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Tuesday, May 20th, 2003 10:24 AM

    You're probably gonna think I'm a dork for doing this but I was really bored and had almost nothing better to do. lol. I really had fun making this for you, hope you like it, just tell me what else you'd like on the page and it'll be no problem! Hopefully, everything works out for us in the near future, I like you a lot.

   You can lemme know when you want me to show those things to you in soccer, it'll be no problem, and congrats again on making the traveling team!

Friday May 20th, 2003 10:12 PM

     Hmm... hopefully you get back from the party early enough for me to give this page to you, I was going to tell you on MSN but I kind of wanted to be able to talk after, you were in a bit of a hurry. Just one thing I want you to remember before you make your decision, think about if you will be happy first, don't act on impulse that's how people get hurt. Anyway I'm dead tired im just going to turn the volume all the way up so if you sign in I'll hear it.

-  Justin




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