Manchester England

Finally alone in his house, Jeremy can do whatever it is HE wants to do. So there the world champion is in a pantry off the hallway, a China cabinet moved out of the way strangely. Jeremy places several bottles inside of a small basket on his arm and when he is finished he seals up the pantry and goes on like it never existed. Each of these bottles only big enough for maybe one or two uses. Jeremy walks over to the bathroom and stands outside, a big smile on his face, looking like this is an event bigger than Christmas.

Jeremy Wilson- “Come here Keely! Come here you big beautiful Border Collie!”

Keely comes running through the hallway, up the stairs, and right over to Jeremy. Keely gets a whiff of what’s in the basket and jumps on the toilet in the bathroom, pawing over at the bathtub. Jeremy sets the water temperature and then lets Keely do it to ensure it is not too hot on her little body and that the heat would not split the ends of her fur. Arianna knocks on the door, Jeremy jumping to face her and hide the contents of the basket behind his back.

Jeremy Wilson- “ Oh.. Ari… Fancy seeing you turn up. Unannounced.”

Arianna Bessette- “Is this a bad time?".

Jeremy Wilson- “No… of course not."

Arianna Bessette- “I knocked but didn’t get an answer and the door was open so I hjust came on in. You sure its alright?".

Jeremy Wilson- “ Yes.. Is there something you needed?".

Arianna just stands there awkwardly, wondering what she has just walked into. Arianna walks into the bathroom and tugs on Jeremy’s arm, eventually able to get enough of a peak to see what he is trying to hide. Keely of course helps Arianna because she wants her bath! Jeremy eyes down at his Border Collie.

Jeremy Wilson- “Traitor.”

Keely lays down, covering her nose with her paw.

Arianna Bessette- “ I think she heard you.”

Keely stands back up and paws at Jeremy’s leg. Jeremy looks down at her and then over at Arianna.

Jeremy Wilson- “I think she wants you to help with her bath.”

Arianna Bessette- “I would be honored.

Keely lets loose a bark in agreement as Arianna laughs watching as Jeremy turns and sets in the stopper. The tub fills and Jeremy adds Keely’s special bubble bath. Once the bath is ready, Jeremy lifts up his babygirl and sets her into the tub, ever so gently. Jeremy grabs a sleep mask to place over her eyes so Keely does not get soap in hers and get red lines of infection making her look like a drugged-up, low-class dog.

Arianna Bessette- “Jeremy, does she really need the mask?”

Jeremy Wilson- “Yes she does. She could get soap in her eyes otherwise.”

Jeremy climbs down on his knees, rolling up his sleeves, and then offers his hand to Arianna so she can get down on hers.

Jeremy Wilson- “Hold out your hands, I’ll squeeze some soap into them. You need about half this bottle. Her feet get very dirty.”

Arianna cups her hands, holding them out. Jeremy squeezes some shampoo into her hands and then takes a piture and fills it up with water, pouring it gently over his beloved Keely. Jeremy squeezes some soap into his hands and with Arianna begins to rub it through her fur.

Arianna Bessette- “You know I think it’s very sweet, how you treat Keely.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Yeah, she deserves it.”

Arianna’s eyes shift away from Jeremy’s, seeing something.

Arianna Bessette- “What was that?”.

Jeremy Wilson- “What was what?”.

Just then a battle ship floats by Keely, who paws it down under the water.

Jeremy Wilson- “That’s it Keely! Sink those Iranian Oil Mongers!

Arianna just stares at Jeremy.

Arianna Bessette- “She’s blindfolded.”

Jeremy Wilson- “She’s very smart.”

Arianna Bessette- “I can see that. So is that your battleship or hers?”

Jeremy Wilson- “It’s hers. You can’t expect me to give her a bath without toys she can play with, do you?”

Arianna Bessette- “No, I guess not.”

Jeremy pulls out a special bottle of conditioner, the price shining in Arianna’s eyes.

Arianna Bessette- “Two-hundred dollars?! You spent... wow...”

Jeremy Wilson- “She is NOT low-class.”

Jeremy rubs the conditioner through Keely’s fur after rinsing her of all the shampoo. Arianna occupies her own time with the battleship, bumping it into Keely, who seems to like it.

Jeremy Wilson- “Don’t hit Keely with her toy.”

Arianna Bessette- “She seems to like it.”

Jeremy Wilson- “How would you like it if I poked you with something like that?”

Arianna Bessette- “I don’t think I’d mind it. I might hit back.”

Jeremy’s mind drift off somewhere as he begins to smile.

Jeremy’s mind returns to planet Earth, to his body, as he continues to wash her. Arianna stands up looking for a towel. Jeremy looks up at her.

Jeremy Wilson- “What are you doing?”

Arianna Bessette- “We are done washing her, don’t we need to dry her off?”

Jeremy Wilson- “Uh... NO... This is only the first shampooing. I have two more bottles. This usually takes me a few hours.”

Arianna Bessette- “I was wondering how you got her fur so perfect.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Nothing is too good for my Keely.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Then when we’re done I shall show you her wardrobe. I have to hide it because certain ex girlfriends like to take out their frustrations on my poor defenseless little girl’s ensemble. So I need to keep it hid.”

Arianna Bessette- “You have clothes for her?”

Jeremy Wilson- “Yes I do, her evening wear.”

Arianna Bessette- “And the other dogs... when they bark... does it sound like they are making fun of her?”.

Jeremy Wilson- “Um excuse me, she does not socialize with other dogs. She is a Border Collie, no tail, a rare breed.”

Arianna Bessette- “Sorry, I just never met a man who loved his d... Border Collie so much. It’s very sweet.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Randy makes fun of me.”

Arianna Bessette- “I’ve seen his dog, it pales in comparison to Keely.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Yeah, Champ looks poor.”

Arianna and Jeremy continue to wash Keely. Later that day Jeremy is seen pushing a cart he made himself for Keely to ride around in so she does not have to strain her four little legs or dirty her Thursday evening outfit. Arianna kisses Jeremy on the cheek as she comes to her locker room.

Arianna Bessette- “I’ll see you later tonight for dinner.”

Jeremy smiles as he pushes on to his office, where of course his fellow Golden Boy is there sitting, HIS dog Champ on his lap. Randy gets a good look at Keely and looks down at Champ, who is staring up at him.

Randy Orton- “I know she doesn’t look like it boy, but that’s a dog too.”

Jeremy covers Keely’s ears, glaring at Randy.

Jeremy Wilson- “She is not, I’ll have you know, she is a BORDER COLLIE.”

Randy Orton- “Which is a kind of D...”

Jeremy Wilson- “Why are you here? Isn’t it enough we kicked Edge’s ass and made a LOT of money reuniting?”

Randy Orton- “Well since we did manage to patch things up I was thinking we were going to start hanging out again.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Listen, just because your bitch is outside my office... doing nothing by the way... doesn’t mean... wait, she wasn’t out there. Why wasn’t she out there?”

Jeremy grins.

Randy Orton- “I told her to go home.”

Jeremy sits behind his desk, pulling out a bottle of Evian to pour into Keely’s bowl. Jeremy grabs a box of microwavable bacon and prepares it for her as well.

Jeremy Wilson- “We looked pretty good out there though. Edge didn’t see a thing coming. The look of shock on his face, man that was sweet.”

Randy Orton- “Damn sure not priceless. I would say a billion dollars is what the picture would go for.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Think we should do up tee shirts and sell them?”

Randy Orton- “I was actually thinking we could talk over this match we have against Edge and Jericho.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Well we were talking about Edge, good stuff, but what is there to talk about? We are once again in the main event where we belong and we are going to prove that we have not lost a step as a tag team.”

Randy Orton- “True, I was just wondering if you had any thoughts on Brandon becoming the new IC title holder and if you thought Jericho would take that out on you.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Better men have tried and I have beaten those men. As for Brandon, I pushed for Stephanie to strip Jericho for not showing up but she insisted if he’s going to lose the title there should be a match.”

Randy Orton- “Jericho has really dropped the ball as of late.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Brandon would restore that title to just under where I had it. It’s a good title, it should be held by a good champion.”

Randy Orton- “Well you’re the world champion, I guess good champions just stop at me.”

Randy flashes a grin.

Jeremy Wilson- “Ha, ha very funny.”

Jeremy grabs the bacon from his office microphone and feeds little pieces to Keely.

Randy Orton- “Keely looks nice tonight. Another three hour bath?”

Jeremy Wilson- “Four... Arianna opened the bathroom door and we had to give her an extra shampooing.”

Randy Orton- “What does Kristina Malone think about you spending time with Arianna? I heard the two of you were shacking up now that she’s no longer with your buddy Nick.”

Jeremy Wilson- “She’ll think what she wants. She’s her own woman and has her own opinions. And I wouldn’t say we are ‘together’, but I am helping her out.”

Randy Orton- “I’m sure the benefits don’t just stop at a room to recover in, but it’s your business. It’s just, you usually don’t let anyone help you bathe Keely. You wouldn’t even let Chas. Now you are telling me Arianna is?”

Jeremy Wilson- “People change.”

Randy Orton- “I think it’s more than that, but whatever. So what’s on the docket after you situate your DOG?”

Jeremy looks at Keely, who give him sad puppy eyes.

Jeremy Wilson- “It’s not true, Keely. You are not a dog, you are a Border Collie.”

Jeremy looks over at Randy.

Jeremy Wilson- “I will have you know you have gone and hurt her feelings.”

Randy Orton- “Well I am sorry, Jeremy.”

Randy looks over at Keely, his hand to his chest.

Randy Orton- “And I am sorry Miss Keely. So you want to head to the ring and do a promo? We probably should.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Nah, we’ll grab an interview with Matthew later or I might arrange to get on the Conan O’Brien show next week. That’s more our speed. Let the ugly wrestlers go to the ring and talk on a microphone.”

Randy Orton- “So you’re not worried about the tag match we’re in?”

Jeremy Wilson- “Not particularly, no. I have beaten Edge, recently in fact, and I have beaten Jericho. I know what to do.”

Randy Orton- “Jericho is the IC Champion because he beat you though.”

Jeremy Wilson- “And since then he has gotten cocky and fallen. He had to be at his very best to beat me. He is not in that place now.”

Randy Orton- “I’m not worried either because you’re right. Jericho isn’t where he needs to be mentally to beat even one of us let alone both of us. Edge, well his career has gone to wherever Serenity is hiding. Can’t blame him though, we got him good at World War Three. I’d be too afraid to ever show my face too.”

Jeremy Wilson- “He’s probably afraid to show that chin. You know I am half tempted to put a censorship bar over that thing. We don’t need to expose small children to that.”

Randy Orton- “Yeah screw this censor the Internet garbage, censor things like Edge’s chin or Kaitlyn.”

Jeremy Wilson- “I have done the latter actually. She won’t see a match here, EVER. Why would I want to expose ANYONE to the she-man?”

Randy Orton- “True.”

Jeremy Wilson- “It’s bad enough AJ is hanging around you thinking you’re good buddies... and me...”

Randy Orton- “AJ’s a good kid, a little spacey, but then again Maria is too.”

Jeremy Wilson- “You know all this talk about divas makes me wonder where Serenity is and why she isn’t handling them. Eve almost kills Arianna at World War Three and she is nowhere to be found to hand out consequences or scold the woman. Eve is nuts.”

Randy Orton- “Arianna knows the risks of stepping into the ring, Jeremy.”

Jeremy Wilson- “I know, I am just saying the women’s division is in shambles, utter chaos. I am really thinking about firing Serenity and appointing someone who will actually do the job.”

Randy Orton- “I second that opinion!”

Jeremy Wilson- “I might go see Steph about that very thing."

Randy Orton- “Steph would probably agree, there is no love lost between she and Serenity".

Jeremy smiles at the thought.

Jeremy Wilson- “I know. So, what about we grab a beer somewhere?. Maybe talk over our match some more?".

Randy Orton- “ I'm up for it".

Jeremy stands up, Keely at his heels.

Jeremy Wilson- “ I will drop Keely off at the house".

With that Randy and Jeremy leave his office, off onto another adventure.

After a long day at the office, hanging with Randy, and enjoying the company of his other friend Arianna Bessette, Jeremy Wilson arrives back at his house ready for some relaxation in the way he is accustomed to. Jeremy walks into his house and there Kristina Malone is, apron on, and cooking lighter in hand lighting a couple candles. Kristina turns with a smile as she sees Jeremy walking through the door. She pulls off her apron and sets it down with the lighter before wrapping her arms around him and giving him a welcome home kiss. His hands slide around her slender waist as she tips up on her toes. Jeremy walks further into his house, closing the door, and takes a good look around.

Jeremy Wilson- “What is all of this?”.

Kristina Malone-: “ Its nothing, really. I just thought a nice dinner for the two of us would be nice-”

Jeremy pulls Kristina close to him once more and kissing her a second time..

Jeremy Wilson- “You didn’t have to do any of this, I know you’re in a hard spot and I don’t mind helping you out.”

Kristina Malone-: “Well, I feel bad so I tidied up and cooked us a pasta dinner. The kids have already eaten and are down in the basement watching the TV... or playing video games.”

Jeremy Wilson- “So it is just a romantic evening for two then?”

Jeremy gives Kristina a sly smile.

Kristina Malone-: “I thought that was exactly what w... you needed.”

Jeremy Wilson- “That’s a beautiful salad.”

Kristina Malone-: “One of my specialties. I have been making salads for years, no complaints yet.”

Jeremy and Kristina take a seat at opposite ends of the table.

Kristina Malone-: “Jeremy I have been meaning to ask you if maybe you could find a place for me in the NBWF. I really would like to be more active.”

Jeremy Wilson- “So this dinner, was to butter me up so you could ask me for a job?”

Kristina Malone-: “No, not at all. Just making conversation.”

Jeremy Wilson- “Well considering Amy never shows and when she does she is doing her nails or just sitting there. I think I can find you something.”

Kristina Malone-: “Your secretary?”.

Jeremy Wilson- “Your sister clearly doesn’t know what a good candidate looks like so I think I’ll be better off finding myself a secretary.”

Kristina Malone-: “I won’t have to look at creepy, toothless losers will I?”

Jeremy Wilson- “NO... He’s off playing Knights with Andrew and I for one could not be happier he’s finally found someone else to take his attention OFF ME.”

Kristina Malone-: “Me too!!”.

Jeremy Wilson- “Why don’t you come in tomorrow with me and we can get all the paperwork filled out and you can start as soon as possible.”

Kristina Malone-: “Normally I’d have to say I’d come in myself because I don’t like early hours but you never drag out and go into work earlier than noon.”

Jeremy Wilson- “No, I do not. I’m the boss, I go in when I want to.”

They continue talking, laughter is shared and smiles are exchange Kristina clears the plates and Jeremy’s eyes roll to a freshly baked Apple Pie.

Jeremy Wilson- “You know I'm not fond of anything with much sugar, right love?”

Kristina Malone-: “Oh, I remember... that’s for the kids later. I have something more to your taste bud's liking.”

Kristina pulls a can of whip cream from behind her back and lifts a bowl of strawberries from under the table.

Jeremy Wilson- “Well okay then, shall we take this into the bedroom then?”

Kristina Malone- “The maid is already set to come in and clean tomorrow.”

Jeremy Wilson- “ Then why are we still sitting down stairs?".

Jeremy sweeps Kristina off her feet, whisking her up to the bedroom with strawberries and whip cream in hand.