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Roleplay Title : “Stating The Obvious”

|| Time - Sunday 10:35pm ||

One…Two…Three. Nothing more than numbers counted as the referee’s sweaty palm hits the mat in succession administrating a pinfall on whomever shoulders are touching that of the cold hard unforgiving canvas. On this occasion the name did not matter for the crowd did not care, yes it was another everyday house show promoted and hosted by the xtreme wrestling alliance at its very worst. The music would hit for the winner yet strangely it appeared to be the same melody as any other so called wrestler had made his reluctant entrance to, The crowd at this time were struggling to stay awake as they for one had only turned up to witness the rare appearances of some of the company’s finest stars…One of which was most definitely Shadow. As the dull match quickly came to an end the cameras would briefly switch to the commentary desk situated at ringside in which its seats were occupied by none other than Raw announcers; Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross.

| 'Good Old J.R' Jim Ross |" …Well that was an ‘interesting’ match if I do say so myself, both individuals putting up a mere fraction of the challenge to what was earlier expected wouldn’t you agree King?

|'King Of Puppies'Jerry Lawler |"What the heck are you talking about JR? The match sucked, there’s no “Use the term loosely” about it…It sucked the life out of this crowd!

…And Just as said, the trailer would begin to play highlighting the classic feud between Shadow and Scott Steiner including footage of the early tag team matches involving the two and of course how each man in their respective ways got to this point. The promo would all be to the sound of Saliva’s “Always” taken from they’re “Back Into your System” debut album…With the song played in time with the action shown, it all truly highlighted what both men were really feeling and they’re deep down desire of lust for the xwa championship…

| 'The Ultimate Assassin' Shadow |" …I mean what makes you think Scott Steiner will even turn up tonight!? Take what I did to him last Thursday night, not only did I cost him the tag team titles in which by the way I see it as saving the match and saving him from a normal defeat…Not only that but I Shadowbombed his ass onto a damn propane tank making his spine and his entire nervous system look and feel like nothing more than mush! I mean sure, you’ve seen him since. You’ve seen him come to this very ring for who knows how many times but really…is that the same Scott Steiner you know? I mean forgive me for over using the rhetorical question but in all seriousness when I look into his bug-like beady little eyes, I see fear. Just listen to his voice, It’s not the same “macho” act he uses week after week…Hell no, You listen to his voice and you hear what can only be described as a boy trapped in a man’s body using his body language as the only way of screaming for help…His voice all the while acting as a dead giveaway with the tainted feelings of fear and regret. I’m not a AND WITHIN TIME IT WILL DESTROY HIM SO SCOTT STEINER AND ALL THOSE FREAKS OUT THERE…

..:: ||_Scene_|| ::.. : And with that said, the cameras would fade out.

End Roleplay…