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Hey People


Name: Brandon
Born: May 12, 1983
Age: 21 ( days til my 22nd birthday )
Location: Utah
Stats: 5'11 165 lbs
Education: Philosophy, and Psychology
Occupation: Managing a pizza resturant, college, free lance loan shark, and real estate
Enjoys: Music, guitar, concerts, bars, kittens, tattoos, piercings, life, poetry, conversation, new people, Mitch Hedburg, random use of profanity, coffee, art, freedom, diversity, respect, sex, deep thought, using complex language, vacations, islands, roadtrips, beer, psychadellics, ect..........
Dislikes: Hate, closed minds, racism, prejudice, judgemental people, intolerance, disrespect, Liars, aparthied, slavery, homophobic people, my phucking memory at times.
Music: Rock, blues, jazz, alternative, punk, metal, hardcore, hip hip, jungle, trance, ambient, almost any.

Brandon is known to enjoy life in all possible ways, and often rambles on and on from lack of sleep. He is a frequent user of the public transit system beacause the assholes at the parole office are predjudice. He collects rare cd's, magic cards, candle holders, scars, tattoos, cigars, and guitars. Favorite colors include purple, blue, and yellow.

'I phucking love all of you people. Yeah!'

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