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Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life

We'll start with Planet Gamecube's Screenshots

Here's a bar and the blondie depicted in the box art(green). The bar owner's circled in red in the background, along with a customer in blue.

Sorry, no edit pic. This one doesn't really need it anyway. It's just some little girl's room with a giant teddy bear and little tea sets everywhere. It could be your own kid's room, but it's much more likely to just be a neighbor's.

This is the garden where you'll be growing your crops. There's two buildings in the background (purple circle) and your trusty dog in the orange circle. To the actual field, there's potatoes (green circle) and tomatoes (blue circle). Amongst the tomatoes are some white flowers (red circles). Perhaps they're a stage of the tomatoes?

Here's another screenshot of the garden from NEWTECHNIX.COM, as are all the other pictures following this.

Behind the field is a building (green circle) seen in the top right corner of the first picture of the garden, (I didn't circle it in that one).In the red circle are some tomatoes, and the blue circles are probably tomatoes, but to me they looked a little different. I think it's just the angle, though. The whole field is circled in purple. I wanted to point out how much smaller it is than it was in the other Harvest Moon games.

Pretty basic. In the red circle, we see the water trough like they had in STH (you didn't have to fill it up in STH, so you probably don't have to here) and a feed trough in the green circle. The feed trough looks like it's shared instead of having individual feed troughs. In the purple circle we have an incubator holding one egg. Along with the 7 other chickens, this means at least 8 chickens. Circled in the two blue circles, there is one hen and one rooster, showing again that we're going for GB3 animal mating system.

Just the run-of-the-mill local doctor/scientist/inventor shop, complete with scattered books, test tubes, odd vials, and a white jacket. Guy seems kinda creepy though. I don't like the way he's looking at you...

A picture of your dog herding sheep into a barn. There's two barns (red and green) and the sheep are going into the green one. Because your dog's herding them that means you'll be able to give it commands like in STH.

I saved the most intrigueing for last. The above shows several things. In the center is a yellow circular hut with flowers painted on it. From here we move on to the obvious standing in the yard are numerous creatures, the first of which being yourself. There's a dog in the red circle, a cat in the blue circle, and a goat in the green circle. The other two were hard to figure out. The thing in the orange circle is a turtle. It's walking away from us and slightly to the left; we're looking at the back end of it. Kinda like this: See? The last thing was the hardest, and I thank my mother for coming over to look at it. We played around with it on paint, blowing it up and shrinking it. When we looked at it at 150%, she could see it because I was looking for an animal but she was looking for whatever it was. "It's a little person with a witch hat on!" So thank you mother. It's clothes are green which makes it hard to see. (Bet those Japanese did it on purpose. I stick by my thoery in Analysis 1) Here's a cut out of the little green witch at regular size (100%) and 150%. I traced it in red so you could see it easier.
What's this pic mean? No idea. She might be giving you a pet, letting you pick from a goat or cat or whatever. But I can't really imagine your goat herding cows... Oh well. By the way, I just not saw a see-saw beside the hut. Toodles!