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About me...
My Journal...
Why I Don't Update Much...


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My Character [Reiko Midashama]

What My AOL Profile Says...
In Depth of My Character...
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About This Site

Welcome to my site. About me. And other stuff.

Posted by: on 2-1
The site is fully up (except for the journal) now! I got a new computer and Windows XP, and AOL. So, my new e-mail is Beat Dreamer and not Reiko!

Posted by: on 1-27
Well, most of the site is up. All the pages are up, but NOT all the pages have information on them! Yes, doesn't that stink?! The pages that don't have information are the pages with my character on them. For more information on that, cruise on over to this page.
Today is my Dad's birthday! That really isn't site news, but thought I would post it anyways!

Posted by: {Reiko} on 1-26
Right now this site is on HIATUS, which means nothing's up yet and I can't get it up for about two weeks.
Thank you for understanding,

++Site owned by Reiko++
++Layout Designed by susumi-chan| Black Excess Designs++