
I would like to thank TheGame311 for this awesome layout for The Undertaker. Everything on this roleplay is done by me, J.T. so dont take it and claim it as your own. If you do I will personally kick the ever lovin shit outta ya. If you want to get in touch with me you can either email me at KiddKrypt@netscape.net or contact me on AIM at KiddKrypt. I am not affiliated with the WWE, WCW, ECW, or NWA-TNA whatsoever. I also am not Eddie Guerrero, and also dont even know Eddie in real life... if I did, I'm sure You'd be jealous lol anyways enjoy the roleplay!!!

::.End Disclaimer.::

[A Show ends as a WWE house show comes on the air. There are many people jam packed in the arena to see the first WWE House show. There are still people lining up to get into the arena. The pyros then go off as the crowd gets on their feet and begin cheering. Then the camera goes around the audience and then the camera eventually fades down to the announce table where we see JR and The King. They begin to commentate as the fans take their seats.]

Jim Ross: Welcome everyone to WWE, I am Jim Ross and right alongside me here is Jerry 'The King' Lawler, I'd like to welcome you to the Raw Brand!

Jerry Lawler: Welcome everyone

Jim Ross: Folks The Raw Brand has just signed a major player in Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero.

Jerry Lawler: I know JR. Raw now has Latino heeeeeeat!

[The camera fades to Eddie Guerrero stepping out of his locker room looking for something. He talks to event staff and begins to enter the arena. He starts walking down the halls with all of his stuff and as he is walking down the hall, Terri steps out and begins to talk]

Terri: Eddie [Running After Eddie Guerrero] Eddie!!

Eddie: [Turns Around and looks at Terri] Oh Hey Mama Cita.. You want some Latino heat yes?

Terri: Uh.. Yeah!

Eddie: I should have known.. Nobody can resist Latino Heeeeeat!

Terri: Right... Anyway welcome to The Raw Brand.

Eddie: You look a Little Latina..

Terri: I do?..

Eddie: Yes Mommy.. You look like your cold.. Let Latino heeeeeat keep you warm.

Terri: **Clears her throat** How does it feel to be on The Raw Brand?

Eddie: Oh I see after your shift is done you wanna Meet Latino Heat? I see.. Anyway Mommy.. Its good to be on the raw brand paco. I mean the competition is endless mommy. We Have Kevin Nash Mommy. He's big but not as sexy as Latino Heat. We Have Goldust mommy. We have endless talent and I'll enjoy Getting froggy on each and Everyone of them Mommy.

Terri: Strong adhesive words from Latino Heat folks.

[Latino Heat starts walking down the hall as the camera goes to a commercial break.]


Corn pops




[As they come back, Eddie Guerrero's music plays. As the music is playing, he comes out onto the top of the ramp doing his little pose. He then keeps taunting the fans all the way down the ramp. Eddie Guerrero slides into the ring and again taunts the crowd. Eddie Guerrero hops on teh turnbuckles and gets heat and cheers from the fans. He then grabs a microphone and walks around the ring and then begins to talk.]

Eddie Guerrero: Welcome all to an in-ring promo From Latino Heat! Now Essa's and mommies? Do you know who I am? I'm Latino Heeeeeeat Eddie Guerrero! **crowd pops and gives heat**. Hey paco if you don't like Latino Heat then leave! **crowd boos**. Yo no puedo creer esto. ¡CALLEse!! Listen Essa's. Latino Heat has arrived and he's ready for anyone you have to throw at me. Latino Heat is ready for anyone at any time! Now Paco? I chose the raw brand for as simple as this. The Raw brand has competition. Competition worthy enough to be pitted up against me, Holmes! Now I came here to be the best I could be. I came here for recognition paco. I came here for superstardom essa! See I know you sexy mommies in the crowd want some Latino Heat but See Mama citas.. I'm not here to entertain the opposite sex essa. I'm here to win some gold Holmes. Now The Raw Brand has talent paco. They have such superstars as Kevin Nash. This guy is like seven feet tall. Three hundred and twenty pounds. This guy is scarey! Then we have The Game Triple H. He's teh cerebral Assasin Holmes. But see now they Have Latino Heeeeeat. They now have Eddie Guerrero to be a great brand Holmes. See I know you people Envy Latino Heat. I know you people are jealous of me any my potential. You people can't hide it. I know your jealous of me pacos. But See Just Because all these latina's want me, The boss wants me to headline. The Boss wants me to prove that I can beat anyone at anytime. See Latino Heat is here and ready to light a fire up any of your Como's. I'm ready to maintain main event status holmes! See Eddie Guerrero has been interested in the raw brand. Thinking that The Raw Brand could use some Latino Heat to fire up the locker room. See Eddie Guerrero knows that The Raw brand needs somebody like him to get the roster motivated. The Raw Brand needs Latino Heat to be above Smack down. Eddie Guerrero will become a major player in weeks to come you can expect that. You can expect to see Eddie Guerrero Climb the ladder rung by rung, step by step and climb to reach the top. Climb to be the best holmes. See I deserve super-stardom holmes. I deserve to be a major asset to Raw. I deserve to be a major player here on Raw. See I deserve to be a star paco's. I deserve to be taken seriously. I deserve to be respected chica's! See On Raw I know that I'll be a man who will fill these seats. who will fill the arena with Latino Heat fans. ee I am Latino Heat. I am Eddie friggen Guerrero and I will get the respect I deserve Holmes! I will be a man who will defeat all teh odds and become a true athlete and once again.. Bring Latino Heeeeeeeat to Super-stardom!

Eddie Guerrero: Hey paco holmes!

[The Undertakers music plays as he gets out of the ring and gets on his bike and starts it and then drives off and behind the curtains as the camera goes to a commercial]

Wrestlers who Were beaten by The Big Bad Booty Daddy


Who ever else wants to Holla if they hear me!