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Update ~ July 3, 2003 ~ The Beginning of the Revolution
      My activist qualities finally kicked in! Today my friend and I were up at
5 a.m. creating a beginning of a resistance while you were still sleeping. If you want to see what’s up, go to
      So anyways we put “the pledge” up all around town. I wonder if anyone knows it was us? We also put flyers on The Pioneer office, the Tiny Twig weekly newspaper, in hopes they would put it in their sh**ty paper.
     We checked on all our flyers later and it turns out that about 50% of them were torn down. Oh well, we still accomplished quite a bit. Even if only a few persons saw our flyers, I will be happy. ^-^
      Would you like to get involved? Email me.  

~ Ja Mata, Mori ~

Text Box: EaRtHiAn HoMe

My PrOfiLe

PhOtO/PiC aLbUm


EaRtHLy MesSaGe BoArd

A gUeSt BoOk




To My Life On Earth Web. I have created this site mainly to share my pictures with my friends and for my own reference. But you are welcome even if you are not a friend. Enjoy your stay. Thanks for visiting.