.dat file viewer v1.5 distribute this program free of charge, without modifications, and with this readme file. http://www.angelfire.com/ego2/idleloop/ u can view and manage the contents of your Kazaa (*.dat) partially downloaded files. this program don't need installation: - just place it in your .dat files folder (the folder where your kazaa, imesh or grokster save your partially downloaded files). - or place it wherever u want , run it, & select "source folder" of your .dat files by clicking on left most icon on toolbar. 4 reportin' errors, comments, proposals: idleloop at yahoo.com it'd run fine with any .dat file used by Kazaa, iMesh or Grokster. improvements coming: .dat format not completely tested perhaps one u suggest me :) This program is provided "as is", etc, etc, & im not responsible for nothin' apart having the intention of distribute this program free and useful. thanks. ( Compressed with UPX v1.24w http://upx.sourceforge.net/ )