmy James might be able to do something better than say his own name and he might hand me my ass and make me eat my words, it's happened before. But at the rate things are going right now, and after watching like Jimmy said no one cut any damn promo's, and I want to say that about Jimmy to, cause what he did I don't even know if you should count those POS's as promo's, but hell he probably already has a grip on Blake Armstrong's balls so who knows what the outcome will be...

SSb then hooks a quick left and reaches the two double doors as he is about to walk out he stops and turns around to Mike Barker...

SSb: Mike, they call Chicago The Windy City right?

Mike nods

SSb: Well this Sunday there is going to be a hellacious storm warning that is going to blind side the Chicago area, and my friend, it's going to be a Spectacular One...

With that said SSb nods at Mike and then turns out the doors as the scene fades to black...