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Welcome to the new and improved Spencermania... "new and improved" meaning that I have rewritten this main little text block thing... and that means that I have to re-introduce myself to the people that didn't read the old text block.
I'm a high school student studying art, who plans to make art part of his career in the future. My favourite kind of music is punk/metal/alternative/weird al type stuff, and in my spare time I either draw, or work on this website.
So there... You now know everything there is to know about me. Ever.. The End. Or is it? Yes it is. But was it really the end? We'll let you decide. By the way, it was.
Oh yeah I'm a huge Simpsons junkie so expect to see a lot of that junk on here, too. The End. By the way, Observative is NOT a word, Ben... I don't care what Webster's says.
Bravery is Seldom more that Stupidity without Consequence
Emotional commitment in a relationship is a lot like speed on a snowboard. It's scary at first, and if you fuck up and get hurt, it's probably gonna be awhile before you do it again.
Atkins is a crock. FAT doesn't come from CARBS. FAT comes from FAT. Everyone knows that, but as soon as a SCIENTIST goes against it, we can't wait to follow him, because SCIENCE says so! What next? All we need now is a scientist to tell us exercise causes undo stress, and what we really need is a long peaceful rest on the couch, and some television to stimulate brain activity; how bout math causes cancer? Yeah, and fruit gives you pimples! Lets get all the crock scientists to tell us what we should really do, and we'll never be wrong, because science said so. Atkins makes me sick.
Working on art on the computer... that's going pretty well... check out my artwork section, especially page two...because that has been renovated recently... umm... anyone wondering about the naked coffee thing should go to and don't blame me for any psychological trauma you may experience for any reason whatsoever...(I don't say that often enough) and... everyone can stop holding their breath, any confusions there may have been in the past about the counter have now been resolved, and everyone can just go back to living their everyday lives now. yay, mediocrity!
I've made a discouraging discovery. Every time I update this site, the counter goes back to zero. So whatever number is there, add 312. And yes, i have and unhealthy fixation on the counter and what it says about me as a person.
In other news, Seeing Red, the best thing I have ever worked to create, is now online for the world to see. Go see it!
Okay, so I've been gone two months, get off my back, I've had a lot of work to do... beating Mario Brothers 3, writing a new story.... eating, sleeping, yeah it's pretty hectic around here, I tell ya. I have also discovered that online comics are pretty common, and hilarious! I plan to be working on the site more, even though I say that everyday, about everything... in the meantime, check out and
Umm, I haven't been rennovating the site much on account of I didn't much feel like it, but rest assured there will be a new section coming that has pictures I drew... And unless it was just a wonderful dream I thought the counter used to be at 200, and now it's at 80... so people must have been 'un-visiting' the site or something...oh well this internet is too complicated for me anyways... hence, I'm using Angelfire Basic... so watch for the drawings section, possibly coming soon.
This just in... Missy rocks. It's not like she asked me to put that in or anything... 2 things to look for on Spencermania in the future- a fan club (woo) and a link to Max's site, the Waldor... once I figure out how to do that. Anything else worth noting? Umm... just that, if you have fifty cents lying around, and want to read a comic, why not send me an order in Xtreme comiX? -I'm Done.
News: 1/12/03
Well, Spencermania-mania is catching on pretty well, i haven't checked the "thinger that tells how many ppl have been on the site", yet, but my predictions are in the twenties by the end of the week, and only about half should have been by me. Well, since you obviously have nothing else to do, wanna hear about my day? OK, well I went snowboarding on Baden Hill for a few hours, and I'm getting to the point where I don't suck much. Anyone want to go snowboarding? Email me, or call me if you know it. But I'm not putting my phone number on the Internet. Bad experiences with Speakers Corner... well, I think that's it... besides that I've got one order for an Xtreme comiK so far, keep em coming! I'm Out-

feel free to click on any and all links below... hence it's the sections of my website

My Story Synopsies

Xtreme comiX Section

Fans Section- Spencermaniax

Artwork Section

Seeing Red (my story)

These Sites Will R0xx0R UR B0xx0RZ

Bolt-A good chat site, even though I never go there anymore. The first time my friend asked me if I was on Bolt, i thought it was some kind of drug. So go there.
System's site-Go here, too. because it rocks. and so do I. And so does Sharon.
HSR-who can resist the irresistibility of the strongbad emails?
SFDT-And not even I, being the pacifist that I am, can resist a good animated beating.
lee7 5P34k!n Th!nG-For those of u handicapped in the leet department here's a handy anyone can be a nerd.
The Waldor- Max's site. Be there AND be square!
Avril Lavigne hate. If you don't hate her now, you will after hearing her rendition of Chop Suey
Liz's kick-@$$ site... haven't been there yet, but I assume it's awesome.
Just in case you have a mac, and need game boy emulators...
You send in picture titles,I think up a title, Ben draws it, and posts it on the site. Best site ever... (second best)
This site will enlarge your penis or breasts as your gender dictates.
Jess' site. An awesome artist, and cool person. She draws furries, including me as a lion :)
