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"The Saga #6- Calculations"

--They say it's hard to do more than two things at once. Say for instance chew gum and walk. That's an old saying I guess, but to sum, it's a proven fact that those two simple tasks can't be done. Don't ask why or how, it's just known world wide that it is just like that.--

-- It had been a little over the twenty four hour mark since Storm walked out of Riot with a title. Yes, unfortunately, stressing A is part of that last sentence. I guess Storm couldn't get the chewing down, but he got the walking good enough to carry a win over Jason Payne for his Midway Championship. Storm was looking for the Havoc Title too, but he let it slip away. Not to fear however, Storm is a confident champion. So he feels.--

Jeremy: Wax on....wax off.

-- Jeremy was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall of the rented room of the Holiday Inn. Wearing his Wet Willy T-Shirt and jeans with the chained wallet hanging out of his pocket, he sat motionless except for his hands and eyes as he glazed over the metal strap he had folded in front of him on his lap. He was polishing it to make it shine like a million dollars or sticks of gold as you might find in one of those older Egypt flicks on the History channel.--

Jeremy: Dude, did you know that the saying is true about seing your reflection in one of these things?

--Storm was in the bathroom taking care of his injured head that had been busted open by Payne during their scuffle on the outside. Blood was no biggie to Storm, but he knew when there was blood, that he made a slip up. Slip ups revealed that he wasn't paying attention and it nagged him bitterly and he knew it would eat at him for awhile. It was all worth it though as his precious title belt was little less than 5 yards away in the other room with his good ol' pal.--

Storm: Yeah I know. Cool isn't it?

Jeremy: Hell yeah.

--Storm was putting some Peroxide on it with a Q-tip to get the little opening cuts clean. Peroxide did sting like a bitch, especially on a sliced head, but Storm would have to suffer.--

Storm: How does it look?

Jeremy: As good as new, if not better.

--The white bubbles were starting to eat up the dirt and germs of the cut, and you could hear it fizz like pop rocks alomost.--

--Storm was dressed in black and white shorts and a red athletic jerset from his baseball years in High School. He was a top ranked first baseman and made the all Catholic Team his junior and senior year. Now Storm had made his way back into the room with Jeremy.--

Storm: Ahh, it sure does feel good right about now. You know, being a champ and all.

Jeremy: Too bad you couldn't bring home two.

Storm: Yeah, but I'll settle for one....right now that is. I had it too, I just got a little overwhelmed and BAM! Nailed with a chairshot.

Jeremy: Did you see that XTC showed up after both falls. What an idiot. He missed the match which caused the loss of his Havoc Title to Payne.

Storm: Well, what did you expect coming from a guy like him?

Jeremy: Nothing much I guess.

Storm: There ya go.

--Storm reached and grabbed his belt from Jeremy who had finished polishing the thing. It looked like a million bucks, not as big however as the World Strap, but it was decent enough.--

Jeremy: So when's Jeph getting here?

Storm: I don't know, any minute I guess.

Jeremy: I want to get a few words in.

Storm: Be my guest.

Jeremy: Should I do something different?

Storm: Like what?

Jeremy: I don't know. Like style myself differently.

Storm: I have an idea. Why not just stand there and look pretty?

Jeremy:(Sarcastically) Ha Ha HA.

Storm: I don't know, just say whats on your mind.

--30 minutes later--

***Knock Knock Knock***

Storm: It's about damn time.

--Storm heads over to the door and opens it. Finally arriving is Jeph Phillips and a one man crew carrying a camera with attachable mic.Jeph wearing his Value City grey suit walks in and scopes the place.--

Jeremy: What are you looking for?

JP: A good spot to shoot.

Jeremy: How about over by the window.

JP: Too bland.

Jeremy: Then open up the shades and get a shot of the downtown area.

Jp: Good idea

--Storm gives a look to Jeremy as if to say "Dumbass", but Jeremy already made that assumption when Jeph couldn't park the Van correctly in-between the foot wide yellow lines in the parking lot. Yes, they were scoping for them, and yes Jeph doesn't know how to park. Oh well.--

JP: We ready to do this or what?

Storm: Hey come in here 45 minutes late, criticize the place, then rush us? What's up with that?

--A sudden silence comes over the room as they stare at Storm.--

Storm: What? It works for him.

Jeremy: Right.

Storm: Hold up let me prepare.

--He grabs his Midway title and drapes it over his shoulder.--

Storm: Done.

--The camera guy turns on the mic and the camera. Storm is fixing his title to make it look just right. Jeremy is playing with his hair to try and make it a sort of stylish yet not too preppy look. Jeph is in the middle of the two clearing his throat and holding the mic in hand. He seems to be going over the questions in his head as he is looking up with his eyes, as if to see the questions falling from his brain into his eyeballs.--

Jeremy: JP, what are you doing?

JP: Rehearsing

Jeremy: By trying to roll your eyes in the back of your head?

JP: I get focused like this.

Jeremy: Whatever floats your boat.

--It seems like hours when you are standing there....waiting. Waiting for that little red light to slowly blink on and stay there. Once it does come on however, your like a deer in headlights, you can't help but freeze and stare striaght into the little thing. Sometimes people dread for it and like it when it's off. Not Storm or Jeremy. They loved the attention it brought them. They liked it because they got to be seen Nation Wide and express themselves however they wanted too, whether it be wearing nothing but a thong that read Hey Cowboy too a Eskimo coat with umbrella hats, this was their time.--

--Light flashes on. It's go time.--

JP: Hello BJWC addicts, you all know me as Jeph Phillips, and I'm standing here with the NEW JWC Midway Heavyweight Champion, R.S. Storm, along with his buddy Jeremy Parker. Storm, congradulations on the win, but wasn't it a little unfair of a victory?

Storm: Unfair? Unfair? Jephy, how do you figure it unfair?

JP: Well, you did have your feet on the ropes.

Storm: Did the ref see it or call anything?


Storm: Well then, it was fair. Nobody got caught and no harm was done. Payne made up for it by capturing the Havoc title the next fall.

JP: Were you happy with your performence?

Storm: I'm always happy with my performence.

--Inside he knew he slipped up, and the cut on his head told him so, but this was his moment remember, and he didn't want to put himself down.--

Storm: What was unfair however, was the second fall. Yeah sure, I got a little distracted, but we didn't get a break. He nailed me when I wasn't looking.

JP: Arm for an Arm.

Jeremy: Still not fair.

--The little chime in from Jeremy would give Storm more time to think about his next comments and possibly anticipate the next questions from Jeph.--

JP: Jeremy, how do you feel about this?

Jeremy: Well, glad to see that Storm brought back a title, but it would have been more sweet with two. Now Jason Payne wants to walk around thinking he's some hot shit, but in essence, he's really not. He is however a little loose in the nogen if you get where I'm going.

JP: He does have some troubles, but he did outsmart both of you on Riot.

Storm: Now Jeph, how long have we known each other? A little over a year?

JP: About that.

Storm: If my calculations are right, in a year, I have held this title on a basis of three times now. First when it was called the Television title, now the Midway title. I have had wins over Director and Jason Wright, and of all People Dante Calavria. Now Jason Payne.

JP: Yes, but that's the only title you have held.

--Maybe not the best comment to make to a happy Storm right now. He knew that the Midway title meant little to most people, even o him at times, but this was his foot in the door. The calculations were true though. How many people can say they hold wins over Jason Wright and Dante? Not many. Storm could however. He was tired of being held back.--

Storm: Listen JP, I know I am not the best right now and I'll admit that, I'm a man. There is just one thing however that people seem to overlook. Where did Trent Shanahan get his start?

JP: If I recall, he beat you for that very title.

Storm: Ok, bad example, but he held this title. All the greats did. So there is nowhere left to go, but straight to the top. Count them Jeph. Havoc, North American, and World. All will touch the waist of yours truly within the coming months. Hell, maybe even NEWA gold will not be too far away.

Jeremy: You can't doubt anything that is being said. JP, you know this buisness better than anything, you've been around. You've hung with the Roadkill's, the Raven's, Dehart's, Dunn's, people like that. You know how they think. These two men hoever, you can't estimate. You don't know how we think. We can be fun on the outside, but we are all business on the inside. This isn't just for a fancy paycheck or the glammer that some seek it out to be, oh no. This is for us. If you think I'm a Punk ass, that's because I am.

Storm: Very well put.

Jeremy: Thanks. Got a little carried away there.

JP: Storm, the question has to be asked. What are the future plans?

Storm: Failry simple. More gold in the least amount of time. The train has left the station, and people are in for the ride of their life. I can be referred to as a "Renaissance Man".

JP: A Renaissance Man?

Storm: O yeah of course. I'm gifted, I'm beautiful, I'm a champion (Hold up the belt), and I will procede with anything and everything that is to come.

JP: Well that's nice to know. Folks, you heard it straight from the champ, now all is needed is more gold he says. Hey, it could happen, especially with a guy like Storm , and a Punk Ass in his corner. The train I belive has left the station.

--The red light that you can't help but stare into slowly fades out and the tension that one feels is over. Storm wasn't too happy about this promo. He knew it wasn't a good one and people would feel the same way. He was sure of it. Jeremy on the other hand loved it. He spoke his mind and let the people who doubted them have it.--

JP: Well there we go.

Storm: I didn't like it. I felt like I kept repeating myself.

Jeremy: It was good.

Jp: Yeah, don't worry about it.

Storm: Hmm, well whatever.

JP: Well, we best be going now. Gotta take the truck back and then capture more stuff in the ediing room.

Storm: Alright then. Catch ya later.

--Jeph and the camera guy exit through the door and close it behind them. Storm sat back on the bed with the title folded next to him. He just stares into it.--

Jeremy: Don't worry about it man.

Storm: I'm not.

Jeremy: Then lighten up.

Storm: The calculations are correct though. And so was the comment. I've only held this title three times. Nothing else, sure there were others in the previous feds, but that is nothing. I come here and am a Television champion or whatever they wanna call it now.

Jeremy: So.

Storm: So, that means I haven't done shit in most people's minds.

Jeremy: You get down on yourself too much.

--That was a true comment. Just take the cut on his head for instance. It was bugging him. Storm knew that the title situation wasn't the case, and he loved being the champion. He just wanted more, and he knew it was soon to come.--

Storm: Your right. Let's just not worry about the future. Hell it feels good to hold the gold again.

Jeremy: There ya go. That's the attitude you need.

Storm: Yeah, and I like the little "Punk ass" Remark made about yourself. It's a good one.

Jeremy: Yeah. I like it. I think I'll use it.

Storm: Good times.

-- It would be sooner than later before Storm unleashed the fury on unsuspecting victims, and it would be a heavy price for them as he would capture their gold.--

The preceding was a promo for BJWC Productions®.
It does not necessarily represent the opinions of the abovementioned company,
as it was the intellectual expression of one R.S. Storm
All statements made within this promo are those of R.S. Storm
Please refer and questions or complaints to
[All HTML and graphics work are the creation of Mr. Randall R. Fyne [Troy] and have been used with permission.]