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TO: Ron Pendleton
FROM: Guadalupe Alberto Fernandez
DATE: April 25, 2003
RE: EVOC 501, WR2 Assignment

The purpose of the WR2 Assignment was to prepare a list of topics and a list of related tasks that would be appropriate for the course I teach and certify in Basic ESL Instruction. The following six criteria were specified:

1. Comply with all of the General Criteria for Written Reports.

2. Prepare a report that looks neat and professional.

3. Write out the description of the "occupation" that my course is intended to prepare people for, as that occupation is described in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.

4. List and briefly describe at least 5 topics (information about some specific content area in a course relative to the occupation described above).

5. On a separate list, describe an appropriate specific task for each of the five topics described. These tasks should be written in terms that indicate exactly what it is that students are expected to be able to DO.

6. Include a deliberate and obvious error somewhere in the report. Describe this error on a separate sheet of paper that will be given to the instructor only along with the copy of the report that is submitted for grading.

The following sources of information were used relative to this assignment:

1. Fernandez, Guadalupe Alberto- From my own professional experience.

2. Dictionary of Occupational Titles (Fourth Ed., Revised 1991) U.S. Dept. of Labor, Office of Administrative Law Judges Law Library -

3. Google World Wide Web Search Engine

4. "The Natural Approach - Language Acquisition in the Classroom" Krashen, Stephen D. And Terrell, Tracy D. Prentice Hall International, 1988.(Supplemental Reading)

5. "Knowledge of Language - Its Nature, Origin, and Use" Chomsky, Noam. Praeger Publishers 1986. (Required Reading

I believe that the attached report meets all six of above listed criteria. I have prepared a copy of this memo and a page listing Certification in Basic ESL Instruction Topics and Tasks for every scholar in the EVOC 501 course. I respectfully request full credit: one point for meeting each of the above listed criteria.


Guadalupe Alberto Fernandez


099.227-030 TEACHER, ADULT EDUCATION (education)

Instructs out-of-school youths and adults in academic and nonacademic courses in public or private schools or other organizations: Prepares outline of instructional program and studies and assembles material to be presented. Presents lectures and discussions to group to increase students' knowledge or vocational competence. Tests and grades students on achievement in class. Teaches courses, such as citizenship, fine arts, and homemaking, to enrich students' cultural and academic backgrounds. Conducts workshops and demonstrations to teach such skills as driving, sports, and dancing, or to provide training for parenthood. May teach basic courses in American history, principles, ideas, and customs and in English to foreign-born and be designated Teacher, Citizenship (education).


1. Information about the sound and grammatical structure of language, with special attention to English.

2. Information about second language acquisition and development.

3. Information about the correlation of social status and linguistic behavior.

4. Information about problems and solutions in teaching English grammar.

5. Information about the nature of language learning and techniques used in the teaching of English as a Second Language


1. Shown illustrations of S-Bar Sentence Structures each student will distinguish between Noun Phrases, Verb Phrases, and Adjective Phrases (measured by a drawing S-Bar Tree Structures and corresponding Nodes).

2. Students will write out Bloom's stages of second language acquisition and describe language development in bilinguals (measured by a multiple choice test question).

3. Each student will clearly and correctly write out the different language styles spoken among diverse social-economic groups (measured by an essay question).

4. Each student will discuss syntax and discourse structure about simple and complex sentence structure and discourse construction (measured by performance evaluation, i.e. class presentation).

5. Each student will name their favorite college English teacher (complete the sentence test).