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iLlShOrTi01 iLlShOrTi01


-->..bUmpin to..<--
:+:JaGged EdGe // GoTtA Be :+:
-->..bumpin to..



..nEw hoT isH fOr yA..

swiitChed uP--o9-o4-o3
sUp BP! thiS ya GurL iLlShOrti01..yeaH thiiS mii neW page i kn0 iz simple bUt heY i kn0 iz bettA then aLot and please read thiiS stuff 0n mii page cuZ i diD wriiTe this Damn u can aTleast read. anywaizS// - ->enj0y

..wHo`z thAt cHiCk..

quiiCk faCtz..
nAme- ->iLlShOrti01
aGe- ->nuthin bUt a #
seKz- ->100% black
stats- ->soLo--doLo (mamiiz holla)
taggz- ->LiL JoKer/ A.I. / YeLlA YoUnGin // FeM TeAzer //
bdai- ->July 13
siGn 0f l0ve makiin- ->Cancer
naTs- ->black
heiiGht- ->5`5
weiGht- ->145
gRound- ->
.. (JoNesBoro)


im a veRy oUtgoiing pers0n..i love to lauGh and haVe fun. i speak my mind whenever i think something isnt right. i might be rUde about it but at leaSt i let you know na mean?-->IM FOCUSED MAAN!!<--gOt mii miiNd riight, i kn0w what i waNt in liFe. i haVe a g0od attitude i like things that are essential to me
im a very sweet persOn onCe you ge to knOw me.

..bOut me..

Yo This Little Part Rite Herre Is All Bout Me If You Don`t Like It You Can Get Out

Now..Anyway Az Far Az Mi Personality Im Cool,Funny,Smart,Cute,And A Down 2 Earth Person.. 4Real Cuz Ppl On Herre Is Corny Az Shyt..Let Me Tell You What I Like 2 Do..I Like To Go To Parties,I Love Going To The Movies,Eating Out,Going To Finacy Food Places,Being On The Phone,Being In Everybodys Business.Lmao,And Thats Bascailly All Bout Me

Did u Like It?..It Don`t If U Did Or Didn`t I Kno Did.
..Holla At Me If Want To Know More..Oh Yeah And Anotha Thing Is If You The Type That Get Mad Of Stupid Shyt Don`t Even Borther Trying To Holla Cuz Im i Do Is Joke Around Alot And If You Can`t Take A Job Then Don`t Even Send A Note Cuz Most Of The Time Im Leaving Is Because Of A JoKe..So HoLLa


Colorz: Blue, Red, And White
Tv Channel:Disney Channel
Cartoon Character: Spoonge Bob
Name:Not Mine
Gum: Winterfresh
Number:13 and 7
Nickname: A.I.
Soda: Pepsi
Food: My MomS HomE Cookin'
B-Ball Team: 76ers.


-->smiiLes<-- =)
suMmer, wildw0od, g0ing 0ut to eat, geting on crazy rides, applebeez, spongebob, tigger, r0cawear, pimp reMix, getin n0tez on mg, the col0rz red and blue, g0ing to the m0ives, eating, sleeping, the smell of fresh grAss lol, mYa,pretty azz mamiZ

-->fRowns<-- =(
geting up early, being bored, r0ot beer, sm0kerz, Moutain Dew nasty, 0cean water, ppl who cant ball, diRty kiCkz, haTerz, fakez, ugLy ppL, really naPpy hair, b0ring movies, Gigli, being in tHe h0use

..RandOm faCts bOut me..

I Don`t Like Mi Age
Rainy Days get me sleepy
Sponge Bob Is Mi Nicca
I Love The Movie Pirates of the Carribean
I Sing In The Shower
I Bit On Mi Nalis
I Love Hangin Out with My crew
I Love My Family
I Love Going To The Movies
Never met my real father
Talkin On The Phone Is Mi Hobby
Im Scared Of Micheal Myerz
I Listen 2 Every kind of music from Jay-Z to Staind
I Have An Attiude Problem..Lmao..sometimes..

..shOwin sOme lUv...

Nikki{CanDii-kiiSheZ}-shouTout to thAt mAmi riTe thuRr and she koo as shyt to holla at her..

naNa{datchicnana3}-yo waSsup mami im just givin you a shoutoUt letin u kno i caRe bout u aNd i kno wa i did was wroNg but i sTill got mAd loVe ma..hollA

Nika-whEre do i stArt wit ur azZ sike naW lol i gOt maD love 4 u anD u koO az shyt .

Baby Thug {My chiCk}-wasSup dog hOw u livin waz reallY goOd anyWay yo u tHe kooLest i kno..You gotta get out there and make me my MoNeY..Just Playin'...YoU knOw yOu Mine goNe HeAd teLl Yo BiTcH aZZ BoyFrIeNd DaT.!!

Lia{freaky-dr-ma}-hey ma wassup u like a Sister to me u koo az shyt ma i wisH u was really im sisTer But hey iZ all good u sitll koo no matter wa and ur work is the BOM ma hOlla at ur

cyNthia{PhillyzFinest15}-wassUp boo boo u mi best frieNd and and no body repLace u ma NOBODY i love u ma tAke care of G-unit..Muahzz..1

cAthy-{dyckmanzdyme}-heY ma wassup i kn0 i reallY d0n`t kn0 u but i feeL liiKe i d0 i meAn u Ko0 azz shyt 4rEal anyway yaH
mean just givin u a sh0ut0ut h0lla at me ma.

 jOi- { mY sTaLkEr}-  what up ma, FA SHO...gave yo crazy azz a shoutout...quit stealing my SPONGE BOB SHIRTS and you'll. LiVe...bUt Yo yOu CooL Azz Shyt Tho..Yuh!! YoU da Baddest Broad on tha Block Fa'Sho reppin JB Town...These Mothafucas don't Know!!!

..daiiLy dreaMz..

--o9--o5-o3 10:00am--
Aii..basikaLlY mii dream wuz about me and thiz gurl ..she was masturbatin to a porno and i was watchin'...then she started to get me wet by suckin'on mii fingers and shyt..she did sum THANGZ !!! ..& was about to get my thang on and shit...but then i woke up ..and thought 'bout mii gurl...well mii -ex- ..i dunno i wuz just thinkin bout ha..weighing thingz out about what tha fuck im finna do..and then i fell asleep and didnt dream about anything....weird dreAm f0r sEpt. o5.

..wiNding dOwn..

wellZ..thats all f0r now =). and PLEASE read this mesS caUse i didnt just tYpe it all f0r nada Okay?? OK!!

i Lyke in thA waY u do thaT//riTe ThurR
Lick uR lipS whY u taLkIn lEt//lEt d0wn ur haRi







..ConVo's I HaVe w/ "InTeReStIn' PeoPLe..

Da BrekZ....

Aiy2 [10:41 PM]:  surry
 r0ck the cha0s [10:42 PM]:
 Aiy2 [10:42 PM]:  why yo be soo mean shorti
 r0ck the cha0s [10:42 PM]:  im not meannn
 r0ck the cha0s [10:42 PM]:  just unhappy
 Aiy2 [10:42 PM]:  why you act like that
 Aiy2 [10:43 PM]:  ?
 Aiy2 [10:43 PM]:  why you
 r0ck the cha0s [10:43 PM]:  just..i dunno...
 Aiy2 [10:43 PM]:  no really tell me
 Aiy2 [10:44 PM]:  we're friends we can talk about anything
 Aiy2 [10:44 PM]:  iz it me...
 r0ck the cha0s [10:44 PM]:  exactly the deal..friends...thats all..
 Aiy2 [10:44 PM]:  oh shit
 Aiy2 [10:44 PM]:  GAWD
 r0ck the cha0s [10:44 PM]:  dont get all spazzy
 Aiy2 [10:44 PM]:  you dont fuckin get all spazzy
 Aiy2 [10:45 PM]:  deal..friends..thats all... that shit was spazzy
 r0ck the cha0s [10:45 PM]:  im nottt
 r0ck the cha0s [10:45 PM]:  well damn im sry!
 Aiy2 [10:45 PM]:  ya u are
 r0ck the cha0s [10:45 PM]:  im sry i like u..but whatever
 Aiy2 [10:45 PM]:  always talkin about whatevrr..
 Aiy2 [10:45 PM]:  we still be friends..and shit...
 Aiy2 [10:46 PM]:  oh you didnt take me seriously when i said that shit
 r0ck the cha0s [10:46 PM]:  i did..
 Aiy2 [10:46 PM]:  i feel bad
 r0ck the cha0s [10:46 PM]:  and we're "friends" now...i got that much..
 r0ck the cha0s [10:46 PM]:  dont worry im not that slow
 r0ck the cha0s [10:46 PM]:  dont feel bad
 Aiy2 [10:46 PM]:  but mii friendz started talkin to me...and shit..thats why
 r0ck the cha0s [10:47 PM]:  ohhh...ok?
 Aiy2 [10:47 PM]:  ya
 Aiy2 [10:47 PM]:  you didnt think about me brekin up with you did you?
 Aiy2 [10:48 PM]:  anyways so iz thatz why you upset and shit
 Aiy2 [10:48 PM]:  ?
 r0ck the cha0s [10:48 PM]:  yeah..maybe
 Aiy2 [10:48 PM]:  you still comin sat..right?
 r0ck the cha0s [10:48 PM]:  why wouldnt i..
 Aiy2 [10:48 PM]:  i dunno
 Aiy2 [10:48 PM]:  now we cant fuck in tha movie theatre no mo'
 r0ck the cha0s [10:48 PM]:  damnit..dont remind me...
 Aiy2 [10:49 PM]:  sry
 r0ck the cha0s [10:49 PM]:  i dont care what u gonna fuck u...friends or not...
 Aiy2 [10:49 PM]:  i dont fuck friends
 r0ck the cha0s [10:49 PM]:  ahh ok fine..
 r0ck the cha0s [10:49 PM]:  whateverrrrrrrr
 r0ck the cha0s [10:49 PM]:  im gonna go ok
 Aiy2 [10:49 PM]:  IM DEAD AZZ SERIOUZ
 Aiy2 [10:49 PM]:  whateva
 r0ck the cha0s [10:49 PM]:  i'll talk to ya tomorro
 Aiy2 [10:49 PM]:  whateva
 r0ck the cha0s [10:49 PM]:  peace
 Aiy2 [10:49 PM]:  whateva
 r0ck the cha0s [10:49 PM]:  stop sayin that shit
 Aiy2 [10:49 PM]:  whateva
 r0ck the cha0s [10:49 PM]:  whateva haha
 Aiy2 [10:50 PM]:  whatevrrrrr
 r0ck the cha0s [10:50 PM]:  riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
 Aiy2 [10:50 PM]:  whateva...quit talkin to me ...shit...
 r0ck the cha0s [10:50 PM]:  im goin im goin..bye....:-\
 Aiy2 [10:50 PM]:  get tha fuck out
 Aiy2 [10:50 PM]:  er...just dont talk to me
 r0ck the cha0s [10:51 PM]:  im sry i get pissed off when someone i actually LIKE A HELL OF ALOT fuckin breaks up with me cuz she wants freedom or whatever
 Aiy2 [10:51 PM]:  i dont want freedom...itz just
 r0ck the cha0s [10:51 PM]: gonna go just pass out now
 Aiy2 [10:51 PM]:  i duno
 Aiy2 [10:51 PM]:  no..
 r0ck the cha0s [10:51 PM]:  theres nothin else to do
 Aiy2 [10:51 PM]:  fine you dont wanna talk then bye
 r0ck the cha0s [10:52 PM]:  i do..but i gotta just think for a lil while ya know..
 Aiy2 [10:52 PM]:  for what?
 r0ck the cha0s [10:52 PM]:  i dont wanna talk to anybody..
 Aiy2 [10:52 PM]:  why not
 r0ck the cha0s [10:52 PM]:  man..i feel like shit..but thats nothin new..
 Aiy2 [10:52 PM]:  now u make me feel bad
 r0ck the cha0s [10:52 PM]:  im gonna end up spazzin on someone and gettin my ass kicked
 r0ck the cha0s [10:52 PM]:  so i best just go lie down
 Aiy2 [10:52 PM]:  dont do that
 Aiy2 [10:53 PM]:  why tha fuck you actin like this..
 Aiy2 [10:53 PM]:  SHIT
 r0ck the cha0s [10:53 PM]:  im sorry..
 Aiy2 [10:53 PM]:  no why do you...dont say tired of ppl sayin sorry..esp.from ur azz
 r0ck the cha0s [10:53 PM]:  ok..
 Aiy2 [10:54 PM]:  im sorry
 r0ck the cha0s [10:54 PM]:  u got no need to be
 Aiy2 [10:54 PM]:  Im acting like a jerk..yes i do
 r0ck the cha0s [10:54 PM]:  we're still gonna hang out...even if i dont get to fuck u or not...
 Aiy2 [10:54 PM]:  wa?
 r0ck the cha0s [10:54 PM]:  i can live without fucking someone for another 4 months
 Aiy2 [10:55 PM]:  i feel bad...
 r0ck the cha0s [10:55 PM]:  dont do that ok
 Aiy2 [10:55 PM]:  i didnt wanna break up wit you..itz just...
 r0ck the cha0s [10:55 PM]:  just forget me being a little emotional freak...
 Aiy2 [10:55 PM]:  no i really didnt
 Aiy2 [10:55 PM]:  mean too..I LIKE YOU ALOT...
 Aiy2 [10:55 PM]:  but...
 Aiy2 [10:56 PM]:  stuff was said and now were through..and now their happy
 r0ck the cha0s [10:56 PM]:  alrighty..
 Aiy2 [10:56 PM]:  let me shutup you dont even fuckin care
 r0ck the cha0s [10:56 PM]:  yeah i fuckin do!
 r0ck the cha0s [10:56 PM]:  if i didnt care..
 r0ck the cha0s [10:57 PM]:  i wouldnt be this fuckin mad
 Aiy2 [10:57 PM]:  why are you mad...jeez..grrll
 r0ck the cha0s [10:57 PM]: like u...a fuckin lot..
 Aiy2 [10:57 PM]:  i aint neva seen a grrl this mad ova breakup wit me..
 Aiy2 [10:57 PM]:  ME
 r0ck the cha0s [10:57 PM]:  i didnt think id be this mad..
 Aiy2 [10:57 PM]:  itz ME we're talkin about
 r0ck the cha0s [10:58 PM]:  EXACTLY
 Aiy2 [10:58 PM]:  we're friends okay next best thing...
 r0ck the cha0s [10:58 PM]:  you...fucking sexy ass you...
 Aiy2 [10:58 PM]:  watevrr
 r0ck the cha0s [10:58 PM]:  yeahhh u know im tellin the truth
 Aiy2 [10:58 PM]:  you know i like you too and shitt ..but there iz too much shit ova hurr
 Aiy2 [10:59 PM]:  and i cant spend time with you like i want to...
 r0ck the cha0s [10:59 PM]:  nope and that is stupid as fuck!
 r0ck the cha0s [10:59 PM]:  mannn i was so happy..i wanted to actually fuck u this weekend..
 Aiy2 [10:59 PM]:  welll...
 Aiy2 [10:59 PM]:  were NOT gettin back together
 Aiy2 [11:00 PM]:  unless...
 r0ck the cha0s [11:00 PM]:  OK..whatever u say...
 Aiy2 [11:00 PM]:  im glad somebody doesn't believe me
 r0ck the cha0s [11:00 PM]:  lol
 r0ck the cha0s [11:00 PM]:  i'll talk to ya tomorrow
 r0ck the cha0s [11:00 PM]:  im seriously gonna go now..
 r0ck the cha0s [11:00 PM]:  i promise
 r0ck the cha0s [11:00 PM]:  g'night..have fun doin whatever u end up doin...
 Aiy2 [11:00 PM]:  bye sweetheart
 Aiy2 [11:01 PM]:  luv ya
 r0ck the cha0s [11:01 PM]:  bye..............
 r0ck the cha0s [11:01 PM]:  :-*...yeah..u know...just a little friendly thing...yepppp
 Aiy2 [11:01 PM]:  i feel like crawling under a rock
 r0ck the cha0s [11:01 PM]:  i plan to do that soon
 r0ck the cha0s [11:02 PM]:  and maybe get smooshed
 r0ck the cha0s [11:02 PM]:  and die
 Aiy2 [11:02 PM]:  yeah....
 Aiy2 [11:02 PM]:  that'll be great
 r0ck the cha0s [11:02 PM]:  yeppp
 Aiy2 [11:02 PM]:  but i do luv ya tho..just kno that
 r0ck the cha0s [11:02 PM]:  then u wont have to worry about the overly obsessed white girl
 Aiy2 [11:03 PM]:  not IN LOVE with you ..but ya kno
 r0ck the cha0s [11:03 PM]: long as u still talk to me and we're friends, i can be happy
 r0ck the cha0s [11:03 PM]:  yesss i know
 Aiy2 [11:03 PM]:  but not AS happy
 r0ck the cha0s [11:03 PM]:  nope...sadly..
 Aiy2 [11:03 PM]:  i aim to put a smile on ya face..shit
 r0ck the cha0s [11:03 PM]:  but i'm gonna see u this weekend...IF u wannna see me...
 Aiy2 [11:03 PM]:  you kno i do..chic...
 Aiy2 [11:04 PM]:  you still my chic...well..not really..but yeah...
 Aiy2 [11:04 PM]:  you my lil' chulita
 r0ck the cha0s [11:04 PM]:  fine wit me
 r0ck the cha0s [11:04 PM]:  pe@ce
 Aiy2 [11:04 PM]:  bye
 Auto response from r0ck the cha0s [11:04 PM]:  What the fuck ever....




..Da HotTeSt VeRse ..

VerSe O' thA dAy--o9-o4-o3


"I get so weak in my knees
 I can hardly speak I lose all control 
and something takes over me
In a daze, you look so amazing 
It's not a phase I need you 
to stay with me 
By my side, I swallow my pride
 Your love is so sweet,
 it knocks me right off of my feet
 I can't explain why your loving makes me weak"
SWV - "Weak"





iLlShOrTi01 iLlShOrTi01 iLlShOrTi01