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Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life

Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life is the announced title of the game. It is schelduled to be released in 2003. This year is 2002, right? Gee, I hope so... Anyway, Thus far all they have provided us with is basically nada. But let us drop our pessimist nature! A few bits of info and a pic is all we get. So, we'll milk the bits and picture for all they're worth!

Fact they've told us
Speculation deprived from Picture

This is a v. bad pic, I realize that. I can't find a clear copy and the internet always uploads my pictures fuzzy, so I tried my best. If you want a clear picture, go to HM Farm.

The most important thing they've said thus far is, in my opinion, that the creator is reportedly "pouring his heart into it". That's always a good sign
:) They've also confirmed that you WILL be able to marry. 3 new girls are obviously depicted above, along with an interesting little puzzle - an army of short people. These could be dismissed as Harvest Sprites, but seated atop the dog you see the Harvest Sprites of Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland - Nik, Nak, and Flak. So what are the tall short people. In answer, I give the tentative reply that, because they themselves announced that you can get married, therefore inferring everything else associated with such in the past games, perhaps these are the children you can have, supported by the way the cling to your leg and sit astraddle your horse. After all, didn't they say they will be combining some aspects of the previous Harvest Moon Games? This would mean you can have multiple children. This is a mere speculaton and guess! I really don't know!

They also saidyou could grow new, hybrid vegetables! To look in the basket, there are vegetables, including a possible daikon and cherry tomato, but much more likely to be turnips, tomatos, and potatoes. Along with the new vegetables, there will be new animals you can raise! !!! !!! (I'm a little excited) I have a theory. The people at Victor Interactive enjoy watching the lazy Americans wriggle and squirm trying to learn more about the games they have and withhold as much information as possible. I bet they spent weeks planning this. All you can see above is the normal horse, the normal dog, the normal sheep and the normal cow. Of course, let us not forget the easily hidden duck hiding behind the girl's leg. But this matters little next to the chickens. Yes, the chickens. Or, to be exact, three chicks and a hen and rooster. This infers the game will use Harvest Moon: Gameboy 3- Boy Meets Girl's system of animal mating requiring a male and female animals. I wonder if you'll be able to raise horses in this one... Neat-O!