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To feed chickens, simply place chicken feed from the dispenser in their coop onto the trays
Care Required: Feed
Increasing Stock: Stick an egg in the incubator
Egg (normal quality, good quality, excellent quality): 50G
Golden Egg: 150G
Small Mayonaise: 100G
Medium Mayonaise: 150G
Large Mayonaise: 200G
Grand Mayonaise: 300G
Maximum Number: 10

To feed cows, take fodder out of the dispenser and throw it in the animal's food trough. Tough, huh?
Care Required: Feed, Talk to, Milk
Increasing Stock: What an advanced game. We have AI. Buy Cow Miracle Potion, equip it, walk up to the cow and press the button. You cannot milk your cow during pregnancy.
Produce Small Milk: 100G
Medium Milk: 150G
Large Milk: 200G
Grand Milk: 300G
Small Cheese: 300G
Medium Cheese: 400G
Large Cheese: 500G
Grand Cheese: 600

Sheep are fed in the same manner as cows
Care Required: Feed, Talk to,Shear (only occasionly/when able)
Increasing Stock: Buy Sheep Miracle Potion, equip it, walk up to the sheep and press the button. Make sure your sheep's coat is fully grown. You cannot shear the sheep during pregnancy (what does a coat have to do with pregnancy?)
Small Wool: 100G
Medium Wool: 400G
Large Wool: 500G
Grand Wool: 600G
Small Yarn Ball: 300G
Medium Yarn Ball: 700G
Large Yarn Ball: 800G
Grand Yarn Ball: 1000G

You get your hrose for free at Yodel Ranch because they have too many horses to be troubled with it. They get VERY angry if you refuse. And if you get in a hurry the first time and press No, they'll ask you a second time if you talk to Barley (the old dude). You have to make the horse like you a lot by Winter, or it gets taken away. You can have another chance, though, if you plant tons and tons of grass fields. Barley comes by and compliments you and gives you another horse. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN IF YOU KEPT YOUR HORSE! The horse is pretty much useless (like your dog) except for Horse Races and you can use it as a portable shipping bin, though I haven't tried it yet and it was more trouble then it was worth in HM64
Care Required: Let outside(sunny days ONLY), whistle for occasionly, brush, talk to (while able), ride(when adult)

You start out with your dog. You can enter it in the Dog Race and most people think your dog is cute. In your second year, Barley Yodel will come down to your farm and ask if you want to breed your dog and his dog. You can't keep the puppy, but you get to decide who to give it to Care Required: Let outside(sunny days ONLY), whistle for occasionly, throw ball for occasionly

Buy food at the Supermarket. Only one packet a day no matter how many fish you have. Get it from the dispenser beside your farm. Fish don't die if you don't feed them, but the won't increase their numbers.
Care Required: Feed
Increasing Stock: Feed 'em everyday. (It'll take awhile)
Small Fish:
Medium Fish:
Large Fish:

You get bees by planting flowers in summer. After the flowers bloom, you see a little scene where the bees come and set up a hive. Even after the flowers are gone, the bees stay. They disappear during winter and you have to plant more flowers. If you give the honey to Louis, the crazy dude who studies bees, he'll discover it's a rare type of bee and you'll be able to get more money when you sell it... Care Required: None required
Honey from Rare Bees:

Town Animals

The Inn's cat

A dark brown dog belonging to Yodel Farm. Hana and your dog have puppies the second year

Appear on your farm as you cut grass

Brown Birds that appear outside the door to your house

Yellow Birds
Yellow Birds. Found the morning after you marry Popuri. She finds it and tells you its hurt and then flies off with another yellow bird.

Appear on your farm as you plow the field

Mountain Animals

These are the animals I have found in the mountain so far. I wrote down the description for some of them, but I forgot to for the others. If you've seen an animal in the mountains not listed here, please email me with the description you get of it when you pick it up and press the square (on the tool-item menu)

Busy tail.

Slithers along the ground.

Has a pleasant chirp

Brings the real feelings of fall

Long Tail. Very fast.

I have also found...
Stag Beetle