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Dragon & Slayer: Dolarhyde/Graham Red Dragon Slash

I am the Dragon and you call me insane?
Before Me you are a slug in the sun.
You are privy to a great Becoming and you recognize nothing.
You are an ant in the afterbirth.

It is in your nature to do one thing correctly: before Me you rightly tremble.
Fear is not what you owe Me.

You owe Me awe.

let's chase the dragon.

15 nov 02

d/g pic

13 nov 02

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Please don't use the graphics in any other sites without permission. Thank you.

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All manipulations, graphics and stories in this site are done for self-indulgence and do not make any profit.
If you sue me, the Dragon will bite you.

become on 15 nov 2002
© 2002 ilya

An affiliate site of Mind/Krime

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