Dreams Can Hurt

Nightmare -[ Dreams Can Hurt ]-

 Roleplay Number  1
 Roleplay Title  Back To Basics
 Record  0-0-0
 People Used  Nightmare
 Next Victim  Idol

{The scene opens outside of a suburban New Jersey High School. The camera pans over to show the school name on the building.}

Gloucester City Jr./Sr. High School

{Nightmare is seen standing outside of the school looking at the building. He then turns to the camera.}

Nightmare: It's been a long road. There have been triumphs and defeats along the way. And the whole time I have thought long and hard about how to travel down that road. Some things have worked, and some things have failed. But no matter what I do, or what I say, I alwasy come back to the basics. That's why I'm here today.

This is the place that I spent a great deal of my life. Everyday for six years of my life, I walked through those doors. I spent hours in here, working, learing, and training. Out back on the fields, I had some great moments. Winning Division and State titles on the football fields. Making game winning shots inside the gym, and getting game winning hits out on the baseball diamonds.

For a long time, I tried to block out this part of my life. There were great achievements, but there was also great dissappointments. Times when friends, coaches, and teachers depended on me, and I dind't follow through. Times when all the pressure was on me, and I couldn't pay off. For most people, they would forget about those times and focus on the great memeories. The winning monets, the crowning achievements. Not me.

You see, remeembering glory isn't going to get a person anywhere. You'll end up in some shitty shoe store trying to fit an undersized shoe on to some fat cows foot. And what do you have to show for it? Something you did back in High School? That's not me.

I take the defeats and store them. I don't forget about the losses. You see, in my mind, that makes a stronger person. The times when I would lose, I would always sit on the sidelines and watch the other team celebrate. That's what always drove me to push myself harder next game, or even next season.

This is the one major value that I took from my high school years and applied to my career in the ring. I have had more success then a lot of men that I know in this sport. I have held countless titles. I have had legions of fans cheering for me and chanitng my name. And at the same time, I have had just as many, if not more yelling and booing at me.

Things like that have never gotten me down. I'm not a man who like defeat. I hate to lose. But when I do, I always learn something from it.

Like Overdrive. I totally took my match with NoBody for granted. I counted him out. I figured I was at the top of my game and there was no way he was going to stop me. It was like being back in school again. Stanidng at the free throw line with no time on the clock. And what did I do? I missed both shots. I dropped the ball, I fumbled.

When most would hang thier head in shame, I stood tall. I watched NoBody celebrate. Hell, I'll admit it. He earned it. Ours was a feud for the ages. Constantly back and forth. And when things were on the line, like a trip for the World Title, he simply wanted it more.

That's why I made this trip back to my school. I need to take things back to basics. I need to be the man that I was to work my way up here. The man who would stop at nothing to win.

Like I said, I might have lost that last match, but for people to think that I didn't learn anything from it....They are dead wrong.

It's time for a New Nightmare to emerge. And it's going to start this week at Blaze. Idol is the first person standing in my way. And I plan to show him as well as every other hater and doubter out there, that Nightmare is a man who can learn from the mistakes that he's made. Idol is going to be the first person to feel the wrath of the new incarnation of power.

It's going to be a long climb to get back to where I was in the past. But it's a climb that I'm ready to make.

Nothing is going to stop me from getting back to the top and reclaiming what is mine. What I held before, and that's The Pheonix Promotion World Heavyweight Championship. It's a different go around this time. This time, I'm literally going to stop at nothing to achieve what's mine.

No more missed shots, no more strike outs, and no more fumbles. This time, it's all positive and I don't care what anyone has to say about it. I dare anyone to get in my way. Be it NoBody, Ensign Pheonix, Phenom, or even the current chamion Paul Maxx. I'm coming for you all. And like I said, Idol, you poor poor soul, your name is first on the list. I'll see you at Blaze.

{Nightmare turns away from the camera and walks into the building.}