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All buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but the one mind, beside which nothing exists.This mind,which is without beginning or end is indisditructible.It has neither form or appearance.It does not belong to the catagories of things which exist or do not exist,nor can it be thought of in terms of new or old.It is neither long or short big or small, for it transcends all limits, mesures,names,traces and comparisons.It is what you see before you-begin to reason about it and you at once fall into error.The one mind is the buddha, and there is no distinction between buddhas and sentient things,but that sentient things are attached to form and so seek extenally for buddhahood and by there very seeking loose it - for that is using buddha to seek buddha and mind to grasp mind!

The Buddha addressed Subhūti, saying, "Bodhisattva-mahąsattvas should thus subdue their minds: 'Where there is every single sort of sentient being; whether egg-born, womb-born, water-born, or born of transformation; whether having form or formless; whether having thought or no thought; whether neither having thought nor no thought; I will cause all to enter the non-residual Nirvąna, liberating them. Thus liberating the measureless, countless, and boundless sentient beings, in reality there are no sentient beings attaining that liberation.' And why? Subhūti, if a bodhisattva has the image of a self, the image of a person, the image of beings, or the image of a soul; then he is not a bodhisattva