Don't Dream It...Be It.

Please Click here to see some of my work I created this website as a place to put my artwork and as a way to have contact with people who might want to use my "services" (and no i don't mean that in a nasty way :). What I mean is - if you want me to design you something that you think I could do for you, then please feel free to contact me about my artwork or anything you want. The type of things I have in mind that I've done for people in the past are: designing tattoos, making t-shirts, maybe posters (depending on my access to the tools i would need), I've done paintings/ portraits for people, I've sold some of my tiled pieces (tables that I assembled and then added my hand-made tiles to the tops)...and if you can think of anything else, I'm all ears. So please don't hesitate to e-mail me with any questions or requests you might have. If you would like you can view or sign my GUEST BOOK below. Thank you SOOOO much for viewing my website, please come back soon :).
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Check out....

My Artwork
A little about ME
My Marilyn Gallery
My Keanu Gallery
My Random Goodness Gallery
My Gallery of Cool and Yummy People
