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A Wonderful Life:
Analysis 6

First, I'd just like to say... THANK YOU MOO-MOO DUDE!!!!

Moo Moo Dude, my brother, likes video games (LOL wonder where that comes from) and reads the magazine "Game Informer". And guess what they had in their previews? Yep! I am fairly sure you got it right. AWL! They had 4 pics, inlcuding the one from Analysis 5 that I had no clue what it was. Well, I do know! It was a lot clearer than on the comp screen, and now that I know what it is, I can see it. The thing in the pic below from the previous analysis is *drumroll* a cow! It's in a machine like an incubator, you know, like for premature births, and you're feeding it with a bottle! I ROCK!!!

Here's the quote from the preview on Game Informer(it was v. v. short):

"Remove the stinky cow pies, and farming truly is a wonderful lfie. For this iteration of the cult
favorite role-playing series, Natsume is reviving the marriage system. That's right, you'll be able
to get hicthed and have children. The story is separated into six chapters that span across 30
years of your character's life. Natsume is also introducing easier systems for growing veggies
and tending to animals. As is the case with most GameCube games nowadays, A Wonderful Life
will feature connectivity with the upcoming Game Boy Advance game, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. Look for both games this fall."

In addition to the the pic of the calf in the incubator (below), the article showed pics of the crop scene with potatoes(?) and tomatoes in it, your family with the poor girl, Sepiria, and your green kid in it, and you and your dog herding sheep into the barn.

And here's the pic of the goat I promised,

And here's a pic of your pasture.

Can't figure out what that thing in the back is, though, the tan thing? No clue. It looks like it's about as high in shoulder as a cow, but it don't look like one. Maybe it's a different kind, like a Jersey instead of a Holstein? That'd rock. Could be a hog, you know the really big ones? But it's too tall, and Harvest Moon's such a cartoony depiction that they'd probably make it pink and have a curlier tail. Hmm... let's run through our list of barnyard animal friends, shall we? A turkey (don't think so), a duck, a chicken, a rooster, a peacock, a ginny hen, a peasant. Rabbit, cow, bull, little pig, big hog, sheep (could be a ram. don't think so though, it doesn't have horns), goat, owl, horse - okay, we're running out of ideas - cat, dog, owl, ostrich, rat, turtle. I HAVE NO CLUE!!!!!!!!!!