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Mike and Devon

Live From Tenerife


     .Hey there, this is our web page, where we will attempt to master incredible feats of technology, such as actually keeping our friends and family updated on what we are doing with ourselves.  Right now, we are living in Tenerife, the Canary Islands, in a lovely little town (save for the 3000 tourists) called Los Cristianos.  

       Mike plays 6 nights a week at the Temple Bar, a Irish bar with lovely people and lovely atmosphere...the only downfall being a lack of cheap pints.  

      Devon doesn't work a lot, but is attempting correspondence study through Athabasca University.  Combine that with our mutual  learning of Spanish and our enrollment in a Spanish hairdressing course, and the two of us are thoroughly and respectfully occupied.  


Days usually involve the age old problem of getting out of bed and ingesting significant amounts of caffeine, usually promptly followed by... going for a coffee. (ya see, ya cant really make the same kind of coffee at home as you can get in all the Spanish bars here)...our preferred kind here is called a cortado natural, a small, but potent milky coffee, often served in a shot glass. The staff at most of these cafes often begin making them for us as soon as they've seen us on the street, such is our dedication to ritual. 

Occasionally we walk past there bars to there objection and amazement. We do this on purpose, for after all, who wants to be thought of as being predictable. But if the truth be known, as regards the first hour of our day, we really are .... very much so. still, its nice and it reminds us that we live in a foreign place. its always warm and the sound of Spanish chatter is music to the ears...(usually) unless of course your dealing with the Grua. Now here's a bunch of locals wh



The Temple Bar, Tenerife

Respect to Groovy Tunes

What's New