Put Your Money Where Your Camera Was

My Photo-A-Week Page


Photograph, n. A picture painted by the sun without instruction in art. -Ambrose Bierce, c. 1911

The original idea (and layout) for this project has been atributed most to Kyle Cassidy. Although he denies this, he has been particpating in PAWs since 2000. Since he is also a Leica user, this project was originally designed for Leica users. However, others have used other cameras, and since Kyle and I are big fans of the Canon QL 17, and Kyle has moved into digital, I still think I am worthy of this project. For more information, visit his sites.

I have way too much camera equipment, and I don't take nearly enough photographs. I am using this project to justify all the money I spend. I prefer to use black and white film, so I take a photography class just to have access to a darkroom. Therefore, until the start of the semester, I will probably be presenting digital photographs, or at least film scanned to disk. I will include as much technical information as possible with the photograph. 

There are others besides Kyle who are also taking part in the project and who have provided me with inspiration and advice:

All photos and text on this website are Copyright © 2006-2007 D. Regan.  All rights reserved.
None of these photographs may be reproduced in any form, for any reason, without my written permission.

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