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Lucky Charms

My Favorites

There are so many things that have happened to me in the past year, and there are so many people to thank for that one. I was known as the hermit crab of our floor first semester, but now I am never around so I am known as just the crab. Cuz when I am around I am a little crabby. I would like to say sorry for not having any pictures on this site yet but I will soon.

First thing is first. I am single for over a month now after having a boyfriend for like 13 months. We just grew apart. He lived two hours away but we are still friends. His name was Tim, and I want to thank him for those wonderful 13 months we had together. And for showing me, you can still be able to have friends after you break up.

My Family College Alpha Sigma

I want to thank my parents for giving me the opportunity to be at college. I love them dearly. They have always been there for me and promise to be there for me forever. I know they spoil me rotten and I love them for it. We hardly ever argue and if we do, it is because of some really stupid thing I did.

Next, I have the cutest dog in the world. His name is Carmel Houston Dallas Junior Sac-o-Vic the Third. Yeah, I know his name is long but hey I was only in the sixth grade when I named him and everyone kept on adding to his name. But we just call him Carmel, Monster Head or Snucklebutt. He put me through a real scare this past month. He got really sick and wouldn't walk around, and my parents had to carry him around. But we took him to the vet and they thought he may have cancer. But he only has lyme disease and is being put on medications which will have him better soon. I don't know what I would do without him. I tell him all my secrets, and he never tells a soul.

Then you have my wonderful godchild. His name is Pacey Joseph born February 19, 2002. At first site you would fall in love him. No matter what he does, it is adorable. I was suprised when my aunt and uncle asked me to be his godparent but I am happy they did. I wouldn't want it any other way. I like to spoil him every holiday and whenever I see him...I am the one that gets to hold him. I can't wait until this summer when I can take him swimming in the pool. He loves Tigger and teddy bears. He doesn't cry much which is wonderful for this summer when I am going to try and watch him if my aunt and uncle let me.

There are so many people here at college that I would love to be able to mention. If I leave you out, that either means I still need to get to you, that I am really sorry that I forgot....

First, we got Sara. I remember her as this quiet girl who lived next door to me, and answered yes or no to any question I asked her. But she is not like that at all anymore. She is the most caring person I know, and gets the grunt of all our problems. I am sorry for that. Sara helped me through so much my freshmen year, and I am so happy for that. She takes care of me when I am sick or dealt with a break up. She hears about every crush I have, which is a lot. I think she gets annoyed by that one.

Then there is Ryan(Sara's boyfriend). He was in my Finite Math class, and I never realized he lived on my floor and was talking to Sara more. I am so jealous of their relationship. They have their ups and downs but they still care deeply for each other. I want to wish you luck in the future, and don't forget to say "I love you" to each other every day.

Then there is James. What can I say? He is a wonderful husband. There is a long story to that one which I guess I need to explain. I have LIFE on my computer, and James and I just happened to pick the two characters that ended up getting married in the game. So it has been a joke between us ever since. I keep threatening to give him those divorce papers but never do. I don't remember the last time I actually called him James. We know him as James E. Bibbles(Sara picked the name for him and it just stuck).

Then there is Dan. I don't know him really well cuz I think he filled my position in this little friendship. See I joined a sorority this semester and was never around, and then all of a sudden Dan was there. But I guess the group met Dan when he was making out with Nicole. So I guess he didn't take my place. YAAAAAAAA.