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Ego Trip X


Vegeta's Profile
Links Section
Link To "Us"


Majin Coloring Book
Fan Art
Comedic Control
Fan Fiction


26 Second Salute
Best Anime Character Awards
War Salute 2003
Vegeta's "Pick" of the Month


Fighting Section
About Me
Contact Me
Vegeta Alliance
The Ultimate DBZ/Anime Store
DBZ Paradoies
Ego Trip X Club

Layout Provided By

The DragonBall Coffee Table


Welcome to Ego Trip X. July is the time for summer and summer means relaxing. RELAX DAMMIT! Anyway, this site is all mine. Dedicated to the one, the only, you got it... Vegeta-sama! Me! YEAH! ... Don't like it? FUCK YOU! GET OFF MY SITE! Anyway, for all the others still here, hope you enjoy it. Not that I really care but you know how it is. If something doesn't work email me and tell me so I can fix it. Also, if you have something to show me or you just want to bug me, well yeah, you can do that too. Don't ask for autographs... I don't give them. Okay now get out of my face... I have stuff to do.

Subject: There is Nothing
Posted By: Vegeta-sama
Date: June 9, 2003

There's no updates yet mostly because I have no idea what I want to do. Gah, running a site is so tedious...

Subject: What?
Posted By: Goku-san
Date: June 9, 2003

Hey hey Vegeta! You should let me do something on your site. I have lots of ideas. Like um... um... um... yeah!

Subject: Ugh
Posted By: Vegeta-sama
Date: June 20, 2003

Ugh. I don't feel like I've been doing anything productive. I have pictures to scan still. I think I might do a creation's image page of all the things I've done (like the titles and stuff). I hate to do this but what do you think Kakarott? How do you like this anyway? I think I like it okay but I still need more stuff. Maybe I'll add a picture of the month or something. I don't know. I have been working on ETX Season 2 so I haven't really been thinking of anything. I still feel this page lacks something though... I wish I knew what.

Subject: Um...
Posted By: Goku-san
Date: June 21, 2003

Um, well I've been really busy with my site. Goten has gone crazy on it really. He's put up lots of stuff like pictures and even a dedication to Trunks. Hey Vegeta, I like your site. It has a nice relaxed feeling to it now. Taking a break huh? ^_^ Don't freak. You're site is doing good. Maybe you could put a guest book up? Just a thought...


"I want to soak up life for a while in 'laid-back mode'..."- Kenny Chesney

To My #1 Loyal Subject

Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition of copyrighted motion pictures and video tapes (this includes images taken from the videos). The Federal Bureau of Investigation investigates allegations of criminal copyright infringement.
So for all you morons out there here is what this means: I do not own these pictures. Do not use them for commercial purposes or claim them as your own UNLESS you drew them yourself. I will not take responsibilty for your stupidity.