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Press Statement

First off, Britain would like to extend its
sincere respect to each
European country.  Secondly,   we
would like to offer our condolences to
Austria-Hungary regarding the loss of
Archduke Franz Ferdinand.  

We have witnessed the beginnings of
an extremely miltaristic war.  Let
it be stated now that Great Britain will
not be offensive in their
military dealings.  Be assured,
however, that the world's largest navy
will not be silent should a world power
feel that we are an easy target.
It is our intent to protect our
boundaries and those of any potential
allies against the threat of a
dominating European power.  

Thousands of young Britons stand
ready to assist in this Great War.
Though these may be the times that
try men's souls and tear one European
from another, let there be no doubt
that a strong unified Europe will
arise, with Britain still maintaining the
power it holds today.  

Great Britain Team:
Cara Leviner
Brittany McManus
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The Empire on Which the Sun Will Never Set
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