How to flirt at the office and get ahead.

Updated 4/3/2007
This is a living document and I will try to updated as I learn more


The information you will find below is some of the things I learned on my own, from magazines, the web and from friends.

A little background about me. I'm a mother of 2, with a very nice and supportive husband. I am a secretary and have been working in the field for 12 years and until 2 years ago wasn't getting anywhere until I started to apply the techniques for flirting at the office.

For some reason I always thought if I worked hard I would get ahead. This may be true for a man, but not for a female secretary.

I've had several different jobs that I always gave 110%, and when it was time for my review my male boss would say what a great job I did, but there was seldom any money to go with it. I spent 4 years at one job where all I ever got was a cost of living raise.

The pay range for that job was $8.25 to $14.50 an hour. Although, I was learning more about the company and doing my job faster and better, I never got passed $9.75. And I have to say I really worked hard doing other things. I did some of my bosses Christmas shopping, took clothes to and from his dry cleaners, made and served him coffee, etc.

Finally, during the last review I had with that company, I asked my boss why he had never given me anything more than a cost of living raise. He seemed to be surprised I even asked that question, then he said, well you do about the same work now, as you did when you started, so why should I give you a larger raise. I quit a week later.

This probably was not a good idea because we never had a lot of money. However, I was able to find another job quickly. But I hadn’t learned anything and I went through the same thing all over again. Stupid me just couldn't figure out there is more to work than hard work, if you want to get ahead as a secretary.

Then about two years ago when we were on vacation, I met a lady at our hotel’s pool. She seemed very nice and we got talking. As it turns out, she was also a secretary, but she had moved up the corporate ladder quite well and from what I learned about her she didn’t have half the computer skills I had. So, I just had to ask how she did it. She told me that she flirted with her boss or shall I say bosses, as she moved to a different job about every two years. She moved from one job to another because, as she put it, they had given her all that they could give. I was shocked and I told her so. She went on to tell me that men have been taking advantage of women for thousands of years, so what’s wrong with us taking advantage of them for a change.

That night in our hotel room, I discussed what I had learned with my husband and to my surprise he thought it was a great idea. He said it seems to me they're never going to recognize you for the hard work you do and you do deserve the money, so why not give it a try. His only requirement was that I tell him, in the greatest detail what transpires between my boss and I. As it turns out, this has really turned him into a wild man in bed and we are having some of the greatest sex I’ve ever known.

Now some people might say if you flirt with your boss to get ahead that makes you a gold-digger. Ok fine, call me a gold-digger, I don’t care. But what do you call someone who works their tail off just to watch their boss get the big promotion while they never get ahead. I call them a fool. Life is short and I have 2 great kids who need the best that I can give them.

Let’s face it all my past bosses were screwing me by paying me nothing even though I was working very hard making them look good. So isn’t it fair play to screw back?

Before I started flirting with my last boss, I tried many times to have him send me off for computer and software training, I tried to get a new chair (the one I had was made back in the 50’s and was killing my back), I tried to get this, I tried to get that, and it was always the same…NO.

So, I read up on flirting and added that to what my friend at the pool had told me and I started to work on him.

It was awkward at first, but with my husband’s support, I worked at it and here is the pay off. I got all the classes I wanted to take and more, paid for by the company and on company time. Got the new chair, new desk, an office with a view, got a substantial raise at every review and I even got a 17" monitor to replace the tiny 13" one. Then as the flirting got more intense he started giving me money (about $5,000 over 18 months), jewelry (diamond dinner ring, diamond bracelet, diamond earrings etc), helped me get my kids accepted into a private school, and then finally a brand new Toyota Camry.

Yes, maybe I was considered the company gold-digger, but my husband and I were both 38 years old and neither one of us had ever owned a brand new car. Personally, I believe that the end justified the means. Remember, I never forced him to give me anything. So, how is it my fault he let his little head do all the thinking? Why am I called the gold-digger?

It’s just when a woman has the guts to do it, everyone else gets jealous and has to put you down. And putting women down is something this country does very well.

The boss I took to the cleaners, so to speak, owned a $550,000 house, drove a $60,000 BMW and had a vacation home in Florida. And he made the kind of money he did, because people like me worked their butt off to make him look good, while he took three hour lunches and sat around in board meetings bullshitting with the guys. Then turned right around and took credit for everything I did. Sound familiar?

Now enough about me, here is some stuff about flirting at the office:

When you greet your boss make an effort to touch his arm. If you are walking through a door, as he goes through first place your open hand on his back. Later on in your flirting move to touch/squeeze his hand. This hand squeezing works very well on lunch dates when your talking about things you’re trying to get from him.

If you are standing and your boss touches you always move toward him slightly, look into his eyes and smile. If you’re sitting just look into his eyes and smile.

If you are sitting and he touches you on the knee spread your legs apart about 6 inches. This is telling him you like it when he does that and it is a big turn on for him, as it reminds him what’s between your legs.

At least once a day pretend to brush dust off his shirt or jacket. Also, when he’s talking to you pretend to brush something off your clothes right over your breast. This brings attention to your breasts.

At least once a week complain to him that you have a stiff neck, then rub your neck and then look at him for a second or two with sad eyes. If he gets the idea let him rub your neck while you sit in a chair. Tell him how good it feels and how strong his hands are, while he’s doing it. Then complain that your shoulders are sore, too. Try to wear a top that will permit him, while he’s standing over you to look down your cleavage. Touching is a VERY important part of the process. According to the magazine, Psychology Today once a man is permitted to touch you, his animal brain begins to believe he needs to protect you. Which in today society means giving you things that will make your life better.

When he’s rubbing your neck try leaning your head back with your eyes shut. Your neck is one of the most vulnerable places on your body and to expose the front of your neck to him is showing great trust, and is a big turn-on for him. Later on ask him to rub the front of your neck as well…big turn-on. The reason the exposing of the neck is so important is in the animal world when one animal attacks another they always go for the neck, because the wind-pipe and all the major blood vessels that go to the brain are in the neck. All animals including humans instinctively know this. So what you’re saying using body language is, here’s my neck, do what you will with me. Closing your eyes is very important. First it makes you seem more vulnerable and second he's more likely to bend over and kiss you if your eyes are shut. Kissing is very important. Below you will find a chart that shows 30% of the women I talked to didn't have to go any further than kissing to get what they wanted. So go ahead and let them kiss you.

Talking about rubbing things, later on you can complain about a sore calf and he can rub that while you sit in a chair across from him. This will get him hot, as he will be able to look up your skirt/dress.

If he tells a joke, as you laugh, throw your hair back to one side and then tilt your head exposing the side of your neck.

When you’re sitting down talking to him cross and uncross your legs often. This only works if you’re wearing a skirt. This brings attention to your legs and to what is of course between them.

You ALWAYS wear a short skirt or dress, except during your period, then pants are ok. Remember pants make you look masculine, and tells men to stay away. Far too many women today wear pants to work nowadays because they either think they have to dress like a man to compete or they don't like wearing pantyhose. Well stop wearing pantyhose and you don't have to dress like a man to beat them at their own game.

A good rule of thumb for skirt length in the office, according to Vogue Magazine and The Wall Street Journal, is take your height in inches then divide that number by 4 and that is the perfect length skirt for you. So if you’re 5 feet 6 inches your perfect skirt length, for work, is 16.5 inches.

Never wear panties or pantyhose. What a waste of money they are, and I’ve read in several places that they are the cause of yeast infections. If you feel you must wear hose, buy single stockings. Stockings are cheaper, and if you get a run you only lose one stocking not the set like with pantyhose. I have to wonder, what crazy person invented pantyhose.

When your boss is looking at you try tilting your head to one side. Or put your hands behind your head, then arch your back to stretch it to display your breasts, Lick your lips slowly now and then.

Hold a pen in one hand and stroke the shaft of the pen with the fingers of the other hand. Doing this is telling his animal brain you’d like to stroke his penis. It works very well.

Look back over your shoulder...and smile at him. This asymmetrical position is always a signal you are interested. always gets his attention. Ask him if you can tell him a secret...Then whisper in his ear: "I just love your tie…I just love your after shave…I just love your suit…etc. Men love it when you whisper to them, it’s like pillow talk.

The redder the lipstick and nail polish the more available and noticeable you will be. Arch your back a little as you sit up tall and cross your legs high. Don't cross your legs together tightly. Instead place the ankle of one leg onto the knee of the other when you are sitting facing him. It will remind him you are not wearing panties.

Wear earrings that are interesting enough to make him comment on them.

Wear a gold chain around your neck with an interesting, but small charm or amulet. Make sure the chain is long enough so the charm rests directly above your cleavage. Of course your top needs to have a diving neckline. The fact that the charm is small will require him to stare more closely at it and this will give him an excuse to check out your breasts.

Give him a look all over from head to toe - nod with approval and then flash him your most winning smile.

If you are sitting and your feet are out where he can see them, dangle one of your shoes from your toes. What you’re telling him here is you want to get undressed.

On days you know that you will be working closely with him wear something sexier than on those days where you are not. This will make it seem like you’re dressing for him. And during lunch dates wear something extra sexy. Talking about lunch, here’s some tips; on your first few lunch dates, encourage him to talk about himself…his favorite subject. Later you can talk about what YOU want. When you’re talking and if you have a water glass with a stem on it, stroke the stem up and down in an abstracted fashion. It has the same effect as stroking the pen.

Also, when you go out to the car make sure he opens the door for you. Then when you first sit down, sit facing the open door. Then put both feet up on the scuff panel. This will put your knees high. Then move your left leg over to the foot-well, as if you’re about to twist into your seat, but don’t, instead right at this point ask a question to him that will require a short answer. After he’s answered twist the rest of the way into the seat and he’ll close the door. Ok so why do this. Well you’re knees are high, your legs are spread apart, you’re wearing a short skirt without panties and he’s looking down between your legs and getting an eye-full, especially if you have a shaved pussy. Asking the question just gives him a little more time to look. He’ll generally fumble over the answer to your question, as other things will be on his mind. It can be very funny. Also this will tell him you’re not wearing panties and he probably already knows you don’t wear a bra. So everyday he sees you at the office he knows that under that single layer of clothes you’re butt naked. Big turn-on.

Never cross your arms in front of your chest. It says stay away.

Who should you go after? The person need not be your direct boss, just a guy who’s in a high position of power. And there is nothing that says you can not go after more then one. It’s good if you can find a boss that is under a lot of stress at home. Bosses who have teenagers, newborns or pregnant wives are always under stress. But they MUST be married.

When ever your standing and talking to your boss try to keep your feet shoulder width apart…about 18 inches. Normally when you’re standing your feet will be about 6 to 8 inches apart. Standing with your legs further apart is sexually inviting to men. Also when you’re standing and talking to him try to lean up against something. Like a wall or a desk. Try to keep your hands behind you. This leaning position with your legs apart implies to his animal brain you want to lie down, so he can take you.

If he doesn’t suggest you go out to lunch you might say that you heard of a nice restaurant down the street, then ask if he’s ever eaten there and what does he think of the food. He’ll get the hint. Or if he gives you a special project that has to be done ASAP you can say sure, but it will cost you lunch.

If you're wearing a button down blouse or dress the last thing you should do before leaving the house is unbutton one more button at the top. Do the same for the bottom end of button down dresses and skirts. Unbutton one more button at the bottom of that dress or skirt. Remember be daring! If you have trouble remembering to do this, sew up the at the top of you blouse of bottom of your dress. This was you won't/can't automaticly button them when you are getting dressed in the morning

If you're married and your husband like mind doesn't have a problem with you playing this game at work, ask him for advice if what you're wearing is a turn on.

Wear double-breasted blazers without a blouse. These are great for giving him an eye full of cleavage when you lean over to talk to him at his desk. Don't wear a bra. The first time I did this my boss dropped his coffee right on his expense report. Luckily, I always make two copies of it.

Bras, if you feel you have to wear a bra for support try a shelf bra. Shelf bras hold you up, but leave your breasts and nipples uncovered. I read some where that these bras are better for the health of your breasts and wearing no bra is better still.

Now step one is over. If you've done your flirting right here's some things that will be happening. Without you asking he should be walking up behind you and rubbing your neck. He should be asking you out to lunch at lease once a week. He should be touching you on the arm, hand and knee more often.

At this point, as my husband said, "it's time to apply the pressure."

Now is your time to start asking for things…little things…things you couldn't get before. In my case I started talking over lunch about my broken down chair, the Microsoft classes I wanted to take, how nice it would be if I had my own printer, my little hole of an office cubical and so on. The reason you start small is you have to get him use to giving you things.

Now step two is where you start asking for the big stuff. You start talking about your old car that you spend so much money to keep it working, how bad public schools are, the fact that you really need some new jewelry, how expensive clothes are now a days, and how you haven't been on vacation in years and so on.

Generally speaking he's going to want to do more for you and to you. He might suggest you go out to dinner together once and awhile and lunches will probably get longer and in more romantic places. He's going to want to start feeling you up not only in his car after coming back from lunch, but in his office too. Like when he's rubbing your neck his hands will start drifting down to your breasts. This is why no bra is a good thing. Coat dresses work really good for fooling around at work. They unbutton and button easily and there's nothing to tuck in. However, it is a good idea to avoid dinner dates and this is how you do it. You say you can not make dinner because you work a part time job at night to make extra money for a new car. This will give him just one more BIG reason to give you that promotion or helping you pay for things, if he ever wants to get you out to dinner. Remember, he's going to have a hotel room in mind after a dinner date.

If you're going after the big money you have to let him do this, but remember you're in control and he only gets to touch after he's given you something. Remember, it's only a game to you!

It's almost like training a dog, it's just that dogs are smarter. You should keep some condoms in your purse, just in case, but what I did and what it seems most girls do is give him a hand job to calm him down. Remember to keep him thinking about you and sex. The more thinking his little head does the more you will get.

In the end depending on what you're shooting for, there may be sex, but you need to hold him off until you get whatever goal you were shooting for; a new car, promotion to a mid-level management position, etc.

From the girls who wrote me and talked about their fling about 80% of them were after a promotion into a management position.

Here's a little break down of how far they had to go, in each case, to get what they wanted.


How far they had to go!
 Lunch  Kissing Fondling
Hand-job Sex one time  Sex numerous times
 3%  10%  16%   25%  24%  14%   8%

As you can see, only a small number, 12% had to go all the way to get what they wanted.

Out of the ones that had sex numerous times it was almost always with an older man, who continued to promote the person over the years.

Where it happened
  Car  His Office   Hotel Board Room   Closet
 Fondling  46%  32%  6%  12%   4%
 Sex  23%  42%  13%  10%  12%
 Kissing  58%  32%  1%  3%  6%

In my case the goal was a new $32,000 Camry. He was going to a product convention and he told me he needed me to come with. I already knew he had purchased the car for me. The dealership faxed him the bill of sale and my name was listed as the owner. As I always make copies of his faxes I saw it so it was no surprise that he wanted me to go to the product convention. We only did it once, with a condom of course, and then I faked getting my period and terrible cramps. So he gave me the title, bill of sale and the keys and told me to catch the next flight out. I had already lined up another job. With all the advanced classes I took in Microsoft I landed a managers position with the IT department of Motorola where I am very happy.

What my old boss doesn't know is I video taped our little fling and now it's my husbands' favorite X-rated movie.

Would I do it again? YES. My only regret is I didn't do it sooner. Since I put this page up on June 5, 1999 I've received over 1000 e-mails. Most are women asking for more how to information, others with there own stories of success over their boss and what they got and a few are from both men and women telling be what a slut I am. That is ok, they can call me that, because in this world where almost no one wants to see someone else get ahead, you have to use what tools you have to get ahead, and like I said before no one forced him to give me what he did.

The following is a reprint of an article in Psychology Today.

Office Sex and Romance Survey, written and analyzed by Dr. Janet Lever MD, a sociologist at California State University at Los Angeles

Who's fishing in the company pond?…Who’s not?

62 percent of 62,000 respondents have had at least one office affair — and nearly one in 10 had four or more.

Only 14 percent said they’d never consider dating someone from work.

Climbing the ladder

Roughly 68 percent of women and 10 percent of men have had an affair with their boss for the sole purpose of getting ahead.

Only 7 percent of women have dated a subordinate, compared with 25 percent of men.

Why not make it easy?

Roughly half of women and men hooked up with a coworker from their department.

The lying game.

42 percent were married or in a relationship at the time of their office affair.

Love or lust?

Nearly half said their office romance lasted one year or longer; for 16 percent, it went on for five or more years (dozens wrote in to rhapsodize about the attractive coworker or boss … who later became their spouse.)

For 65 percent, their affair was clearly just a fling to get ahead, lasting just long enough to get what they wanted and most did.

All play and no work…

More women, 44 percent, than men, 35 percent, have had some sexual contact at work. Why the disparity? More women than men claim to have had sex with their boss (not a coworker) on the premises.

Swing(ing) shift.

40% had sex with a coworker during work hours; 60 percent waited until after hours.


7 percent got caught with their pants down — or skirt up. For 87 percent of them, the worst repercussion was embarrassment.

Don’t kiss and tell .

82 percent tried to keep their relationship at work a secret. But only 15 percent said they had to because of company policy.

What’s the big secret?

"Wanting to avoid letting co-workers find out they were using their affair to get ahead" was the No. 1 reason given by half for keeping their affair a secret. No. 2: To protect a spouse or partner. But only 15 percent said secrecy was needed because they were violating a company policy.

Breakup fallout: The good…

Roughly half said their romance had not interfered with work — nor did it result in problems like depression, distraction or awkwardness. A third reported discomfort in the first two months after the breakup.

Real-life Ally McBeals.

Two of three respondents believe almost everyone flirts in the office; just 9 percent think the come-ons are serious. Nearly everyone’s a target: 92 percent said a coworker they found attractive had flirted with them.

Who flirts back?

54 percent of married and 62 percent of single people do if they think it’s in fun. When one party means business: 75 percent of married and single males reciprocate if they think their pursuer is serious.

We just want to have fun.

A quarter of women and a third of men felt that flirting with coworkers makes going to work more fun — single people and those who had indulged in an office romance were the most likely to share that sentiment. Most women said they had a lot of fun taking their boss to the cleaners. Some claim they doubled their salaries, other received large amounts of cash, expensive gifts and even cars and houses.

Persistence pays off? Not

Men, if you’re risking rejection over and over with the intent to wear her down, forget it; only 5 percent of women said they ever went out with a coworker because of his persistent invitations.

You lookin’ at me?

About one in three has been the object of the same sex’s attention. Only 2 percent were upset by the attention, and half either flirted back for the fun of it or actually went out.

The Erin Brockovich factor, Flaunt it or hide it?

74 percent of women say they play up their sexuality at work; 20 percent of men do.
Meanwhile, 26 percent of women and 80 percent of men de-emphasize their sexuality. What gives? It seems women are more likely to use clothing to send a message.

Sex appeal: asset?

75% of women feel they’ve benefited because a supervisor found them attractive.

…or burden?

13 percent of women felt unfairly passed over because a supervisor or manager found them sexually threatening.

Playing by the rules

15% work in offices where dating is prohibited between supervisor and subordinates; another 7% say their employer forbids dating any employee. But nearly a quarter said they had no idea whether their company had any rules!

All’s fair in love and work.

78 percent of both men and women felt they’d been treated unfairly in the workplace, and lost out on promotions or other benefits to people who had a close personal relationship with the boss.Only 4 percent of women and 1 percent of men said they’d paid a price for rebuffing a supervisor’s or manager’s sexual advances.

Whose business is it?

60 percent believe an employer should not have any say in whom they date.

Playing favorites.

The "old boys clubs" are still a bigger problem than romantic unions when it comes to promotions. Respondents of both sexes named friends (which were as likely to be female as male) three times as often as lovers as the beneficiaries of favoritism.

Go figure…

We expected more women than men to say they’re reluctant to act friendly for fear that coworkers might interpret their advances as sexually motivated, but we found the opposite: 15 percent compared to 9 percent.

Going down, moving up?

Women who are promoted quickly are subject to gossip that they slept their way to the top. An astonishing 41 percent of men and women agreed with this statement. What’s more, four in 10 of them believe these rumors to be true!

All in All…

It would seem that there is a lot of sex going on in the work place. Most seem to use flirting and sex to get ahead and this is primarily in the administrative positions. Commonly, bosses look upon there support person as a necessary evil and therefor these people are generally passed over for raises, promotions and other company benefits. The treatment of the support like in the movie "9 to 5" and "Working Girl" is very real in today’s office and it is doubtful it will ever change, which is why so many women in these positions use flirting to get ahead.