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The Living Receiver Movie idea.
The Living Receiver Movie idea

This time around, instead of a Jet Engine acting as the Artifact that creates the Tangent Universe, causing the corruption which will end the world if not taken care of, - it will be a bullet. What will happen is, inside a waiting room, a man is sitting by himself in the VERY small room, all of a sudden a bullet will smack into him out of nowhere. There is no hole in any of the walls, no one else in the room, the security camera didn't find anyone inside the room, all it saw was a bullet casing that seemed to drop out of nowhere, and hit the floor. The waiting room's door never opened or closed either. That bullet traveled through time and caused the corruption in the tangent universe the same way the jet engine did in Donnie Darko. The man gets rushed to the hospital and is in critical condition on life support. He will eventually die later in the movie, becoming the Manipulated Dead (He's the Frank the bunn type character) who will manipulated the living receiver (the donnie darko type character) into doing a bunch of seemingly unrelated interlocking events. At the end, these events will all eventually lead to the bullet returning back through time the same way Donnie Darko did to the jet engine. The events will eventually lead to the main character framing an innocent man, who will flee from the police and in turn be shot in the same room as before, where the wormhole will form, transporting the bullet back to the right point in time, saving the universe.
Anyone in?