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Site Shop version 2.0 is finally here! Check it out! I edited a lot of the features and I scraped the old borrowed wizard and put in a nice original wizard complete with some templates. I also retrofitted the lyout to make it better for 800 by 600 users. I will be adding some codes to it soon. Thats all for now.

CurryKnight: A True Barbarian! Hello Barbarians of all sorts, It is I CurryKnight formerly OneLilLeprachaun! I have changed my name because I have outgrown the need for a screen name created in the 8th grade! I have also given up on my Interactive Leprechaun game, not because of the name change but because the coding was all wrong and I don't have time to go through and fix it all!
Peo and I have started on a new project together! We are working on a little gem titled Site Shop! It is a notepad type application except it is mainly focused toward the creation of web-site things!
Till next time Barbarians Good Night
P.S. I am also gonna include a screesaver I have made! Warning: It is not the greatest and it stutters at times, but it is the first true Barbarian Software dowload! It will be posted on a downloads page when Peo has some time! So download the file HERE for now!

Well Im back on the web site again. Sorry I have not updated this site in a while becuse my focus lately has been on ste shop. It is pretty nice and it is almost done. The first version will be on this site by the end of the week and I will try to have most of this site fixed up by then also. I know I need to make two new buttons for the nav bar and fix the bottum one. I aso need to fix come fonts. I dont think I will redo the nav bar for a little while atleast. I just need to redo all of the images and upload them and retype in some code again to get rid of the quirks. But it is all finally coming togehter. I have been neglecting this site I just checked and we are on several serch engines now and have recieved quit a bit of traffic. Right now my msn is messed up and my firewall is quite annoying. Thats the price you pay for a new compter I guess. Be sure to stop by soon when site shop is uploaded!

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