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~Pictures Of Me~

This is a page with just a bunch of pictures of me, I'll add other's of friends on another page. Enjoy and don't laugh to much

Me Looking Like And Idiot

If your wondering what's up with this pic, I'll let you know, It had been a long day at work, no one wanted to be there, My friend Shantae had been taken pictures so they told me to stick out my tongue and let her take a pic, so I did and here you see it. ~lol~ This one even made it on the wall..Was voted goofy Employee of the month (my job is fucked) ~lol~

Me Looking Like My Dorky Self..

Yeah believe me I know I look some what weird in this pic, and no I am not stoned (for those of you who ere wondering) I don't really like this pic, but don't have a whole lot of pictures of myself so I used it anyway..

I Don't Look Half Bad Here

I don't look to bad in this pic, it's the better of the ones's I have so far.. If you've got any comments.. (god forbid you do) Please if there bad let me leave them to my imagination.. cause believe me I think I know what some of you are thinkin (God he's so ugly) ~lol~ Am I right??

Me On a Rock

This pic is kinda screwed up because I've got that dorky lookin smile and my hats all fucked up.. but you know ya gotta live with it..

Me Again

I don't look to bad here..and yes that is a pool stick..~lol~ some chicks think I look hot in this pic but I don't think I look to hot here..