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If you have a case of gonorrhea and you give birth, there is a high probability that the infection

will be transmitted to the newborn baby through the eyes.  If transferred to the baby, it could cause

numerous amounts of complications such as blindness, joint infection, or blood infection in the baby that

is extremely life-threatening.   A baby infected with gonorrhea during pregnancy is also at high risk for being

delivered prematurely which is not only dangerous for the baby, but for the mother as well. To prevent this from

happening, doctors are able to apply silver nitrate or other medications to the eyes right after the baby is born. 

It is advisable for every pregnant woman to be tested for gonorrhea before giving birth, because of the severity it can have on the newborn child.                     

A babies eye is infected with gonorrhea from birth.







                  *Limit yourself from having more than one sexual partner, the less sexual activity, the less likely you are of getting an STD.


                 *Using latex condoms will highly reduce the risk of getting STD’s


                 *Make sure you and your partner get tested on a regular basis, to prevent anything from spreading


                 *Avoid any sexual contact with a person who has symptoms, or is exposed to anyone with an STD


                 *A sure way to prevent yourself from the risks of gonorrhea or any STD is by abstinence.




"Gonorrhea." The National Women's Health Information Center. 30 Nov. 2004 .



WebMDHealth. 30 Nov. 2004
