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Undertaker Layout

Record: 0/0/0
Achievements none yet
Stars Mentioned: Raven
People Used: Raven
Next Match: vs. Raven - RAW
RP#: one


This Layout is made byJohn Barron aka Shane Mcmahon of the WWE. for my use only as Undertaker in the WWE Federation. The Banners are also made by JBB and as the Roleplay 100% mine. I am in no way affiliated with Chris Benoit or the WWE, NWA, WCW, ECW or any other real wrestling federation around. Please Read the RP and E-Mail me with any feedback on how to improve the character or your views.



{The scene opens inside a packed WWE arena, the camera zooms around the arena looking at all of the crowd who are going crazy ahead of tonights action. The camera then zooms in on the two commentators sitting ringside, good ole JR and Jerry "The King" Lawler}

~JR~ Welcome viwers to another jam packed WWE arena, this croud are in a frenzy!!

~King~ Yes they sure are JR.. well folks we have had news today of another new signing said to be the undertaker!!

~JR~ Are you sure its Taker?

~King~ Nobodys sure Jr.

~Jr~ Well it would be a great thing if The Undertaker did come back to the WWE.

~King~ Hell yeah the big dog back in his yard woohoo!!

~JR~ Well a little word about Taker.. If any one superstar symbolizes WWE, it's the Undertaker.For more than a dozen years, the Undertaker has been a WWE mainstay. He's feuded with all the greats -- from Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior to Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock -- and lived to tell about it. No other superstar has ever had the run of success enjoyed by the American Badass -- no one


~King~ That right JR, A four-time WWE Champion, Taker has had the privilege of performing in the main events all over the U.S., North America and the world. In fact, Taker's WrestleMania record is second to none -- he is an amazing 11-0 at Mania events!

~JR~ Damn right!! The Undertaker has also been at the forefront of some of the most original matches and concepts in WWE history. He is the innovator of Inferno Matches, Casket Matches, and, of course, the famed Hell in the Cell Match.

All of a sudden the arena lights dim to black, the crowd become silent as they do not know what to expect,Then all of a sudden Taker's music blares out of the Pa sound system as the lights shine back to normal and show the Undertaker under the titontron on his Harley Davidson.. The crowd go wild for the American Badass!!


~JR~ Oh my god, The Undertaker is here.. and he's coming out to the ring!!

~King~ This is too good to be true!

~JR~ Well its been a long time since we saw him but like they say, good things come to those who wait!!

~King~ You got that right!

The Undertaker starts to make his way down the steel ramp, the noise from the crowd is deafening, taker is loving every minute of it!!

~JR~ Well this is just too good to be true.. I just can't believe The Undertaker is back.. and listen to this crowd!!

~King~ I dont think anyone can believe it JR.. and what a standind ovation Taker is recieving from this crowd.. they love him!!

Taker circles the ring a couple of times on his bike before parking it up outside the ring

Taker then climbs up the steel steps and enters the ring, he stands there for a few seconds looking out at the crowd listening to them chant his name.. he then goes to each side of the ring and throws both of his arms up in the air to acknowledege the crowd. The crowd's chant becomes louder and louder!!


~JR~ Well taker is bound to be impressed with this crowd, they are showing Big Evil alot of respect and what is the one thing taker likes off everyone else King??

~King~ Respect?

~JR~ You're damn right thats what he likes.. if people have respect for taker then he will have respect for them!!

Taker asks for a mic from somebody outside of the ring.. he gets a mic but is unable to speak due to the incredible noise coming from the crowd.. he looks about at the crowd taking it all in.. the chants slowly come to an end and The Undertaker begins to speak.

~Taker~ Well well well.. it sure is good to be back!! its good to be back in a ring and its good to be back in front of all the fans of the WWE! Now im not gonna go on about where ive been or what ive been doing becuase it has nothing to do with anyone really and i hope you respect my privacy!! I got a phone call the other night and got asked if i would return to the WWE.. now this wasnt an easy question for me so i said i would call them back in a couple of days.. i finally accepted the invitation back here after a long talk with my family and they said that they will be behind me 100% The reason why it took me a few days to consider the offer is because you desire to be in this business, you sacrifice. You sacrifice the time with your kids. You miss them growing up. But you have a goal in mind. You know that one day all the sacrifices that you make, it's gonna make it easier for your children. You just hope you're there to enjoy it. I love the fact that I can go out there and I can affect peoples emotions. I enjoy going out there and laying it all out on the line. I like taking my body to the limit. I love what I do. For the fans that have watched me over all these years, I just hope they realise that I gave everything that I had in mind, body and spirit last time i was here.. and i intend on doing the exact same thing this time round!!

The crowd begin to cheer again in appreciation of The Undertaker.

~Taker~ Well im glad you all appreciate that.. now i need to move onto my match nxt week on raw, the match is a KOTR match and i have been told that i am up against some bird lovin piece of trash who goes by the name of Raven.. Now raven dont get me wrong i dont dislike you but i also dont like you one bit, you see im here for any piece of gold i can get my hands on.. but most of all the WWE title!! Now raven come this saturday at Raw im gonna make you wish that you had never become a wrestler.. im gonna make you wish you would of stayed at home with ya little feathered friends, the only friends you have! I’m going to knock your teeth so far down your throat, you can chew your own ass out!! Because Raven you see, when you walk through here, through these ropes... you're in my yard. And I can tell you this - you don't wanna be here. Bad things happen in my yard. Bad things have been happening here for a very long time. I think they call it a Decade of Destruction and if you come in here bad things will happen to you.. thats not a threat, thats a promise!!

The Undertaker's anger starts to build up as he starts to pace back and forth across the ring

Now listen up Raven if you've got beef with me, I aint a hard guy to find. I stand 6'10, I weigh 330lbs, and I'm usually kicking the hell out of somebody.. I may not dress like Satan anymore, but I’m still down with the devil haha and the devil can do bad bad things to you, mark my words!! Now Raven I'm gonna let you in on somethin' - I ain't the People's Champion, I ain't no Rattlesnake - I'm the Dead Man. And if you try me...I'll make you famous. Because it's like this, little man, you wont EVER beat me. Now I don't LIKE you, I don't RESPECT you, and I sure as hell don't fear you. But seein' as your gonna be standing in the middle of my yard...I will break you and as i said before thats not a threat, its a promise.. and the same goes to any of the other superstars back thier in the locker rooms.. any of you think you can hurt me any of you that think you can beat me are sadly mistaken, i have crippled more people than polio!! Now for the people who dont know what the number one rule is in this place let me tell you.. the number one rule is that you WILL respect The Undertaker.. and dont any of you forget that especially you raven!! Raven you have already crossed my path but if you dont change direction you WILL pay the consequenses!! Come this saturday Raven.. I'm gonna make you famous!!

With those last words The Undertaker drops the mic and climbs out of the ring as his music hits the PA sound system.. he gets on his bike and heads back up the steel ramp towards the locker room area.

~JR~ Wow some firm words there from The Undertaker.. he is'nt here to mess about thats for sure!!

~King~ You can say that again JR.. I would not like to be in Ravens shoes this saturday at all.!!

~JR~ I can't wait untill this KOTR tournament gets underway.. it is going to be awesome!!


