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my old rent site
PROTESTS and Politics
Matt Caplan. Sick of him yet?
Me. yay?
DISCLAIMER and thank yous
Matt Lyrics

November 25: Ok NOTHING has been done with this site yet. because I have just started it. Maybe this could be a resurrection of the Family Website? lol remember ashley.... ;)

When I get more time I will definitely do a lot more with it. I'm thinking this winter when I have NOTHING to do. :) First step: re-teach myself what little HTML I used to know. Shouldn't be too hard. Second: scan some pics of my awesome friends :) and then we'll just have to see how it all goes. I'll add some pages. like a page on all my obsessions. I mean... OUR obsessions. >=) and a shout out page and .... I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll just start with all this..

November 25... still. I just pulled an all nighter. I'm tired. and I didnt even finish my work! BLAH! oh well.... as long as I pass. I'll just keep on telling myself that one.

FEBRUARY 21, 2003 yeah uh let's see. I FORGOT ABOUT THIS SITE. Seriously, Thaine had to remind me of it. (Yes, good things *do* come from Stalking) so uh tell me what to do here and I'll do it. Seriously, tell me what you want to see on here!!!!

February 22, 2003: Ok I'm keeping up with it this time! Seriously! But mostly because I woke up at 8:30 for some odd reason. Oh yeah, and why do LiveJournal, deadjournal, AND ujournal have to cost money?? ah well. Who needs that when I have this 'eh? PS-I'm plotting on how I can get a scanner... so hopefully. lol then I can just use all my pictures... muah hahaha!

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