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December 2004


Greetings friends and family!


We continue to love our life in sunny California but wish we could see more of our loved ones. Traveling is less frequent these days, though we managed a week-long trip to Honolulu, Hawaii in July for a professional conference. One of the boons of having Dan’s parents in the same profession was that they came there also. We had a great time with them and Jared, exploring beaches, shaved ice, the aquarium and zoo, and Bea’s bodysurfing! August took us briefly to San Jose to see Bowling Green friends Bill Bachman (and family) and Shawn Lucas. Then in September we flew to Vermont to spend time with Trina’s sister’s family and grandparents. Grandpa turned 93 in October and was so delighted to see all the great grandkids in one fell swoop!


Jared turned two in November. He started at a new daycare in September. The transition from his beloved nanny was rough, but now he loves his friends, teachers, and pizza day! He sings songs from school and brings home art all the time, which we love!! His favorite activities are jumping off the couch, taking picnics of wooden vegetables up into the papa san chair, reading books, hugging Buff, and playing soccer, t-ball and tennis. He still has a loving, fun nature, and aside from resistance to getting into the car seat, few signs of the terrible twos. The explosion of talking amazes us daily.


Dan had a junior leave semester. Although on leave, he was at his office daily and still participating in student advising, research, and several search committees. The time has flown by and soon he’ll be back at the head of the class teaching Abnormal Psychology and a seminar in Forensic Psychology.


Trina has continued her professional ups and downs. There was a long hiatus from one post-doc after the supervisor resigned. She filled her time teaching Cognitive Neuroscience at Scripps College, submitting two journal articles, and studying for (and passing – yea!) the national exam for Clinical Psychology licensure. In the fall, she has been a therapist at the counseling center serving the Claremont colleges. Loving the change, but also excited to return to rehabilitative neuropsychology at Casa Colina in January. Both Trina and Dan have managed to make time with Jared a priority, and afternoons have provided special bonding time for all! Saturday coed soccer games have continued, offering opportunities both for exercise and for Jared to practice yelling “go mama, go dada, kick ball” from the sidelines. 



Buff, of course, remains our beloved affection and protection hound. We’ve decided she is a yellow lab – vizla mix and wish we were in the breeding business! She can often be found lying on the back step in the sun – as though she recalls those snowy DC days.


We would love to hear from you or visit with you! Management is taking a break from political (the horror the horror) or environmental (antibacterial products, bad) commentary this year, and just wishes you the best life has to offer.


Pictures from left below are: Us at Ben and Jerry's factory in VT in September, Buff in papa san chair, the three of us this Christmas, Jared on his stuff giraffe, and Jared with cousins Erik and Megan Lagerquist in Vermont.