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Ok. It's half cocked. I pulled it out of my ass. The point is, this is an example of what we plan (or at least what I plan) to accomplish in this club. That isn't really a club. But who cares?! Certainly not me. So what if it pulses? Its my first time creating an animation using real techniques. Zul pulses too. And I did him on computer paper.

Ok, here's the laydown. If all you want to do is sit and watch anime, get out. We will NOT be doing this on a regular basis. That is only a reward for good behavior. Yes, I am a bitch, when the times call for it.

Things I would suggest getting for this club, since we should all try to pitch in: transparencies, sharpies, standard computer paper, acrylic paint, pencils (preferrably blue lead, they erase better and don't show up as starkly as regular graphite), and erasors. Most of these things we can get at Staples for pretty cheap.

Can't draw people? Who cares. If you can color in the lines and make pretty background pictures you will be one of our most valued members. We (or at least I) will worship you.

I want this to be a democracy. Hopefully, as we get furthur along in the year, and if we don't all kill eachother first, every week will be someone else's turn to come up with a gameplan. I'll give out the user name and password to this site so we can just post everything here. Its a good way to keep in touch, seeing as most of us (as far as I know) don't see eachother on a day to day basis.

In conclusion, I am a ranter. If you have any questions, feel free to AIM me at either BDGAkuma or TheSnowyBiscuit (don't ask), or if you have msn, look me up by my e-mail address However, if you want to send me an e-mail, send it to Chances are I'll get it at that address faster than my other. Hmmm...other than that, just look for me. I currently have A lunch, and am usually roaming Main Street between classes.

Thank you, and good night! ^^