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226.     The hackers are coming to take us away HA HA HA HA HA HA{{Cre8tive}}

227.     !%!%!%!%!%!%!!-----I Feel Good-----!!%!%!%!%!%!%!{Doc}

228.     da-dum de-da-da da-dum-de-do  da-da-da-da-dum-de-da)     {Doc}

229.     Hey've been on the computer forever and we haven't eaten for three days and the dog's lookin at me funny like(LUKE)

230.     ~I'm having a bad day........Can I have a hug? ~{{KENT}}

231.     ~30ish Tour~ BeHaVe dammit! Don't make me turn this bus around! Thats IT! We're not stopping for ice cream now!! LOLz<Belle>

232.     (You Think Im A Bytch?.....Well Im the Best Bytch You'll Ever Know ...And Next Time You Wanna Call Me One Type It In All CAPS And Show RESPECT)(Bwitched)

233.     Hit me with your best shot. Why dont you hit me with best shot?.............{PennyGurl}

234.     If I was you I'd just stay outta her way, she might have rabies or somethin'!! {bm}

235.     :::::.....Lost, lagging, or just fucken bored???.....:::::<Yo>

236.     Been there .... Done that.... and yes I have the T-Shirt(LUKE)

237.     OMG!...... I'm just having a blonde moment here! ..............{---Cassandra---}

238.     What do you mean, I'm weird? Don't you ever go outside, strip naked and howl at the full moon??? ..........{---Cassandra---}

239.     Moi am not perfect, but I'm about as CLOSE as you can get! .........{---Cassandra---}

240.     Where am I from? I am from VP Heaven.............. {---Cassandra---}

241.     Christ! Look at that little bastard go

242.     C'mon luv you can do better than that..........hahaha

243.     ~Hey wanna go cruisn' with me?~{{Kent}}

244.     ~~~Your Delirous~~Go To Bed And Have A Wet Dream~~HeHeHe~~~~~~~~=^..^=

245.     waZZZup if your commin...buH-bYie if your going...w/b if you jus came bak...h/b to the brb's!..........Eliza

246.     Careful!!............ You'll Put Your Eye Out With That THING!!!.......................................(k= ^ A ^ = tt)

247.     I'm about to rob you of your free will...Does this frighten you? (Arctik&Maiden)

248.     The lord tells me he can get me outta this mess, but he's pretty sure you're fucked.

249.     Hello hunny!¡!¡ (t)