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Dancing the Night Away with Molly (hell no)

saturday, february 1, 2003

today is the night of the dance. do you think I'm going? HELL NO!!!!! molly called because obviously now kassie isn't going, and she needs a ride. i told her flat out no. this is how it usually goes:

i feel like an idiot dancing, while molly clings to one of her boyfriends like it's the last thing she has left. then on slow dances, i have to go find some other boyfriendless-loser to stand with, while she gets her three short minutes in heaven, and i get my three slow minutes in hell. yeah, that's happening.

today i went to the mall with my parents (woo hoo) and saw my big fat greek wedding for the second time. oh well, at least I was able to milk a pair of one-hundred-dollar doc martin's out of it. i also bought my self a piece of shit lipgloss and some covergirl lilac eyeshadow.

i also got some acne medication for my monthly gift from "aunt flow"... yes, it is a huge zit. the acne medication contains 10% benzoil peroxide. so, if it doesn't work, you're skin will get all red, itchy, and it will start to burn. and I have to wear lots of sunscreen when I go outside, or my skinn will get all itchy, red, and it will start to burn, regardless of the medication working or not. fun, huh?

since we saw my big fat greek wedding today, my dad got inspired to make some greek/mediterranean food. So right now, in between eating a strange spinach pie, i'm dipping a pita in babaganoush (or how-ever-you-spell-it). i just hope we won't end up with a lamb spit in our front yard like they did.