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Hope is a thing with feathers, or so I'm told

Look! It's me as a south park character!

Post the First

Alright, simple enough...i wanted to be cool like all of my friends and make a sight too...yes i broke into peer pressure. It will not be long until i start smoking, having random unprotected sex with dogs, and download AIM. God, i dread the day that i download AIM. The day i become yet another one of the corporate spawn Americans on-line.

Cowboy BeBop is on. Oh joy. I know these series by the episode despite the fact i do not have satellite or cable. This is because my parents rented the entire series on DVD through Net Flix (a neat system by the way, i recommend you look it up). Currently showing on adult swim is the episode about Spike's really old lobster diner that infects the drew with nasty mode nastiness. I was hoping it would be the mushroom episode though, because Robin has yet to see it and that happens to be the episode that everyone refers to when she mentions she likes the show. The poor dear. It is such a kick ass show, to bad the movie sucked so bad...all i ever wanted was to see Faye's boobs. And they should have been there! They TOTALLY moved her nipples...or she doesn’t have any...maby they froze off or something.

The TV wants me to by ROC writers because apparently i'm to inept to put three different colored markers in my hand and draw a straight line. NO. I need to buy a marker that does it for me. And of course it comes with a convenient carrying case for me to wow the superficial kids that live across the street. Because, of course, i do not have the mental capacity to through a bundle of markers in a bag with some paper. And who DOESN’T need and instruction booklet. Apparently i don't know how to draw rainbows with my new pre-grouped markers. I need step by step instructions on this complicated process. And i need to pay 3 easy payments of 13.95 for this amazing set up too. And so do you. Just like you need to download AIM. DO IT! GIVE IN!


Post the Second

So i made an aquatence of mine look at my site, because i am oh so proud of it and all, and he said it gave no clue as to my gender (i know him only over the internet and i have yet to directly tell him my gender, you see) and i find this rather funny. Isn't it nice in this day and age that the sexes have melded together so well that it is hard to determine them with out hearing the voice or seeing the face? (even then...i see some pretty neat people up here in the sticks) i personally love this. Then again, i also love homosexuals, transsexuals, and cannibals.


Post the Third

I just got back from Yvonnes. And by just i mean about and hour ago. Corey was GMing his GURPS game, it's full of piraty fun. MY CHARACTER LOST HIS ARM! His left arm to be specific. Now, one might assume that i be upset over this, because of all the impending negative effects. But it is quite the opposite. I am rather excited about the whole thing. Truman (yes that is his name) lost it in a battel against a giant spider, under orders to pilage this little town. Now, Truman is usually pretty empithetic and while he will fight, he does not exactly take huge pleasure in the killing. He is a scholar at heart. Now i think i can toughen him up a bit and give him a reason to enjoy the heat of battle. Yay! Plus, the irony is great. See, first, one of his guns jamed and the bullet back fired (i made an uber bad role) there for ruining the gun. But then, he lost and arm too, so it all worked out! ...It was not a good day for poor Truman.

In other news i am going back to work tomarrow. I took a week off in order to enjoy my summer vacation at least a little before going into the 40 hour work force. It was a good week, and i consider it to have been a good decision all in all. Despite the fact i will not be reciveing a check this week. I love work though, strange as that may sound. You see, i have one of the very best jobs any high schooler can land. In a book store, in a college town no less. Super great, expecially because i read more often then i eat (i actaully calculated that once).

Last night i wondered; i have not dedicated my self to any particular religion, nor have i dedicated my self to any particular these two things have any relation at all.

I later decided that there is no real conection.


Post The Fourth

My father made glop for dinner tonight, also known as american chop-sewy. Yes, i know i didn't spell that one right. Its delisious and has the cuteist little noodles in it. I wish you had some you could enjoy too. But you don't. Sucks to your ass-mar.

I plan on going to college in New Orleans. There are several reasons for this; while i love to the small town life and all, i belive i should re-aquaint myself with city life for at least a few years (i used to live in Providence RI) if only to remind myself WHY i love the small town life. Also, i love Poppy Z. Brite ( click here to learn more about my favorite author and even read some of her work) and much of her work is based in the city, so i have been drawn to her alure. Also, i think Loyola U. would be a damn good place for my studies. It is quite the chalenge, moveing so far away. The statistic is somthing crazy like 80% of highschoolers that go out of New England for college end up comeing back with in a year. This is understandable because New England is like it's own little world, it is safe here. I don't want to be a statistic (not to repeat a cliche or anything) and want to feel condfident in a total culture shot. Now, the point of my dictating these plans is this: i am looking for a pen pal who lives in New Orleans in hopes of learning more about the city and perhapse forming some conections for when i actually move there. Yes, i thought i was a good idea myself. So, if you are a highschooler, or about that age, and would be interested in becomeing said pen pal, please e-mail me! (the e-mail is at the bottom of the page)^_^


Post the Fifth

Each person needs somone else to speak to. Especially at the delicate, horomone filled time of teenage years. Most find comfort in there friends. Some, but few, in there parents or other family members. But what if thier problems and anxiety come FROM thier friends and family? What if they feel they have no one to talk to? Save but perhapse one person? And consider then, the possibity that every one was able to find confidence and comfort in that one friend? That would be good, yes? That friend would feel usefull and helpfull and be about to comfort and advise all those around him/her. Knowing this, consider the question: where does that one go when they feel the presures of not only thier own life, but all those they care about?


Post the Sixth

I have decided to start a fundraiser so that i look good in the eyes of the enviromentalist helpy-helper types. The Hugs For Homeless Gay Retarded Stillborn Baby Whales association (HFHGRSBW for short) intends on colecting enogh money to find these poor creatures of ultimate bad luck and give them a hug. Why a hug you ask? Because by the time we find them, the money will be gone, and realy all anyone needs is a hug. Right? We have managed to find rumors of one, his name is Skippy and he definetly needs a hug. So donate you bastartds! How dare you enjoy your fancy computer while you know that there are Homeless Gay Retarded Stillborn Baby Whales that are without the warm comfort of a hug? So send me your money so that i can hire people to rule over, then send them money so they can go find Skippy's brethren. Do it! If you don't you have not concience!


Post the Seventh

This be the 4th of July! Hooray! This is the day the americans celibrat the takeing over or this great land, when the empire of honkey-ism swooped in and relieved the natives from the responsibility of ruleing the savege land. And what better way to celebrate this great day then with meat and explosions?! Happy rape and pilage day! May your arteries clog and your fingers be singed! God Bless America!?


Post the Eighth

While rideing home with my friend Georgia this night, she explained a philosophy to me. I am going to do my best to repeat it acuratly, but she said alot, so forgive me Georgia if i mar your words. She believes that the male is made to respect, be respected, and strive for respect. While the female loves, is loved, and strives for love. She said that in her ideal relationship, the female must strive to respect the male, and the male to love the female. In doing this they will create a balence for eachother whil they learn from eachother. With this balence the male will be able to make decisions for the pair in the best interests of the female and the female will be able to nurture. I found this to be a wonderful interesting and insightful philosophy and is said to her "you should put that in a book or somthing" and she said the me "it's allready in lots of books. it's in the Bible."?


Post the Nineth

Yvonne likes to buy this lovely pinapple afiliated juice stuff, and i love it so. I drank a good amount of it the past week, despite the fact that i am alergice to the acid of pinapples. I enjoyed it, but now i have cancor sour under my lip right next to my snaggle tooth. A friend of my mother's, Kat, sugested i put a baby asperain on top if it and alow it to disolve. I'm giving it a try and it is makeing my lip tingle/numb. I am not sure if that is a good sign or not.

I re-formated my site and took Yvonne's sugestion of switching colors in my posts, i think it looks pretty spiffy.

Georgia and i are haveing another fun times theology discussion. And by disscusion i mean my lissening to her. I love religion so much, i have the highest respect for believers and and even higher respect for the teatchers and the teatchings that change peoples's lives, the world even. I love to hear it all discussed.


Post the Tenth

So i finaly broke down and got AIM, in hopes of better conecting with friends. This new opotunity for conection has not, however, relived any of the impending, dpressing lonliness. I am one of the sad many that have buried themselves in work and are now trying to re-conect with tecnology. But it just isn't working. And i don't think it ever will.


Post the Eleventh

I just received a call from a Ms Kate O'Connor. She called to inform me, at 9am mind you, that she would take my shift today so that i could go to a movie with my family in order to celebrate my father's 34th birthday. I feel guilty rather then grateful, wich is my usual reaction to someone going out of thier way for me. I had called last night and left a measage, asking for this favor, but still i feel guilty. I think i would even if she offered for no reason. I had when Shuhana offered to give me a ride into work...hmmmm...well this is what counceling is for!

Speaking of counceling, i have finaly come to terms with the fact that mine may actually teach me somthing, that i'm not just there for a light conversation, i'm a little scared and little excited. So far, no diognoses and not drugs!

It is also Mary's birthday today, and though i know she has no acces to a computer, i will still wish her a happy day on this humble little site. Happy B-Day love.

So, as i usualy tend to do, i am over loading myself again. I cut back on my hours in order to do homework, but then started planing an AD&D game, and i'm going back to karate monday(asumeing everything goes acording to plan). I feel the need to fill my life with activity, because when i get bored i get depressed, i need to distract myself from that, really. It is a common practice, i know, for most people to do this, fill thier life and run on little sleep. But not so much in my age group. Ho Hum.


Post the...i can't spell it so now we will convert to numbers...12th

I think it is safe to say that anyone who has spent any sugnifigant amount of time on the internet has tried cybering at least once. Admit it, now savor that admision and write it down. Now fashon it into a earing, pierce yourself, and read Toni Morrison's The Song of Solomon and tell me that Pilate is not a reasonable female name!

Cyber Sex is an interesting thing, in a very boreing sort of way. Because contrary to popular beliefe it is not only the sad fat men that can not get any that do it. Mothers do it, high school quarter backs, even that teatcher you acutally respect has probly done it once or twice. Some do it because thier bored, some because they realy can't get any, some to explore the boundaires of thier own imagination without the embarasment or danger of reality.

But be warey children, for like most other things that exsist in the world of the interenet, it is fun, it is safe, but it will never be as much fun as the real thing. Thinking about ramming a carot up your boyfriend's ass will never be as much as actually doing it. Take that to heart.


Here are the links to all of the other random web pages that this one is indirectly related too. You probly won't find much relation besides common names mentioned. But you should visit anyway. Do it!

This is robins...kinda rambling...its kinda like a fun time frustraightion puzzle!

Here be Jesse's...he wants to lick vaginas. Its a sweet sight. Sweet as in cute and nice.

Alex's...the mother of all these little rambling sites. Be sure to keep your children and small dogs at a safe distance. There is danger of random brain implosion.

This is Yvonne's site, it's litterate and well organized. Unlike the rest of ours.It was recently moved because her old one was deleted for unknown reasons

And here is Corey fat faces's...pardon it's ultima queerness, he is only a freshman after all.

This be Georgia. Our views may not corespond, but i certainly recomend takeing a look at her side of the story. if one thing can be said for this girl, she stick to her guns!

Three reasons I can't spell.
