The Following RP has been paid for by The Insiders...

(((((( Atop a seaside cliff, there sits a castle. Darkness overcomes the image of the castle. But deep inside, we discover that it is an 'Insiders Estate'. Each member of the group, (including Ms. Luvly) have their own areas of the castle. SPCWF cameras take us through the heavy, chain-linked bridge, into the front courtyard inside the castle property. In the courtyard, and dirt circle, centered with green grass, doors to all the members areas are accessable. The cameras pan from door to door, with each members name labeled on their doors. The camera after looking to all the doors, approaches The Imposter's headquarters. The man, the myth, the inSANE one, is seen standing at a table, with a modeled version of an SPCWF Arena Set. We see The Imposter tilting his head, in that curious manner, looking at the Timmah Tron model. His head sits up-right again, and laughs. ))))))

The ImposterThe Imposter: "He's done it!!! HAHA!!! The Imposter figured it out!!!"

(((((( The Imposter walks across this 'study' of his, and grabs an intercom, to announce to his his team this untold, grand news. Suddenly, The Imposter's door opens, and in walks Doom and Rash. ))))))

The Imposter: "Where's Luvly and Balls??"

DoomDoom: "Oh! Balls is just getting outta bed, and Luvly went to the "Biggest Mall in The World". She said she'd be back soon."

The Imposter: "She always has to spend those paychecks of The Imposter's are her stupid little rat-lookin' dogs! (grabs intercom mic in an impatiant manner) HURRY THE HELL UP BALLS!!!!!!"

(((((( Rash laughs, as Balls comes stumbling into the room, half-drunk. Imposter walsk over to Balls, tilts his head sideways, looking at Balls funny, then slaps him in the face. )))))

Scott BallsScott Balls: "Oh mang!! What what was that for??**hiccup** Why am I here again??"

The Imposter: "Stupid drunk! Sit in the sober corner!!"

Scott Balls: "Screw you!! I dun wanna sit in da corner!!" *says in a whiney slurred drunken voice*

(((((( Out of the corner of his drunk little eye, Balls realizes Rash's hand quickly knocking his Tag Partner out. Rash throws Balls over his shoulder and sits him in a corner in a chair facing the wall. )))))

Kevin RashKevin Rash: "Don't worry man, he'll be quiet for the rest of our meeting."

The Imposter: "Good enough. Anyways, Rash and Doom. The Imposter has devised many plans for our preperation for the PPV known as Flatulence. Now Rash, it's been announced that you're goin' into a match with Jim Morrison over in the corner there, to get a shot at those Tag Titles. You have the oppurtunity to become the first-ever, multi-time Tag Champs. But the flaw about this rematch is, it's a TLB Match. But have no worries, scoping out this SPCWF ARena Model, The Imposter found the perfect way for you guys to get those belts with ease."

Kevin Rash: "Really now?? How is this??"

The Imposter: "Well, The Imposter is getting the Flatulence Set's blueprints, by tomorrow, so, this operation can be better handled. But the main basis for when this match occurs, is more mental anguish, then physical anguish. Stink's character, is riding strong, with Justin Style on his coat tails, or dress, or whatever freaky gothic crap Stink gets kinky with. That's why, in order to take down that whole team, we really need to avoid the leader, Justin, and put our main focus on the Stinker. You guys were certainly set up and screwed, that's why The Imposter has taken it upon himself for a little ivestigation to ensue on some prime suspects. WHo was it, that helped raise those belts while you were trying to reach them?? And The Imposter has a gut-feeling Stink knows who it is!"

Kevin Rash: "yea! Well when that little bitch-ass is revealed, regardless if we get those titles or not, I want him in the ring...and when he hits the ring, I want the match to be a "Broken Bone Match"!!"

Doom: "Man, you're alreadt taking out aggression on somethign that's still sooo uncertain. Just relax. Doom would be more than happy to annialate the frigin punkass bitch who screwed with us!! It was M-D-N-T...but of coarse, the anyonimity of this M-D-N-T has to be kept secret! I guees they're just too pussy!"

The Imposter: "Now, now. Let's not go pointing fingers until we know for sure, fellas! Either way, you'll be getting those belts back, damnit!! The Insiders will have that Tag Gold again! And you can bet your ass that when The Insiders have that, there's gonna be more belts to go after! If only Stink had the gull to accpet my challenge for the IC title ma--"

(((((( Suddenly, off in The Imposter's gym room, a phone rings. The Imposter runs into the gym, to pick up the phone. Doom and Rash stand at the door to the gym, listening in on The Imposter's conversation....))))))

The Imposter: "Imposter speaking! **Pauses** Oh hey! How's it goin man??" **Pause** "Yea sure...go ahead, please do tell... **Pause** "A number one contenders match!?!? How is that right Action?!?! You just go and randomly give other people their spot instantly...yet The Imposter has to earn it!?!? Like always!!! Forget about the Jerismo's!! The Naz's!! It's all about who you like better in a personal state. You don't care about letting new talent shine!! And for that Action, after The Imposter gets through with those two losers, and Stink...he's coming after you!!! **Pause** "Oh, and can count on The Imposter stopping at nothing, to destroy everything your life holds soooo true! AND HELL!! The Imposter will take out Oprah too, if he's gotta!!!!!!"

(((((( The Imposter smashes the phone when hanging it up. He then spits on it, and walks around the room pacing furiously. ))))))

Doom: "Imposter?? Man, what was that all about?!?!"

The Imposter: "The Imposter will tell you what it was ALLLLLL about!! It's all about that f*ckin a$shole Action, and his douche bag Vp Wacko screwing over The Insiders Stable, just like always!! What else is new??? The Imposter bets it was Action who pulled those belts away from you two! He bets that deep down inside, Action is no better than Jon!! No better than any of those authoritive jackass' that have held us guys back!! It's now, an all out WAR ON SPCWF!! And The Imposter supposes that he's gonna have to make an example out of the newly debuted SVD and Kurt Strangle!"

(((((( Back in The Imposters study, a loud clash of chaos is heard. All the members run in to see what the commotion was, and to their suprise Balls sitting in the middle of the table with the model arena on it. Imposter becomes enraged, and charges at the drunk Balls, screaming in pure madness, but not before Doom and Rash could hold him off. They signal Scott to exit the room, as they pin Imposter to the ground. Doom pulls a syringe out of his back pocket, while Rash pulls out a bottled fluid. The syringe is filled as Imposter squirms, and Doom injects it into The Imposter. Suddenly the two jump back in a fearful way, and stare at The Imposter, as he rises to his feet. He steps towards Rash and Doom, and goes past them. He walks to the door, opens it, and walks out into the castle's courtyard. Rash and Doom run out  not far behind him. The Imposter then walks out to the parking area, and begns to get in his hummer. Rash and Doom run upto him. ))))))

Doom: "Imposter, where the hell are you going??"

Rash: "Man, get out of the damn hummer! What are you doing??"

The Imposter: "The Imposter has to go back to the Asylum, to get a little something. Something that can help me get back to square one..."

(((((( Imposter gets in the hummer. Suddenly Rash and Doom jump in.))))))

Rash: "Not without your teamates you don't man!"

(((((( Imposter smiles, as do Doom and Rash shortly after. The hummer's engine is turned on and purrs to The Imposter's satisfactory. The hummer pulls out of The Insiders Estate, as the team head towards The Imposter's old home. ))))))

End of RP

Stay tuned, for more Insiders antics...