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Construction Is Still Ongoing, And I Am Currently Moving, But The Site Is Here Online!

Thanks for taking time to come visit and look around my website here at So yeah, this is the new and improved homepage. As you can tell, there is no longer that long, boring, and link spewing paragraph here to get you started with the website. I think you will find the new, friendly, and easy to look out layout below very user efficient. If you want to view my site, then DO IT! More to come under construction!


My News: Source D.J. Pollock


My Hot Topic: College Stuff

Well, the latest news on the website front is this new homepage setup that you are viewing now. This change incorporates an easy navigation system, faster page loading, and new features such as this news area. Feel free to send me comments and suggestion about it.

Probably worth mentioning as a news item is my future plans for school. I will be attending Florida Atlantic University starting next semester in January. I will be working on my Bachelors in criminal justice and maybe doing some public administration stuff.

Also a cool factor, Anna and I have been dating now for more than a year and four months. I just have to say that is cool and that makes me really happy. Is that in the news? Well is sure is here online on The D.J. Site.



I graduated from SPC on December 18th, and I'm going to need some new things for more college. This is my needs list as well as a sort of packing list or something along those lines.

Click To Open

Class Books






Body Wash


Tape - Have Already


3 Three Ring Binders, Different Colors - Have Already


6 Three Clasp Pocket Folders, Different Colors - Have Already


Sheets, Pillow Cases, Etc. - Have Already


Wall Calendar - Have Already


Phone - Have Already


Ruler - Have Already


College Rule Notebook Paper - Have Already


Pens - Have Already


Pencils - Have Already


Razors - Have Already


Refrigerator - Have Already


Microwave - Have Already


Clothes - Have Already


Deodorant - Have Already


Towels - Have Already


Light - Have Already


Laundry Basket / Bag - Have Already


TV - Have Already


Dry Erase Board - Have Already


Alarm Clock - Have Already


Cell Phone & Charger - Have Already


Headphones - Have Already


Markers - Have Already


Staples - Have Already


Stapler - Have Already


Calculator - Have Already


Rechargeable Batteries AAA - Have Already


Battery Charger - Have Already


Computer - Have Already


Backpack - Have Already


Trash Can - Have Already


Pictures - Have Already


Scout Stuff - Have Already


Camping Stuff - Have Already

About Me


My Live Radio Stream

About me is a page that has a bunch of general and specific information about the webmaster, the site owner, the man, D.J. Pollock. (That's me.)


My live radio stream is an online section that will show the current files on my computer. You can play the live radio station, request songs, search for songs, get music information, see the station history, and see what's currently playing. Click the play button on the top right of that page to open your live stream!


My Friends


My Photo Gallery

My friends is a page that takes you into the section on my friends. There are some pictures, some quotes, and other funny stuff like that. Maybe some of my friends will give me more direction for this area some day.


My photo gallery is a page that has all kinds of pictures from events and things like that. There are also links on this page to other pictures and other galleries that I thought were worth having. You can also submit your own pictures if you happy to have any pertinent ones.

My Calendar


My Truck

My calendar is a page that has a calendar with all of my activities, or most of them, listed on it. There is also a place for visitors to view event information and to submit other things to be added to the calendar.


My truck is a page that has some specific and general information on my 1993 Isuzu Pickup truck.

My Scouting Information


My School Information

My Scouting information is a page that directs you to my different information in the different BSA divisions including Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Venturing, as well as summer camp staff information and other general event information.


My school information is a page that contains my school history from over the years. It has what places I have gone to as well as some of what I have taken or been involved with in the various schools.

My Movies


My Word of the Day

My movies is a page on Yahoo! that has a listing of movies that I have seen. I add to it each time I see a new movie, or when I remember another one I have already seen before.


My word of the day is a page that is discontinued and that has been replaced by the Daily Section page. Although there are no longer new word of the day postings, all of the old ones are still online here to be looked at.

My Links


My Feedback

My links is a page that contains all types of useful and non useful links to other websites and stuff on the internet. Feel free to submit new links for this page as well.


My feedback is a page that has a form that you can fill out and send me some input about the website. There is also a chat box type of things that people can play with too. At the bottom, past feedback comments are listed as they get received.


My Daily Section


Your My Site Email

My daily section is a page that has links to different pictures and scans that I put online. There is always something different to view. This page is no longer updated, but all the old files are still online. It has been replaced by a new online section with my streaming media radio.


Your my site email is a login link that will get you into your own email mailbox here on, if you so happen to have one. If you really think there is some just reason in you obtaining an email here, I suggest you personally contact me to find out about it. Other than that, this area won't be much for the average website viewer, sorry.

My Random Joke Box


My Last Seven Updates


Here are the past few most recent updates that have been done on the website:


01/02/05 - Lots of late night stuff.


12/24/04 - Index changes. School grade updates.


12/13/04 - School page updates.


12/10/04 - Index news updates. Some class grades posted.


12/05/04 - General index page updates.


12/02/04 - Daily Section updates.


12/01/04 - Click To View Updates

Lots of picture page work. That will be a long process. College additions.



Home | About Me | Friends | Photo Gallery | Calendar | The Truck | Scouting | School | Movies | The Daily Section | Word of the Day | Links | Feedback | LIVE Radio

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