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Marriage & Children

The Heart Levels are
Dark Blue/Purple,
Light Blue,
And Pink

About a week after a girl's heart turns Pink, a Blue Feather will arrive at the Supermarket. Buy it for 1000G and then you go to the love of your life and confess your true feelings. If she is at a Pink Heart and you've upgraded to the third house extension (she ain't stupid. Looks like she has a different view about how this marriage thing is supposed to work then you do...), she will accept. You will be married in one week.

After a while of giving your wife stuff (what a descriptive word!), she will become pregnant. First she will just feel sick, feel like not doing anything, feel funny, etc. 3 seasons later your wife will have the baby. You CANNOT leave the farm during the day she is having the baby (they make you wait outside).

Your baby goes through 3 stages:

Little Baby
...He's wrapped up in a blanket. How Cute! You can carry him around everywhere and show off like a proud papa should!

...This is even worse. Your wife picked out a mouse suit for him. You can give him gifts still carry him around, and now you can put him down! No, you can't leave him in the mine (I've already tried). He just finds his way home and he always beats you there (that baby can MOVE).

He walks, he talks, and you can no longer attempt to leave him in the mine. He stays like this forever and ever and ever. How odd.