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Alex Stevens has been in the WWE for a little over a month and it is becoming obvious that Alex Stevens is really starting to get anxious to get some gold around his waste. Things can only get interesting from here.

-/|End Forward|\-

-|[Roleplay Title]|-
-|[The Featured Attraction backstage]|-

After hearing what B-Boy had to say before the show cuts to commercial and when it comes back. Alex Stevens is shown in the backstage area watching some footage from last weeks Smackdown.

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Stevens in the back

Stevens is watching the end of Mordecia's match with B-Boy and a huge smile comes across his face.

-|[Alex Stevens]|-
Mordecai stands no chance tonight...that stupid piece of shit couldnt even beat Bitch Boy...Man...I just don't understand why this match was made...looks like I am going to just add one more win to the record tonight.

Stevens seems as if he is excited and then starts to walk out of the locker room. As Stevens walks down the hall he is confronted by Terri Runnels.

-|[Terri Runnels]|-
Excuse me...Alex just wondering if I could get a quick interview with you to get your thoughts about your match with Mordecai...What do you think your chances are going into this match?

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Quick Interview

-|[Alex Stevens]|-
Hold up there just a second...Terri...Did you just call me Alex...No...No...No...It's Mr.Stevens to you...But sure I have a couple minutes to burn...I can talk with you...So you want to know what I think of this match...Well...To be honest I dont think very much of it...Because its not going to take very much to win it...I mean come on know...your taking with the WWE's Featured Attraction...I am the reason that people come to see Smackdown...I am the one that everyone wants to see.

Terri starts to laugh at Stevens and then composes herself again and starts to talk again.

-|[Terri Runnels]|-
I'm Sorry...Alex...I mean Mr. Stevens...But don't you think that you are being a little cocky...I mean Mordecai is a former T.V. Champion...and if I am correct you have not held any gold here in the WWE...have you? Don't you think maybe you should take this match a little more serioulsy

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-|[Alex Stevens]|-
What...You find me funny or something Terri...Well let me tell you something that I find funny...The fact that you are The Biggest most Disgusting, Dirty, Filthy, Ugly, Two Dollar, Bottom-Feeding, Trashbag Hoe...But besides that...I can't believe that you doubt me Terri...Don't you realize I am the King of The World...and as far as Mordecai being a former champ...his reign as champion had to be one of the shortest in the history of the WWE...not to mention the fact that he lost the title to B-Boy...And as far as me holding any gold here in the WWE...Let me explain something to you Terri...the only title I care about is the Heavyweight Championship...I could care less about the US title or the TV title...all those title mean nothing...So you are correct...I havnt held any piece of gold...but when I do it will be the most important piece of gold...The Heavyweight Championship.

Stevens walks away from Terri and the show cuts to a commercial. Coming back from Commercial Steven's new music blares over the PA System and Stevens steps out of the backstage area and has his back turned to the crowd.

WWE Cameras
Stevens emerges from the back

Stevens turns around and smirks at the crowd as they are on their feet cheering for him, Stevens stands there for a minute and then begins to walk to the ring.

WWE Cameras
Stevens walks down to the ring

Stevens continues down to the ring. Stevens climbs the steel steps and then slowly walks along the apron, stopping and posing for the crowd while he hangs on the ropes...

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Stevens Taunts the Crowd

Stevens gets into the ring and struts around while the fans are still on their feet cheering for Stevens. Stevens then signals for a microphone as Lillian Garcia walks over to ringside and hands Stevens a microphone. Stevens holds it up to his mouth, but then drops it back down to his side as he looks in the first row of the crowd. Stevens pauses for a few seconds and then raises the mic back to his mouth

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Stevens Begins To Speak

-|[Alex Stevens]|-
Welcome to Smackdown...and tonight you all have the privledge to watch me do what I do best...kick the living shit out of another loser here in the WWE...Thats right because from the looks of things...The competition around here is scarce...I mean for the love of have Mordecai in the back thinking he has a chance to beat sad is that....But Ladies and Gentlemen...its going to be okay...because The Featured Attraction is here tonight and is going to make this show worth watching.

The fans start chanting Stevens name and Stevens actually pauses for a second and waits for the fans to quiet down. Stevens then raises the mic back up to his mouth and starts to talk agian.

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Stevens starts to talk agian

-|[Alex Stevens]|-
Hold on a second....just wait a god damn second...who told you pieces of trash to cheer for me....Did I tell you to cheer for me...NO...You see I am a Living Legend...and I dont need you people...You people make me sick...You people probably think I am here to make you happy...NO...NO...NO...I am here to prove to the world that I am the greatest...And I am only here in the WWE for myself...Don't you stupid hicks realize that I am the greatest thing that ever happened to sports entertainment...No you people just dont get it...but I have news for you...Its time that everyone realizes just how great I truly am...I have a new manager that I would like to introduce to all of you peieces of trash...And her she is...Terri Rays

Stevens music hits again and a beutiful women steps out from the back and stands at the top of the ramp for a second and starts to walk to the ring

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Terri Rays

Terri Rays slides into the ring and walks into the ring and walks over to Alex Stevens and the two hug and Stevens hands her the mic

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Terri Rays Begins To Speak

-|[Terri Rays]|-
You know Alex is 110% correct...he is the greatest thing and it is about time that all of you realize that...and I am here to make sure that this man makes it to the top no matter what...So be prepared for a new era...because you are going to see Alex Stevens in a whole new light shortly...very shortly...and Mordecai...tonight...just might be your very last night here in the WWE...Because tonight...We plan on ending your career.

Terri Rays throws the mic to the ring guy and Stevens and here hug in the ring and then back up the ramp as there music blares once again through the arena. They both goe through the curtains and then disappears out of sight to the crowd.