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Literature, being an incontrovertible reality of life has served as a criticism of life and so as our hectic modernized, industrial and scientific life has become a critism of literature. Nevrtheless, however fast be life, however moderinzed and intistrialized be our evnironment and however colossal scientific strides human beings may make, one can not deny the innate sensitivity and delicate preception of human mind, and so literature and literary creations of man are on ample testimony for the above statement.


Literature socities all over the world and in all academic institutions are serving the purpose for intellectual sensitive minds. Literary Society UET Lahore has its foundation since the very inception of this institute and it has the dignity of producing many well-known poets like Saleem Sagar and Asif Shafee.


Literary Society UET Lahore has been serving as a platform for all the perceptive minds of its memebers.

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Our mission is to make you realize of your inborn capabilities and moke you aware of the hidden auras of your personality.
Following are hte objectives and Goals of the society:-

1. To gather all our litearture oriented students at one platform and promote their crudity.

2. To bring awareness of betterment in thier literary crafting.

3. To hold and organize weekly, monthly and annual meetings of its members to provide them a chance to analyze and critize the work of other society members.

4. To hold regular functions in the university so as to provide opportunities for its members to publicly display and perform their innovative literary creations.

5. To hold sittings and meetings with all famous scholars, poets and scepters of the country so as to learn and take guidance from them.

6. Last but not the least is to organise an annual finction in ahich society sets up an All Pakistan Competition and also invites all famous poets to present their poetry which makes the function an unforgettable memory.


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