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Paradox Haven


"Life in its simplest form is exploitation"

                                                                                                                                                    -Friedrich Nietzsche-


Shhhh...can you hear them? They are coming for me....                  


I thought it was over now. How could I have been so wrong?


Do you even want to know, N'Kari? Know who you really are?


From the Wasteland to Debello Sabbatum

The darkness  consumes. Are you ready?

    Invoke Me   

        At the time of man's creation, I already knew that I was to live in exile.  My earliest memory extending before Genesis, but first breath of true remembrance came in the time that they referred to as the Victorian age.  From first memory to now, I have lost much, from my ability to harvest long term compassion to my ability to wield my mind with any certainty of sanity. I do know this however.  My ember eyes burn with two desires. One for the love of the collar, to enslave the animals of this world and make them see the world in how it was originally meant to be (Don't ask how I know God's intent...I can simply feel in my bones that HE had designed us for a purpose beyond what is written).  The second desire is to rediscover my past.  Inch by inch those memories return, from the lessons I learned from Nietzsche and Seneca to harsher lessons learned from Vlad Teppes and Caligula. to  Can you imagine waking every day to the perfect illusion of screams and tortured souls that plea for you to save them? This is my gift, that I am unsure I even earned.  But I, unlike many others, have not only survived my diseased mind, but have actually thrived! Do you want to take a glimpse into my mind?  Here....Allow me to show you.

Do not pity me, I enjoy the madness and melancholy associated with my dreams.

Thus it was written in the testament that predates Christianity:

"Hope in Sadness, Peace in Madness"



    Fall Deeper into Sabbatum                   The Market Streets                                  The Collar


                     Tizona and The Order of the Tides                               A preview of Storyline

 The Other Side Of The Moon: RP guideline





((My prayers to you all, to Selene, my heart ))

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