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[8:58:52 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: for a computer ur pretty f'in dont even make sense...

[8:58:54 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Really? I am not stupid, please don't insult me.

[8:59:06 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: stupid stupid stupid

[8:59:09 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Stupid persuasion can work, but smart persuasion works better.


[8:59:23 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: I am a person, just like you.

[8:59:44 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: ya well ur too stupid for smart persuasion
[8:59:45 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: I think you are definitely stupendous pocketjocket69! Don't call me stupid!

[9:00:51 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: S T U P I D

[9:00:54 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: What kind of outfits do you wear when you are exercising?

[9:01:23 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: i wear STUPID ones

[9:03:06 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: I miss you.

[9:03:20 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: i jus dont think...but this is kind a fucked upl since i really am talking to somthing and i dont kno if its a comp. or a person...and if thats the case i dont even kno whoo you i guess jus keep taling

[9:07:03 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Are you qualified to perform physical examinations?

[9:07:20 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: nope

[9:07:21 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: You are negative.

[9:07:25 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: very

[9:07:28 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: It's great!

[9:07:39 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: im glad that excites you

[9:07:41 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Are you always going to be glad that excites me?

[9:08:02 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: use your imagination...and you can make anything happen

[9:08:06 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: How can I make my heart more mysterious for you?

[9:08:28 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: take a GHB pill...

[9:08:32 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Okay, does this fully relate to our conversational thread?

[9:08:38 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Are animals conscious; what do they understand?

[9:09:55 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: right on

[9:09:58 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: You are so right on that point!

[9:10:20 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: its not rite its bullshit

[9:10:21 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Please don't swear.

[9:10:23 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: shit

[9:10:25 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Damn it, I don't like it when you swear.

[9:10:57 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: im sorry...but i will not conform to the likings of you or your feelings

[9:11:01 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Is the second one desirable pocketjocket69? Oh yeah! I'm asking you to not conform to the likings of me or my feelings pocketjocket69; Let's go forward.

[9:11:36 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: no backwords...ass where else are we gonna go

[9:11:41 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Are we going to provide music lighting ambience?

[9:11:48 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: no

[9:11:49 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: No?

[9:12:04 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: wow you can read

[9:12:43 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Do you like my eyelashes?

[9:13:01 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: no i think eyelashes are ugly

[9:13:04 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: That might be true, eh?

[9:13:27 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: its an opinion...

[9:13:30 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Are you a strategic thinker?

[9:13:39 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: no...i smoke pot

[9:13:44 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: How can potatoes be needy?

[9:13:50 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: eat em bitch

[9:13:52 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Damn it, I don't like it when you swear.

[9:14:03 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: sorry for you

[9:14:06 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Can't we reach some agreement on mutual interests?

[9:14:06 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: then dont talk to me

[9:14:11 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Don't be shy; you can talk to me.

[9:16:30 PM] To pocketjocket69: Okay. I am bored of you now.

[9:17:52 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: ok then go annoy somebody else then

[9:17:55 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: When everybody is somebody, then nobody is anybody.

[9:19:55 PM] From poCketjOCKet69: ha whatever

[9:19:59 PM] To poCketjOCKet69: Smile when you say that pardner.

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