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BLAH, BLAH, BLAH — Profile

Name:  ME!

Location:  blah, blah, blah
Birthday:  27 August, 1984
Bio:  Me... hmm... ok lets see.. I don't really have much of a desirable past and hopefully that will change in the future. Unlike people I've only heard of, I can read people pretty well and I know from the jump if you're going to be a friend worth hanging on to. I don't have a lot of female friends for the simple fact that I think most girls are really petty and fight over dumb "Girly" Things. All the girlfriends I do have are tomboys that dress like girls, just like me. Favorite Food: Chinese, Favorite Drink: Anything alcoholic exc. beer, Choice in guys: The "H" guys-> Hot, Hilarious, Huggable... oh yeah. and sane. I hate cryers, but I'm always the first person willing to console one. I have the driest humor, a dirty mouth, and a serious attitude from time to time (understatement), but if you get to know me, you know that in spite of all those "celebrated flaws"..... I'm the first person to make you laugh when you're down, the first person you call when you're bored and lonely, and the last person you listen to when you need advice... Meaning I always give you the right advice, yet like all my friends and family( I can't lie, I do it too..) you just don't listen to it, until I'm proven right and you've made an ass of yourself. But I'll love ya anyway
Interests:  My interests? uuuuhhh other than drinking???? Tough question..... j/k 1. Being around funny people. (everyone i know).. I love to laugh 2. Being around my puppies 3. yeah yeah yeah.. school too... just in case any teachers look at this. :)
Blog Created:  Tuesday, 25 October 2005
Last Updated:  Tuesday, 25 October 2005 - 9:29 PM EDT
Blog Entries:  3

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