|**DA ..:-RICAN-:.. BOI**|

Well I am From CT yea yea Reppin da 203 Bridgeport and New Haven right quick. Born and raised here , been here long long time. Go to College here too, gettin my education on nah mean at Southern CT State Univ. ( GO OWLS) I am Majorin In Communications for now but I aint sure what I wanna be just yett. Bout to change my major AGAIN for like da 4th time or might just minor is Graphic Design...

Um I am a REGULAR nikka I guess MAD COOL PERSON, ALWAYS on dat real shyt. DONT BS aint got time for dat. I be chyllin and coolin it. Chyllin wit me peeps crakin dem jokes, actin a fool havin good times, chyllin wit my family doin the home and bonding thang

Things I be doin: well I love me some music in my life, love to dance, I am always doin some kinda dance all da time.Tryin to work on my Harmlem Shake nah mean, I can do a lil something something now:). Like movies, like workin on my page and being up on da net meetin Cool Peeps and basically buggin around and actin a fool.

..: Likes :..
 Sleepin [ nap long time ]
 Eating [ o0o0o where da grubb at ]
 Chyllin and Coolin it
 Havin Fun [ long time ]
 Actin a Fool [ jokes for days ]
 Music , Dancin [ go me go me ]
 Web Designin
 Being me [ 24-7-52 ]

..: Dis Likes :..
 Arrogant Peeps
 Fake Peeps
 Peeps Dat B S wit Shyt
 Peeps Dat Play Wit My Emotions

Emotion<---Lonely and Sad. My draws is solo for long time now and I miss havin someone to hold and C-U-D-D-L-E witt just lay downand hold da person tight look intotheir eyes feel their body warmth and feel their heart beating up againts my chest or wrappin my arms around their body and holdin their hands. Damn I got it badd.....

..:||| My Con Tacts |||:..
 Hotmail ~ da_rican_boi
 Aol IM ~ aerodudeosj
 Yahoo IM ~ aerodudeosj
 Migente.com ~ Da-Rican-Boi
 Daflaava.net ~ DaRicanBoi

please come CORRECT
if not dont Hitt me up I gots me enough DRAMA I really dont need no more
got family DRAMA school DRAMA job DRAMA (dont have a job dats da drmama) friend DRAMA relationship DRAMA (dont have one dats da drama) and my own personal emotions DRAMA

..: Wish List :..
[1] I Wish for WOrld Piece [hahahha]
[2] I wish [long time] for my credit card to GO AWAY
[3] I wish for a "Blanket" [read my poem]
[4] I wish to drop out and be a stipper [where dem dollaz at($20)]
[5] I wish for Cable TV
[6] I wish my computer was HETEROsexual
[7] I wish I did not have body hair [o0o0o I looka likea Warre Wolf.. and da moon aint even Full]
[8] I wish I was not as slow as I am [I got issues I had no friends when I was a child]
[9] I wish for a Belt that fits [I am anerexic (by accident) and my belt is HUGE pants FALL OFF all da time]
[10] I wish for a Dell computer [Buy It 4 Me]

..: PICS :..


...[ Click Worthy ]...


~~ Blogg ~~

o0o ok I went to da movies last night with my school. It was this program councial shyt. All my peeps went and it was only 2 dollas so we jumped quick on it ya know. We went to go see IDENTITY. That movie is MAD GOOD. EVERY ONE should go see it, its hott as hell yo. I liked it alot. I was a lil lost at da end but ITS MAD GOOD. Its keeps you thinking through da whole movie. ITS HOTT.
I am also a lil mad [angered] WHY o WHY o WHY this damn dude keep botherin me? 1st he was in da comp lab right and he was like come here is this you [he had my yahoo photo album on his screen] I am like yea..... 2nd I am goin back to school right and he like ORLANDO [wait he dont even know me and he gon call me like he do] I am like yea, he like o0o my boy Matt wanna talk to you and stuff... I LEFT then I am in da building and some gurl he was wit was like WHY u keep leaving. I am like I got things to do [damn why cant they leave me alone] I dont know her I dont know dat damn dude and I dont know who the Bloody Hell Matt is. Then on da bus ride to da movies last night, my friend was like Orlando come here and then the gurl sitting next to her was like she wanted to hook me up wit some "FINE DUDE". I am like EH and go back to my seat. LIKE WHAT DA BLOOD, I dont be likein when peeps be tryin tp play MATCH MAKER Peeps tellin my business to otha peeps like FUCK DA FRAIL SHYT! Damn Bloody Fuckas! [My LIfe]

Today Today Today, well its raining [perfect nap weather] I had me bloody InterView for the C.A. [conference position] Dont let the name full you da job is bunch of BS but its cool ya know. Well I went to the interview early and everything and why I had to WAIT like 20 mins, like what da blood. N E Way, I go in right and I had the JOB last summer so it was mad quick but she was like "Orlando for da people who worked last summer I always ask da directors about the person and they all said the same thing about you" I am like OK "They said you are a good kidd BUT [yea there is a BUT] You have an attitude" lol ya know I had a big GRIN on my face. She was like "How do you explain this." I was like " Well I speak how I feel so.." she was like o0o0o OK well I well send the letter next week and blah blah so basically I GOT THE JOB [go me go me go me]
o0o0o the 5th member of my Small Group Comm class was kicked out. Well not kicked out but I am just mad cuz we had to do a presentaion and now since he aint go to like half the meetings the teacher was like maybe he should leave so she takes him out BUT SHE THEN tells him instead of doing the presentation with the group he had to da an essay by himself. WHAT DA BLODD dats not a punishment dats a damn REWARD, I rather do a damn essay then a damn presentation ya know and the presentation is tomorrow WISH ME LUCK [I need dat shyt].

Well I am mad I am styll on campus. I was suppose to be home right now BUT AINT NO ONE come pick me up from school. [I gets No Love] AH well been chyllin wit my patwaa friend Jenn. there was a lil drama last night but dat aint YALL business. lol why was I in da school newspaper. shyt aint no body ask to take my pic but yett I am in the paper MAKE NO SENSE
SCSU students longue in da sun and then all you see is my back side. lol it had to be some gay azz dude who took dat pic [da bloody fucka] its funny cuz I was in english class when I saw that picture and when that picture was taken I was SKIPPING that same english class. lol the sun came out and I aint go to class and I was like 2 minutes away from it haha AH WELL to nice to be in a class room ay know. it said "SCSU students longue in da sun" and dat was what me Jenn and Bianca was doin STR8 LOUNGIN [long time] lol and you know we was TALKIN about someone we was all lookin in da same direction haha :)

Well today da SUN was out agin but like 2 da 5th power yo. But I am mad cuz its suppose to rain and sleet tomorrow like WHAT DA BLOOD. MOther Nature needs some serious HELP. She dont know what da hell to do with herself.X I had me class today just one and she let us out MAD EARLY but me and my group peeps for da class had to meet. [click da pic for larger view] We doin a presentation [well a PANNEL thingy dont ask me what a PANNEL is I dont even know] on ECSTASY.so we was figuring what we was gon do, One group nikka was not even there [might kick him out the group] but we learnin some stuff ya know.

ay yo da SUN came out today. I think mother nature is not mad at me no more I think we COOL now good good:) lol sun comes out white peeps go crazy I saw sandels and shorts (it was not dat HOT it was 60). I ate good today at COnn Hall (school cafe) lol at 1st it wa snasty food and then they took out some chicken nuggets WHAT I got up so fast my friend was talkin to me all in my way I had to MOVE HER AZZ out da way lol then she (Naya compten TWO steppin throwin up da hand signs) she cursed me out like " what da blood dont be pushin me like I aint no body mother fucka shyt what da hell". ALl I know I was in line gettin food. I am mad about it I saw me a GOOD AZZ CAKE it was chocolate and 3 layers. SO ya know I grabb me a piece and WHY o WHY I went to taste it da shyt was HARD HARD long time to da 5th power I was so devastated yo o0o I need help Click Here Go to [State of Our Nation].

My Bloody Computer is bout to get a BEAT DOWN. I aint even playin. Its actin up yo, mad busted to da 5th power. I kicked it and everything I was so mad. lol it got a dent know where da power button is and I got even more mad (angered long time) and I kicked it again now the damn monitor wont work DA BLOODY FUCKA! now I aint got no damn computer (saddness and sorrow) and worst of all I aint got no more PSP7 in my life. What in da blood am I goin to do? I cant make nada no more for a while. da school got da interent so I am cool with dat but no PSP7, they got Adobe PS but dat ish is hard. Ah well I guess I am just gon to have to learn it nah mean. MY LIFE!

I am trying to write this Bloody paper for my english class and its not goin good. I have to write about social commentary and this damn Cuban book we have to read. lol I aint even read the book yett just got like 1/4 done haha. and I styll dont even know what da hell Socail Commentary means, like what da blood! o0o ok let me go try and write anothe paragraph ya know

Ay Yo DRB is back. My bloody fucka of a computer was mad busted (styll is) we (me and my computer) are havin serious Relationship problems yo. I dunno she dont like me no more. I dunno why? ah well bout to get divorced and shyt, she aint gettin no alimony either. um what else NADA just school like always. I am also in some serious DEBT and I am broke to da 5th power yo. This lil website of mines might not be UP and Runnin in a few days (sorrow and saddness) .....O peep my HTML Tutorial DRB HTML Tutorial <--click

I am on SPRING BRAKE YIPPIE right? UM NO! I aint doin shyt MAD BORED all damn day (I aint got no life) I have just been sleepin and eatin 24-7-52. LOL I am tryin to gain some weight before I go back to school and have to be Anerexic again ya know. I aint do none of my homework well shyt I am sayin its SPRING BRAKE da key word in there is BRAKE so dats what I am gon do BRAKE MY AZZ OFF well let me get back to my brakein my azz off UNO

LoL I am mad we had a GROUP meeting Yes you see the WORD Group (grõ õp, n. a number of individuals gathered or classified together) it was at 11:00 today (well yesterday I styll aint go to bed) at the library with the Teacher. Now who u think showed up and who u think did not show up. SHYT none of us did HA me I was SLEEP woke at 1:00 da teacher was mad she was like “ I was there and no one was there I waited till 11:30 GUYS what happened we have to set a time for a meeting.” TOO BAD FOR HER but I did feel bad SORRY TEACH me sorry long time.....

OK… MY LIFE, I went to go eat, CORRECTION I went and made an ATTEMPT to go eat a meal at my College Cafeteria and again it was not successful. I went and got an omelet, a plate of zitties some chicken wings and some fried clams. (Don’t let da dishes full you, they might sound good but this is CONN HALL (café) food may sound good but it don’t look good and for surely don’t taste good). OK THREE PLATES OF FOOD. I ate some of this some of dat and I styll was not SATIFIED. I did not give up I went and got some more chicken some French fries and some nachos. French-fries all soggy chicken was all extra cold for no reason nachos was aight but dat cheese shyt was cold. MY LIFE! All I want is a bloody meal. I was like fuck it after 4 plates and styll no satisfaction. My stomach styll talkin shyt sayin he hungry and I keep tellin him (my stomach) dat I am tryin. So dats it, I am mad about it. I was like da meals was whack to da 5th power (yes 5th power) so I am gon have a good dessert. I went got some chocolate cookies and was gon brake them up and put them in da ice cream MMM MMM GOOD right? NO! I went to get the ice cream the soft kind and I press the handle down for the ice cream to come down and LIQUID came down NOOOOOOO! My life My life. Why me why me? so I was like fuck it get the hard kind right? NO I did and the shyt was NASTY dat was not ice cream not made wit milk n e ways that shyt was made wit water yo. But I stole like 10 chocolate cookies and left. And I am mad my BLOGG is just about food DATS SAD yo but leave me ALONE!…..

Well Well, ok I am mad about it (yes Da Rican Boi is angered 2 da 5th power) why I came back from da weekend and I am da last to know that I had "phone sex" (see da qoutations) wit my boi. Hmmmmm damn I am heated I did all dat and dont even remember, but I guess my roommate feels he knows what I do and can recall my phone convo Better then me. He took it upon himself to tell mad peeps (peeps I dont even associate wit) that I had phone sex and made me out to be all nasty in shyt. NAH YO I aint da one. Duh it was all a LIE but I am just mad he a mad Gossip Queen and told peeps dat had no business knowin even if I Did have phone sex nah mean. But ITS ALL good cuz if some BS shyt like dat happen again o0o0o0o u best Believe files will be pulled yea da whole fileing cabinet too. Cuz mad ish bout him could be said (but I am not a gossip queen like he is) but next time I will speak but my shyt will be FACTUAL information unlike the exaggerated Bull Shyt he leash out onto world So yea.....

Why O Why O WHY I had me a PRESNETATION today for class. Now me personally I dont like to presen. (hate da shyt) I never do it I always just get a ZERO (whatever yo) but this class today I had to its a PRESENTATIONS class so no escapin it plus my gurl Jenn was my parnter so HAD TOO. We was 2nd to go and why the peeps that went 1st WENT ALL OUT they ha props, hand out, had dunkin doughnuts, backery shyt handed out Blow Pops wit dam quotes attached , they shook every one hands in class LIKE IT AINT DAT SERIOUS but it was good real good so now I am like o damn. Me and Jenn no props (sike prop my nutts) no kinda candy or food for da class (shyt I am broke I am tryin to feed myself) and for damn sure aint shake no body hands (what I look like). we did ours so fast i was mad nervous got it done and quick peeps before us was like 20 min we was like 5 mins short and sweet fukk da frail shyt. then after we present the teach was like FEEDBACK (yea I feed my foot to da back of her azz0. and we had to hear all da BS the students thought bout our presentation like I ACTUALLY CARED so ah well I guess we got a C (if dat).

Ok Ok Ok my rican draws is mad now cuz I went to go eat at Conn Hall (college cafe) and I am ANGERED (to da 5th power) dat I ate BREAD & Beef wit some water. Like what da b0old yo I aint in jail. And before, I was in da line right and when the lady swipe my card it said I had 17 meals left like its bl0ody friday and I got 17 meals left and its da end of da week Yo I need me a DAMN REFUND in my life. Sch0ol got me payin all this money and I dont even be eatin da b0old azz f0od I am bout to holla at my CONGRESSMAN cuz da ish aint right!

Blah Blah Blah! mad bloody snow for no reason yo MOTHER NATURE bout to get it yo cuz I am bout to fight da biotch str8 life. N E WAYS, whats nu wit me? NOT A DAMN thing just got bl0ody sch0ol work gotta write a whole 5 page paper by lata today (lets see if I do it) as ya can see I am writing this blo0dy BLOG thingy and not doin da work right now (so sad) but its cool though cuz I am bout to DROP OUT and be a bloody stripper {after I work out, tan out, and wax all this body hair out} Nah mean love to dance so why not I get to dance all night and have bunch of women put $20 billz down my pants (yea $20 not no $1 what I look like TRINA) But I aint feelin den G STRINGS nah nah nah dat aint for me yo I am gon get busy wit some BOXER BRIEFs and a WIFE BEATER... well let me go now aighty uno.

Well well well, it be dat day DAY OF LOVE pah sike ur mind aint no LOVIN goin on ova here YUP YUP DA RICAN BOI is SOLO like always no candy no flowers (I dont like them just sayin) not even a BESITO (aaaww bendito) I know but its gon be ok I will be ok...... but what is even SADDER I never had a bloody VALENTINE (sniffles) tsk tsk my bloody LOVE life ya know what da problem is wit my LOVE LIFE I AINT GOT ONE! ok ok enough emotional DRAMA (sniffles) I will be ok like I said b 4... n e ways I am goin 2 da movies BYE BYE BYE....

~~ E Mail Da DRB ~~
Send N E Comments My Way

~~ Dumb Shyt I Do ~~

1. I was walkin up da stairs to go into my building. Now in our dorm rooms we have an ID CARD we have to swipe (like a credit card) and put our code to get into our dorm buildings. NOW why o why? My dumb as goes and instead of takin out da CARD I take my key out and I am lookin for da key hole, now I am getting mad like WHERE DA DAMN KEY HOLE I am pushin da buttons and then I am like o0o0o0o0o0o0o no key hole its da card I have to use so SWIPE IT

2. I just finished eatin a steak and cheeze pop tart WAIT dat don’t sound right steak and cheeze HOT POCKET there we go ok from the microwave and ya know how ya have time left from heating the hot pocket and it just stays there sayin like 2:13 (minutes left of cookin) well I ate da hot pockett (it was good) but like 5 mins lata I am like what time is it I go look at da microwave time and I am like WHAT DA HELL it 2:13 in da mornin WHY what da fuck I am movin all around do room all confused, and my friend was like Orlando no dats da time u have left to cook its 11:05 not 2:13 I am like o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o (me slow long time)...

3. I am sitting down on this very chair, now this chair is broken it has 5 leg parts and one is broke off NOW the broken part was facin the back so when i tired to lean back and relax I almost fell back so my BEING SO SMART and all I put the broken part facin da front so I can lean back and it be safe RIGHT? um NO! I went to go type something and went closer to da computer screen to see better and BAM! I fell forward and my forhead got introduced to da bloody keyboard. I got the letters F, G ,H,J inprinted on my forhead now

4. OK I got a credit card in da mail. I AINT GOT NO JOB but yett they sent my Rican Azz a CREDIT CARD (ya know AMERICA aint right). I knew I should just throw it away but it looked so BEAUTIFUL had my name on it and evrything. So I used it, used it some more and more, lol this web site ur on right now was purchased wit da card. Now the credit limit is $600 and why o why I have a balance of $606.87 but dont tell no one. I AM SLOW I KNOW. ps: Orlando Soto Jr. will be acepting small (or large) DONATIONS.

5. Why I woke up mad late. it was 9:00 and I had class at 9:25. So I ran to go take a shower right. I am sayin I was mad sleepy and I aint know what I was doin. I am in da shower and taking off my cloths and I am noticing some different things. The shower was different. The shower head was different. I am like what da blood. and then I hear a Gurl talking, I am like WHAT DA BLOOD dat heifier in here for her nasty azz. lol then I was thinking for a mintue..... o0o0o0o0o0o I WAS IN DA GURL SHOWER ROOM I was like O SHYT... I aint no want to do so I washed da balls and butt right quick. Got dressed and was OUT lucly no one saw me haha.

6. OK on campus they gave out these packages right and in the packages tey had mad shyt in them. One of the things was a sample of Nair. ok so I was like cool I got mad body hair I am bout to try this and see how it works. so I am thinkin like where should I try it at. Not my face cuz if its messes up everybody and they mama gon see so I was like fuck it I am gon try it on my pubs. So I did and why o why I was havin some serious Difficulty, da shyt was not workin right at all and it was kinda burnin. All I know is some hair was left in some parts and some parts were bald. Now I am all spotted up lookin like a damn leopard [My Life].

OK OK keep dis shyt between ME and YOU so DON’T TELL NOBODY!

~~ E Mail Da DRB ~~

Send ur Dumb Shyt Dat u DO and I will Display them here come on I dont Want to be alone with this OK :)

~~ Featured Dumb Shytin Peeps ~~

I got up at 6 a.m. and I started to get dress to go to school . I'm all rushing because didn't wanna be late to class so I and 4 rushin left my notes, pens, and my assigments. when I got out my house and i got 2 da subway I swiped my school metrocard and I couldn't go tru.I sudden felt da my bag felt mad lite .I looked insde . I didn't see my schools things and my metrocard wasnt working .I was like I need an answer for this and I saw my friends mom and she asked me u got school on saturdays I was like shytt!. no wonder, and I felt mad supid.

++ Da--Rican--Boi' Poetic Skillz ++

Too many nights I have spent so cold
Loud whispers of shivers my heart has told
Desire for warmth to cover my heart’s pain
Wish for my blanket to shelter from sorrow's rain
Much cold I feel alone at night
Blanket arrive in my arms make my heart shine bright
Soft blanket of my heart cover me
Let me hold you feel the warmth from me
Cuddle so gentle passion so strong
Wrapped in my blanket I feel no wrong
Tight and firm I shall hold onto you
To let you go my heart will never do
Past loves did end and brought me fast fear
So shy am I but my love is here
I seem to hide but blanket it is true
Warmth in my heart has risen for you
Grip of love and warmth I give
Shelter from blanket helps my heart live
Blanket of mine I care so deep
In my arms my blanket I will always keep

Light Of My Candle
Feel its heat and starts my light
Its warmth shines through my darkest night
Keeps warm all emotions around
Love very near can be seen and found
Brights up life and keeps it burning strong
Needs the heat to continue or wont last long
Time passes by, still light shines
White light of love I feel as mines
Shimmering is so strong, the light is bright
Love still strong through the blackest night
Feel heat goes soft something seems awry
Light of my candle now breathes a sigh
Light starts to flicker room dimmers down
Heat of light slowly starts moving around
Begin to feel distance from heat of light
All feeling of love dimmer from sight
Emotions seem to fade and white goes gray
Heart will go dark if no light comes my way
All became dark and can't see light about
Love is gone; light of my candle is out

I Thought Was True
At first was a friend but stronger love I did send
The true love for you made my sadness end
Then feelings you sent gave life to my soul
Such strong love I felt I no longer feel low
You were imbedded in my soul and engraved in my heart
I hoped on high to hold you and never brake apart
Crave to see you and feel you close
Addicted to your love I love you the most
Sweet emotions of heart slowly leave strong
Something went awry something feels wrong
My love of heart slowly fades away
I thought love was true that it was here to stay
Fast it was gone fast my heart dropped
Sorrow and sadness in my soul I wish would stop
I sit still in shook your words brake through
The anger you send but what did I do
I beg for forgiveness I want you so much
Love of heart backs away but your heart I want to touch
Thought love was true I wanted it to last
Now sweet love of my heart becomes a sadden past

Past Love of Heart
Love from a past heart I thought did end
In sight of past love, and heart shines bright again
Past words from past love had brought sorrow
But new feelings of action brings hope for tomorrow
True feelings once felt strong I did hide
Love of past heart brings emotions by close side
So near are we now felt love through skin
Hand in hand I feel past love within
Makes soul shake strong and now heart runs scared
Will past repeat itself has me feeling fast fear
Past love of heart softly rests head on me
Body shivers once more in such ecstasy
I kiss so soft the hand of past love of heart
I hold on high strength. I don t want to brake apart
Such love of past heart has risen so strong
So scared of heart again feeling much wrong
Should I try a new chance to be wit you
Give my heart so scared and wanting too
For now I breath a sigh and sit stillto wait
To see sign ofpast love with love will be great

The Light
I am feeling quite sad today
Sorrow has swept itself my way
Depression hits hard and has me chained down
So much grief has me from moving around
My mind is darkened and won`t find light
Searching to know if it`s day or night
Walls are closing in on my brain
Is this a sign of going insane
Sitting down silent, still and all alone
Need help can`t do it on my own
Help to see what is plaguing me
When the answer is known I can be set free
Set free from the fright and my darkened mind
The light of day I need to find
Being in the shadows has me in obfuscation
Causing me too much aggravation
For the light is not in sight
And causes me pain and fright
My hope goes toward one thing
To find the light so my mind can sing

All Alone Again
All alone again wishing it would end
Sweet love of heart I wish someone would send
Hope on high for someone to hold
How much longer can this sorrow unfold
No one around, joy drags deeply down
Voice of love seems to never make a sound
My eyes mirror so strong past sore
Highly crave a love, I cant take it no more
Through sun such sorrow, through moon I cried
To see light of love so much I have tried
No hearts of feelings are felt about
Emotions of sadness I wish were out
Much pain within my heart cries sorrow
Need not to be alone today not tomorrow
Wish to hold on high and comfort so strong
Hold tight love of heart, hold on so long
Beg on faith to send so quick love true
Hold of forever my love I shall do
All alone again so sad I just lay
To have love in my arms I wait and stay

Distant Crush
Sit still pondering on a distant crush
So quick so fast my heart begins to rush
True thoughts of love my heart has brought
True love of crush my soul has cuaght
Only can dream to be by crush`s side
Not in sight but not cause you hide
Too far away it is you stay
To think true of that sweet fine day
When crush of you can be shared
When feeling of mine will show I care
For now I wait with you in mind
Thoughts of you, heart jumps shows the sign
Of love of crush will one day be near
Whispers of warm heart I shall hear
High hope has heart so very filled
Thoughts of you shows sweet soul great chills
Distant crush of heart you just wait
One day in sight together shines great
True to say one day it shall be
Distant crush will be in front of me

Holla Aint No Stoppin Me
Copy Written So Dont Copy Me

To see more of my poems go to
Poetry.com and search my name Orlando Soto

~~ E Mail Da DRB ~~

Send Me a poem u made and I will display it here I will pick my fav every week (poem should be no more then 20 lines please:)

~~ Featured Poet ~~

Hassan Souto [click worthy]





~~ Domain Info ~~

 Domain DaRicanBoi.com
 Creator Orlando Soto Jr.
Web [dot com] (dont recomend)
 Started Feb-06-03
 Layout Version 4.1
 Graphics Photo Shop Pro 7
 Colors Gray, Red, White, Black
 G Book Simply-Darling [dot net]
 Counter Cgispy.com
 TagBoard Tag-Board.com
 On Rotation Lumidee "Never Leave You (Uh-Oh)" Thanks to DRAZTIKBEATZ

Hitts ~~ online

..: Linkz :..

[All Links Will Open In New Window]
DRB HTML ] [ Xpresshtml ] [ Draac ] [ DHTML Shock ] [ HTML Tester ] 

~~Web Servers~~
 [ Altruistic-Host ] 

 [ Beautiful-Sin ] [ A-B-Z.net ] [ Vbrush ] 

~~Community Sites~~
 [ BlackPlanet ] [ Migente ] [ Daflaava ] [ BlackVoices ] 

~~Dot Komers~~
 [ Ms_Jukie ] [ Akademix ] [ Abstruse-Mind ] [ Star-Fallen ] [ Hassan Souto ] [ Nick M. ] 

..: Daily Plugg :..

[ G2K ] [ Booby ] [ Tommy Boi ] [ Iced Outt ]

..: Link Exchange :..

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ur Site | Ur Site | Ur Site | Ur Site | Ur Site | Ur Site

..: Link Me :..

Well this be my lil banner if ya feel my page ya can link me dat da code right there just copy and paste nah mean

~~ Games ~~

Play Snake ..:] 

 [:.. Play Puzzel ..:] 

 [:.. Play Tetris ..:] 

 [:.. Play HangDude ..:] 

 [:.. Play Buzzy ..:] 

 [:.. WallPapers ..:] 

 [:.. G B0ok ..:] 

 [:.. Message Board ..:] 

.::|| DRB HTML Tutorial ||::.

~~ Knowledge ~~

[ *Ecstasy* ]

[ Background ]
ECSTASY [also known as MDMA] was patented in Germany in 1914. Here it was given to psychiatric patients to assist in psychotherapy. There was the claim that MDMA helped the patients become more in touch with others and opens channels of communication.

[ Effects ]
Symptoms include confusion, sleep problems, anxiety, teeth clenching, tongue and cheek chewing, short- term memory loss, blurred vision, headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, nausea and vomiting, increase in body temperature, increase in heart rate, dehydration, depression and fatigue that can last a week, and hangovers that can last days to weeks.

In some cases, either severe or due to abuse of the drug can cause, possible psychological crisis requiring hospitalization (psychotic episodes and severe panic attacks), possible liver toxicity, brain damage, acne like rash, paranoia during and sometimes weeks after, muscular breakdown, kidney failure, cardiovascular failure, stroke, seizures and it can also be fatal (2 per 100,000 users of MDMA have extreme negative reactions resulting in death).

[ Production ]
MDMA is mostly produced in the Netherlands and in Belgium, but some MDMA is produced in New England as well. In April 2001, police arrested a man who had 60 MDMA tablets in Stonington CT, and cops later discovered that the man had an MDMA laboratory that was capable of producing significant amounts of the drug. The man was selling the drug to users in CT and RI.

According to the New England HIDTA, law enforcements indicate that information on the internet pertaining to that production of MDMA may be used to facilitate regional production. MDMA production is very difficult but can be made by many young people, assuming that they can obtain the necessary chemicals. Producers can use the internet to identify suppliers of these chemicals and to obtain recipes and instructions on MDMA production.

[ Transportation ]
Israeli and Russian criminal organizations control most of the smuggling of MDMA into the United States and its transportation within the country. MDMA is smuggled from European air hubs by mail, airfreight shipments, couriers aboard commercial airline flights. Most shipment is sent to New York city and is then distributed throughout New England.

 In March 2000 , a Canadian man was arrested at a Boston’s Logan International Airport containing 15,000 MDMA tablets strapped around his waist. He had received his tablets from Brussels Belgium.

 In April 2000, $4,5 million worth of MDMA was seized in Boston. [largest MDMA seizure in history] Customs officials arrested two Israeli citizens who had received the MDMA from a shipment by express mail, from Paris to Boston.

 In May 2001, a college student from CT was arrested after receiving a package of MDMA sent from a supplier in the Czech Republic. The student met the supplier on an international educational exchange program.

 In December 2000, 5 teenagers were arrested for selling MDMA at a pizza outlet in Glastonbury, CT.

[ Distribution ]
Israeli and Russian criminal organizations that coordinate the smuggling of MDMA into the United States. Dominican organizations are becoming increasingly involved as well in the distribution of MDMA.

Caucasian, middle-youth aged 18 to 25 control most of the retail distribution in New England. Distribution of MDMA occurs most at Raves and nightclubs in CT, RI, MA, and NH.

[ Usage ]
MDMA usage rose from 2.8% to 4.7% between the years 1997-1999, an increase of 69%. This increase was observed by college students. In 2000 a studied showed that college students who use MDMA were more likely to use marijuana, engage in binge drinking, smoke cigarettes, and have multiple sex partners.

 In a survey taken in 2001, 9.2% of 12th graders, 6.2% of 10th graders and 3.5% of 8th graders reported taking MDMA.

 Emergency room data indicate that MDMA is increasingly used by marijuana users, with reports of MDMA in combination with marijuana increasing from 8 in 1990 to 796 in 1999.

 Ecstasy tablets seized by the Drug Enforcement Administration increased from 13,342 in 1996 to 949,257 in 2000.

 The 1998 survey is the latest for data relating to MDMA use. It found that an estimated 1.5 percent (3.4 million) of Americans had used MDMA at least once during their lifetime. By age group, the heaviest use (5 percent or 1.4 million people) was reported for those between 18 and 25 years old.