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Goku's Profile
Goku's Puzzle Challenge
Food Humor

Gohan's Profile
Get A Ph.D
My Pet

Goten's Profile
Dedication to My Homie
Phone History



Okay, I've been thinking a while on how to make this better. Vegeta is stubborn but I've been trying to talk him into meshing G3X in with Etx. Right now there is just a lot of crap on this site and the only thing I think people enjoy looking at it the riddles and possibly the food humor. So I might redo the site to be just me or something (boys have lives; they don't really care about webpage stuff ^_~). But yeah, just so you know what's going on!

Remember, anything you see on this site is free for you to take. We do ask that you tell us though and ask permission on our original stuff (like my food section). We can't stop you from stealing but we hope that you at least have the good sense not to. And once again, If you have any questions or comments you can always send them via email and we'll do what we can to help you out. Enjoy! -Goku

Ego Trip X!